Archive Competitor Index

Currently listing 2738 names

All competitors mentioned in the main yearly archive, and results lists, are listed here alphabetically. The links alongside the names will take you directly to the relevant entry in the timeline. The dates of meetings in this list are the first day of that particular event, and not necessarily the date where that racer is mentioned. I have not included entry lists, or any mentions on other pages. Use the Search Tool here to search other places on the site. It is possible that typos from the archive have been carried over to this page. If you find a mistake let me know and I will correct it.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Aartomaa, Timo August 25th 1984

Aasen, Ronny May 24th 2003 Results  May 7th 2004  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results

Aaserud, Ola April 17th 1981

Abbott, Johnny June 18th 1977

Abraham, Dave April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  May 26th 2001 Results

Abrahamsson, Anders July 24th 2003

Ackless, John May 6th 1989

Acock, Robin August 12th 1973 Results  July 21st 1974  April 20th 1975  May 15th 1977

Acott, Dennis October 21st 1972

Adam, Tim July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  May 26th 1990  September 16th 1994 Results  October 8th 1994 Results  June 10th 1995  April 10th 1998  July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  September 11th 1998  May 1st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  September 23rd 2000  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions

Agar, Pat April 20th 1975

Ager, Peter April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results

Ager, Paul April 22nd 1979

Aitkin, Mike April 19th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 25th 1971 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results  May 20th 1972 Results  August 20th 1972  September 9th 1973  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results

Albans, Richard August 23rd 1975 Results  April 29th 1978

Albers, Cord May 3rd 2003 Results

Alderman, R. July 3rd 1965 Results

Aldred, Colin May 1st 1999 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  May 28th 2004 Results

Aldred, Jason  November 1st 2003 Results

Aldred, Justin September 27th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results

Alexander, Andy July 30th 1988

Alexander, D. 1985 BDRA Points

Alexander, M. July 17th 1966

Allard, Alan

Allard, Sydney

Allen, Dave July 17th 1966

Allen, Dennis April 16th 1967  April 16th 1967 Results  July 16th 1967  July 16th 1967 Results  April 21st 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968  June 16th 1968  June 16th 1968 Results  July 21st 1968 Results  July 28th 1968  August 11th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  September 15th 1968 Results  August 16th 1969  August 16th 1969  September 28th 1969 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  July 7th 1973

Allen, Mike 1980 Note  July 18th 1980

Allen, Pete October 2nd 1966  May 28th 1967  June 17th 1967  June 17th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967  August 20th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967  September 17th 1967

Allen, Phillip May 6th 1973  May 6th 1973 Results

Allman, Wayne June 12th 2004 Results

Alonso, Rod September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results  May 5th 1968  May 5th 1968 Results  June 15th 1968  June 15th 1968 Results  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results

Alund, Jimmy September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  2004 European Champions

Amato, Joe November 5th 1988

Ames, Les April 17th 1976 Results

Amos, J. July 17th 1966

Amos, Richard May 24th 2003 Results

Andersen, Tom 25th September 1981 Ladder  September 24th 1982 Ladder

Anderson, F. May 5th 1968 Results

Anderson, Mark May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Anderson, Tony April 27th 1969  April 27th 1969 Results  May 4th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 2nd 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 5th 1969 Results  March 29th 1970  March 29th 1970 Results  April 19th 1970  April 19th 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  October 3rd 1970  October 11th 1970 Results  May 30th 1971  August 8th 1971 Results  September 12th 1971  September 26th Results  March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results  April 30th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results  August 20th 1972  April 1st 1973 Results  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 19th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  September 15th 1973  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  July 6th 1974  August 18th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  April 17th 1976 Results  May 29th 1976

Andersson, Bjorn July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  June 15th 1974  June 14th 1975  August 3rd 1974  June 14th 1975 Ladder

Andersson, Conny September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  May 25th 1991

Andersson, Carsten May 26th 2001

Andersson, John June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973  June 15th 1974  August 3rd 1974  May 14th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976 Ladder  October 16th 1976  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  September 16th 1978  April 4th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results

Andersson, Niclas May 23rd 1998  September 11th 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  May 28th 2004

