..... | When I completed the profile of the Dos Palmos Dragster on this website (see Historic Vehicle Files) I printed off a copy and sent it to Bruce Ropner who had been kind enough to help me with the compilation. He mentioned that he had not seen Peter Godlee, another meber of the Croft Partnership that had owned the car in the UK, for some time, and would make an effort to contact him. He did this and some time later, out of the blue, Peter phoned me and mentioned that he still had his original diaries that he kept from the time and would I like to see them! The pages contained notes, details, press cuttings and the original timing slips. The following pages cover all the material contained in the diaries and I am indebted to Peter for letting me borrow the originals to scan and study.
Links to sections
Pages 4 - 9: Parading for the press, including press cuttings of the teams demonstration runs.
Pages 10 - 14: The 1965 Dragfest, the teams break-up and the arrival of a new driver.
15 - 20: Wild Bill, Asmodeus, World Records and the