Latest News 23/2/25 |
Here we are then with the first update of 2025, and it comes with the now-obligatory apology for the gap between this and the previous one. Spare time can be a precious commodity. In an effort to keep the Trakbytes archive a mere twenty years behind the times I have concentrated on catching up with all the entries for 2004 as a priority. There are plenty of names and events there that will bring back memories, and more than a few characters who you will still see at the strip today. The majority of the research for this year has come from the archives of With many of the racer websites from this period now gone, and no Drag Racing specific publications available at the time this has been a valuable resource. The news coverage of the day, along with the excellent event live updates from Tog and co. are all still available on the site, and I'm grateful to the current team for maintaining this archive. If anyone has anything they feel should be added to the accounts of this period please let me know. Speaking of Eurodragster, it's good to see the return of the British Drag Racing Historians series of Pioneer Stories with the first of a three part story covering the history of the Beadle Brothers and their. Mick Gleadow and Nick Pettitt have written and edited an interesting and informative article, and I'm sure the rest of the series will continue to provide interest. There are 28 new entries in total this time, the earliest being an update from 1965 that came in just yesterday. I've included a number of entries from uber-contributor Clive Rooms that I've had on file for quite some time. I'm almost at the end of the most recent material that Clive has supplied and I'm very grateful for all the contributions he has made to the site. Details of all the new additions are listed below. If you would like to be added to the mailing list and be among the first lucky people informed of when the site is updated drop me a line at You can find the Trakbytes Facebook page at I post the odd picture and bit of info on there from time to time and often post landmark events from the past on their anniversary dates. Yes I know I haven't updated it much recently, but I will try and remember to do so. If you feel up to it give the "Like" button a click, it really does make me happy. |
The Latest Updates |
Latest News 8/6/24 |
Welcome to the latest update to Trakbytes. Thirty new entries or updates make up this one, the earliest from Long Marston in 1966, and the most recent from the Main Event at Santa Pod a mere twenty years ago. This year was an anniversary for the Main Event, the roots of which can be directly traced back to the UK's first Drag Race meeting sixty years ago, The Big Go, organised by the British Hot Rod Association and run at Duxford. Fellow British Drag Racing Historian Nick Pettitt has produced an excellent article on that event, which has been published on Eurodragster and can be found here. I sometimes get asked about the lack of photos on Trakbytes. I haven't ruled out the possibility of adding more photos in the future. There is a photo archive, and I have been very lucky to receive some great pictures in the past, and they will remain where they are. However I made the decision many years ago to concentrate more on the race reports and information. The main reason was that there are a number of UK sites which concentrate solely on photos, and do it much better than I ever could, you can find links to them on the front page, and there are also many pages on Facebook which have regular postings of historic pictures. I am well aware that in this age of short attention spans and instant gratification this puts Trakbytes at a bit of a disadvantage in the popularity stakes. But that's not really why the site is here. It began as a way of satisfying my own curiosity about the sports past in this country, and in order to see how it all fitted together I put the information I found in a timeline format, something nobody else was doing, and, as far as I'm aware, still isn't. Over the years it grew and grew, and now has possibly become the most "wordy" source of information on the subject that the web has to offer. As such it will remain as a source of reference for anyone who is interested. As I've said before, I would probably carry on even if nobody ever visited the site, but people do, and hopefully they enjoy it. A few actually bother to let me know that they do, which is always appreciated. Details of all the new additions are listed below. If you would like to be added to the mailing list and be among the first lucky people informed of when the site is updated drop me a line at You can find the Trakbytes Facebook page at I post the odd picture and bit of info on there from time to time and often post landmark events from the past on their anniversary dates. If you feel up to it give the "Like" button a click, it really does make me happy. |
The Latest Updates |
Latest News 12/4/24 |
Welcome to the latest update to Trakbytes. Twenty eight updates or new entries this time, which span thirty one years of UK Drag Racing history from 1973 to 2004. A lot of the material for this one has been submitted by two of the sites most prolific contributors, Clive Rooms and Jerry Cookson. I am very grateful to both of them for their efforts, and there's more to come. There's also some more updates to the 1975 section from cuttings in the seventh and final volume of The Retford Scrapbooks, and I've started the 2004 section with an entry detailing the Easter Thunderball and Pro Fuel Shootout. It's possible that future updates will coincide with new entries from twenty years ago also. It all depends on how much spare time I get. Details of all the new material are listed below. If you would like to be added to the mailing list and be among the first lucky people informed of when the site is updated drop me a line at You can find the Trakbytes Facebook page at I post the odd picture and bit of info on there from time to time and often post landmark events from the past on their anniversary dates. If you feel up to it give the "Like" button a click, it really does make me happy. |
The Latest Updates |
Latest News 6/3/24 |
Welcome to the latest update to Trakbytes. The first of 2024 and the largest update on here for quite some time. As I'm sure you've noticed the latest series of Pioneer Stories is in full swing on Eurodragster. If not you really should check it out. This fourth series has provided a great deal of information and stories surrounding the 1964 Dragfests in this the 60th anniversary year of the events that really kick-started the beginning of Drag Racing in the UK. I was privileged to be asked by John Hunt to attend his interview with Alf Hagon at Hagon Products HQ for his story. It was great to sit and listen to Alf recount his memories, with the awesome JAP sitting alongside us. After transcribing the recording John asked if I would take on the task of editing and compling the article, as he had numerous other interviews to sort out. I was happy to accept and My thanks to John for entrusting me with this task, which was a big one, but something that I enjoyed thoroughly. I was also asked to edit and compile another of the articles, that being the Denis Jenkinson story, which had been written by Tony Madgwick, which I also enjoyed and led me down many different paths of research into the fascinating character known as "Jenks".
The rest of the material in this update spans 42 years of UK Drag Racing History from 1961 to 2003. The details of all the updates you can find in the section below. Many events that were previously detailed quite sparsely have been updated, and there are plenty of new entries of meetings where I previously had no details. I've added quite a lot of new material to the 2003 section, which is as far as the archive goes currently. These events are now an astonishing 20 years ago, something I struggled to comprehend as I researched them. I was working on the crew of the Showtime Funny Car in those days, and it really doesn't seem that long ago. If you've bothered to read this far, and are feeling up to it, why not also check out the Trakbytes Facebook page, I post the odd picture and bit of info on there from time to time and often post landmark events from the past on their anniversary dates. If you feel up to it give the "Like" button a click, it really does make me happy. If you would like to be added to the mailing list and be among the first lucky people informed of when the site is updated drop me a line at |
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