Andreasson, Leif September 12th 1997  August 21st 1998  May 29th 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004

Andrews, Andy October 6th 1973

Andrews, Andy August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Andrews, Barry August 24th 1991 Results

Andrews, Gerry

Andrews, Herb July 16th 1982  October 2nd 1983

Andrews, M. August 27th 1967 Results

Andrews, P. 1985 BDRA Points

Andrews, Paul August 5th 1979  August 16th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  May 2nd 1981  25th July 1981  August 29th 1981  November 7th 1981  June 2nd 1984  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results

Andrews, Peter June 17th 1973 Results  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results

Annable, Derek June 24th 1995  August 12th 1995  September 13th 1996  July 3rd 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  January 2000  June 17th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results

Annear, John August 25th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975

Annesley, Ken May 5th 1979 Results  April 4th 1980

Anscombe, Nick August 16th 1980 Results

Anthes, Rico September 25th 1981  September 21st 1990  September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  September 17th 1993  May 28th 1994  May 27th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  August 28th 1999  August 28th 1999 Results  August 19th 2000

Ansel, Anthony June 17th 1967 Results

Ansell, Dick 1965 Drag Fest Results  July 17th 1966  September 4th 1966  June 17th 1967 Results

Appleton, Gordon July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 21st 1990  August 24th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  August 7th 1993  October 8th 1994  October 8th 1994 Results  June 10th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  April 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  April 18th 1997  May 24th 1997  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  September 11th 1997  April 10th 1998  May 2nd 1998 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  2000 Champions  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 24th 2003  June 14th 2003  September 5th 2003  2003 Champions  July 29th 2004

Archer, Ray July 23rd 1967

Ardin, Bjorn April 4th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 23rd 1981  September 25th 1981  August 25th 1984 Ladder  April 18th 1987  June 27th 1987  April 1st 1988  April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  July 1st 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  August 25th 1990  September 21st 1990  August 24th 1991 Results  July 3rd 1992

Arkinstall, John April 22nd 1973 Results  November 1st 1975 Results

Arkinstall, Rod April 24th 1977  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Arkless, John August 26th 1989 Results

Armes, Les April 8th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977

Armitage, Ian June 24th 1995  August 12th 1995

Armstrong, Dave J. September 15th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968 Results

Arnauld, Lament July 8th 1995

Arnold, Larry June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966

Asandeir, Dan May 19th 2001 Results

Ashby, Steve May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results

Ashwell, Ian April 11th 1965  July 3rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  June 11th 1966  July 17th 1966  September 4th 1966  September 11th 1966  April 21st 1968   April 21st 1968 Results  May 19th 1968  May 19th 1968 Results  July 28th 1968  September 14th 1968

Ashworth, Pete May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results

Ask, Madeleine September 10th 1999 Results

Aspinall, Dave June 21st 1986

Astell, Anthony April 16th 1967 Results  July 16th 1967 Results

Atkin, Alan July 11th 1982

Atkin, Paula August 5th 1989  September 22nd 1989  August 3rd 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  November 4th 2000  September 14th 2001 Results

Atkins, Pete April 11th 1966  April 11th 1966 Results  April 24th 1966  June 11th 1966  June 19th 1966  June 26th 1966  October 22nd 1967  June 2nd 1968  June 15th 1968  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  January 25th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  August 5th 1972  September 15th 1973  September 30th 1973

Atkins, Pete NDRC Results 1978

Atkinson, Derek June 21st 1986

Atkinson, Gary June 27th 1981

Atkinson, Jeremy June 23rd 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results

Atkinson, John May 2nd 1998 Results  May 23rd 1998  June 20th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998

Attwood, Matt June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  November 1st 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results

Auckland, Len May 7th 1978

Austin, Peter July 20th 1991 Results  July 3rd 1992  May 3rd 1993  August 26th 1995  Results

Austin, Sid June 23rd 1974

Avenall, Dan September 16th 1994 Results

Averstedt, Viveca September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993  September 17th 1993  May 28th 1994  May 27th 1995  August 26th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  September 27th 1997  1997 Note

Axel, scifert May 19th 2001 Results

Ayers, K. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Ayton, Martin June 29th 2001 Results  November 1st 2003 Results


