The History Of Drag Racing In The UK The idea behind this site is to try and chart the history of Drag Racing in the UK from my own research and with the help of yourselves, the racers and fans who were there at the time. The material here has been gathered from multiple sources, books, magazines, newspapers, programmes, handouts, videos and contributions from visitors to the site, and compiled in a timeline format in order to give a full picture of the development of Drag Racing in this country. I do not claim this to be the absolute definitive history. It's quite likely that there are errors and glaring omissions, please feel free to correct these and add any details you feel should be included. A large part of the content here has been supplied by contributors to whom I am eternally indebted and grateful. The site is updated on an irregular basis and contributions for any part of the site are always welcome. Enjoy your trip down memory lane and e mail me with more details, or just let me know what you think.- Chris Dossett, Trakbytes editor, researcher, compiler and general factotum. My other favorite places to be;
This website is dedicated to the memory of William Peter Dossett