Babb, Martyn June 27th 1971

Back, Gunne July 10th 1971  July 8th 1972  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  June 15th 1974  July 6th 1974

Bacon, C. August 9th 1970 Results

Bacon, Mel June 21st 1986

Bader, Bruno May 26th 2001 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  2003 Champions

Baharill, G. August 30th 1975

Bailey, Bob July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results

Bailey, Clive March 30th 1975

Bailey, David/Dave April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  1999 Champions  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  May 7th 2004  June 12th 2004

Bailey, John April 20th 1975

Baimbridge, Phil August 28th 1988  September 3rd 1988  June 24th 1989 Results  July 1st 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  September 22nd 1989  May 5th 1990  June 23rd 1990  June 30th 1990 Results  August 25th 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993 Results  June 26th 1993  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results

Baimbridge, R. April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Baker, Keith May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Baker, Martin July 26th 1992

Baker, Paul June 29th 1991 Results   August 24th 1991 Results

Baker, Peter June 15th 1974

Baker, Philip/Phil March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  May 1st 1999 Results

Baker, Tony September 14th 1991  June 12th 1993  May 1st 1994  May 7th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  October 8th 1994 Results  June 30th 1995  July 15th 1995  April 5th 1996  July 5th 1996  August 8th 1997  August 12th 2000  November 4th 2000  May 9th 2003  November 1st 2003  May 7th 2004

Baker, Wendy May 3rd 1993

Bakewell, D. September 28th 1969 Results

Bakin, Ken May 3rd 1993

Balchin, Graham July 30th 1994  September 24th 1994

Balchin, Jim October 21st 1973 Results  May 24th 1975  June 14th 1975  NDRC Results 1978  August 28th 1982

Baldwin, Dan May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Baldwin, Dave August 28th 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results

Baldwin, Diane July 6th 1991

Baldwin, Geoff NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results

Baldwin, Graham April 29th 1995 Results

Ball, Joanna September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Balm, Alfred May 8th 1988

Bancroft, Joe April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results

Banfield, Simon June 5th 1983  June 11th 1983  August 7th 1983  June 24th 1984  September 29th 1984

Bangert, Fred July 16th 1967 Results

Banks, Clive June 23rd 1979

Banks, Colin November 7th 1981

Bannion, Dave July 15th 1989

Bannister, Mark July 23rd 1994 Results

Barber, Bob June 3rd 1978 Results

Barber, C. July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results

Barclay, Norman June 19th 1965  July 3rd 1965  July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results

Barham, Neville April 16th 1967 Results  June 17th 1967 Results  July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  April 21st 1968 Results  July 20th 1968  September 15th 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  June 14th 1969  August 16th 1969  August 16th 1969

Barker, J. H. April 27th 1969 Results

Barker, Paul June 29th 1991 Results

Barlow, Harry August 18th 1991 Results  July 26th 1992

Barnes, Bud June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966  July 1st 1967

Barnes, K. August 27th 1967 Results  April 15th 1968  July 7th 1968  July 7th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  May 24th 1969 Results

Barnes, Roger August 11th 1968  June 14th 1969  July 27th 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  August 9th 1970 Results  May 30th 1971  September 12th 1971  October 10th 1971

Barnett, Peter March 28th 1975  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 5th 1975 Ladder  July12th 1975  August 23rd 1975  August 31st 1975  March 7th 1976  May 14th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  October 16th 1976  July 1st 1989  August 27th 1989  April 21st 1990  July 3rd 1992

Barnard, D. March 27th 1967 Results

Barratt, Geoff August 28th 1966

Barron, Duncan June 21st 1987  September 10th 1988  May 6th 1989

Barrow, Dave April 24th 1966  June 26th 1966

Barrow, Ray August 26th 1989 Results  May 26th 1990  July 20th 1991 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  March 25th 1995 Results  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996  July 4th 1998 Results

Barrs, Graham August 28th 1982  August 27th 1983  September 17th 1983  October 2nd 1983  October 4th 1986  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  May 23rd 1987  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  June 12th 1988  July 16th 1988  August 28th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  November 4th 1989 Ladder  September 15th 1990

Barry, K. April 1st 1973 Results

Barry, Wilf April 1st 1973  April 1st 1973 Results

Bartlett, Peter 4th August 1963 June 6th 1965

Bartrum, Anthony May 24th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  June 27th 1971  September 12th 1971  September 26th Results  October 10th 1971  June 17th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973 Results

Bartrum, Chris June 16th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  June 14th 1969  July 26th 1969  March 29th 1970 Results

Bartz, Dave April 29th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Basberer, Metin June 27th 1992

Baskerville, Ray July 26th 1969  August 16th 1969  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results

Batchelder, Fred July 1st 1967

Bate, Paul September 27th 2003 Results

Bateman, Greg July 5th 1996

Bates, Alan September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977  October 14th 1978  July 4th 1981  July 6th 1985 Results  September 20th 1985 Results  November 2nd 1985  May 24th 1986  June 7th 1986  July 5th 1986  June 27th 1987  September 12th 1987  April 1st 1988  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  May 15th 1993  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 3rd 1993  September 17th 1993  September 13th 1996  August 8th 1998  August 26th 2000  May 5th 2001

Batten, Rob May 23rd 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Battley, John September 17th 1967  July 25th 1971 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  May 15th 1977  NDRC Results 1978

Batty, Pete October 21st 1972

Bauer, Eric 25th July 1981

Bavington, Dave June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results

Baxendale, Lee March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Baxter, Lee May 1st 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results

Bayley, Anthony August 14th 1965

Beadle, Raymond September 17th 1977  March 24th 1978  July 8th 1978  July 21st 1978  September 16th 1978  July 7th 1979  September 14th 1979  September 14th 1979 Ladder  July 5th 1980  July 18th 1980

Beadle, Tony November 1st 1975 Results  August 15th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  March 20th 1982  1982 Note  July 11th 1982  August 28th 1982  July 10th 1983

Beasley, Cliff July 1st 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results

Beaumont, Barry April 14th 1974  June 23rd 1974  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  July12th 1975  August 30th 1975  March 7th 1976

Beaumont, Mike/Mick October 29th 1983  September 15th 1984 Results  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  October 31st 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989

Beck, Dave June 26th 1993  June 25th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  February 28th 1999  April 24th 1999  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  November 14th 1999  March 4th 2000  April 1st 2000  April 22nd 2000  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000  May 20th 2000  July 1st 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  August 12th 2000  August 26th 2000  October 7th 2000 Results  November 18th 2000  April 1st 2001  March 4th 2001  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  November 10th 2001  March 30th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002  June 15th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  November 6th 2004

Beck, Peter August 20th 1994  June 30th 1995  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996  April 18th 1997  May 24th 1997  April 10th 1998  May 23rd 1998  August 21st 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000  April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000  July 28th 2000  August 19th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001  May 26th 2001 Results  June 8th 2001  September 5th 2003  2003 Champions

Beck, Richard June 28th 2003 Results

Beckett, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Beckwith, Bob April 7th 1974  June 2nd 1974  September 29th 1974  May 21st 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  June 24th 1979  June 8th 1980

Beechley, J August 26th 1978

Been, Willem June 30th 1995  May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Beensen, Dave September 13th 1987  July 30th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results

Bekaert, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Beken, Malcolm July 3rd 1982 Results  July 16th 1982  August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983

Bell, Ashley June 12th 2004 Results

Bell, Roger August 20th 1972

Bell, Terry April 16th 1976  May 15th 1977  October 15th 1977

Bellamy, Ralph July 29th 1995 Results

Bellenie, Peter August 26th 1995  Results  March 21st 1998 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 11th 2002  May 9th 2003  May 1st 2004  May 7th 2004

Belson, B. March 30th 1975

Belton, Gerry May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results  June 1964  March 14th 1965  May 20th 1965  June 6th 1965  August 14th 1965  April 15th 1968  May 5th 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968 Results

Bembridge, Paul March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998

Benbow, Derek September 24th 1967  May 4th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  May 30th 1971  September 15th 1973

Beneke, Ben (Adrian) May 9th 1992  August 28th 1999 Results  June 17th 2000  July 29th 2000

Bengtsson, Per September 10th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  2003 European Champions

Benham, John July 26th Results

Bennett, Ann June 6th 1965  June 6th 1965 Results  July 3rd 1965  July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Bennett, Frank August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 2nd 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder  April 2nd 1994  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  April 5th 1996

Bennett, G. May 28th 1967

Bennett, Mick May 29th 1982

Bennett, Pete September 9th 1973  September 15th 1973  August 26th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  March 17th 1974

Bennett, Peter May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results

Bennett, Phil May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Bennion, Mike December 1st 1968

Benson, Brian August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Bent, John September 2nd 1989  August 18th 1991 Results

Bentley, Mike May 19th 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Bentley, Steve October 30th 1982

Bentley, Stuart July 21st 1968 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   May 24th 1970 Results  September 26th Results  May 20th 1972

Bereftrom, Bjorn August 25th 1984 Ladder

Berg, Rune May 24th 2003 Results

Bergstrom, Ronnie September 11th 1998

Bernadine, Gino August 26th 1995  Results  November 4th 1995 Results  March 21st 1998 Results

Berry, Peter August 15th 1976

Berry, Rich July 8th 1995

Berstad, Liv September 23rd 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989  April 29th 1989  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  April 14th 1990  May 5th 1990  September 21st 1990  March 29th 1991  May 23rd 1992  September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994

Best, Steve March 28th 1981  April 30th 1988

Bettison, Mick May 9th 1987

Betts, John September 10th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results

Betts, Tony June 20th 1992  September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  August 26th 2000

Biddlecombe, Sean April 30th 1988  May 5th 2001 Results

Bienek, Julian April 30th 1988

Biggs, Mike July 17th 1966  June 16th 1968 Results

Bilbrough, Neil August 3rd 1991 Results

Billadeau, Dave May 7th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  August 12th 2000

Billbury, Ron May 28th 1972 Results

Billington, Shellie May 21st 1978

Birch, Ivan May 2nd 1987  October 31st 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  March 29th 1991 Results  July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  July 5th 1996  June 28th 2003  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Birchall, Steve August 6th 1988  April 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  1989 Championship Results

Bird, Andy April 10th 2004 Results

Birley, D. June 7th 1980

Birrane, M. October 22nd 1967 Results

Bishop, Catherine April 22nd 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  June 29th 2002 Results

Bishop, Ian June 1st 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  2003 Champions

Bishop, Mark August 23rd 1975

Bishop, Martin June 3rd 1989  June 29th 1991 Results     July 3rd 1992  April 10th 1998  May 23rd 1998  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  August 24th 2002  June 28th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  August 20th 2004

Bishop, Paul May 24th 2003 Results

Bishop, Roger May 22nd 1971  June 27th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  June 17th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  September 8th 1973  September 9th 1973  September 15th 1973  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  April 13th 1975

Bizjak, Tony June 27th 1992

Bjornstad, Ludvig October 16th 1976  May 3rd 1980  June 6th 1980  September 25th 1987  September 23rd 1988

Blackburn, Marius August 26th 1989 Results  May 26th 1990  September 8th 2000 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results

Blackburn, Mo May 28th 1988 Results  April 21st 1990 Results

Blackshaw, Dave June 11th 1978

Blackwood, Frank July 17th 1966

Blake, K. October 22nd 1967 Results

Blake, Peter April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979

Blakemore, Bob May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results

Blakemore, Tim September 5th 1992  August 27th 1994 Results  April 10th 1998  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  May 7th 2001  May 19th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results

Bland, Paul May 29th 1993 Results

Blann, Phil May 9th 1987  March 25th 1989 Results

Bliss, R. June 6th 1965 Results

Blommer, Ken March 21st 1998 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Bloomer, Mike June 21st 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  May 6th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results

Blount, Alan July 23rd 1967  October 22nd 1967  October 22nd 1967 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  June 15th 1968  June 15th 1968 Results July 20th 1968  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  April 27th 1969  July 11th 1970  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974

Boag, Jules May 2nd 1987  July 30th 1988  April 17th 1992 Results  April 15th 1995

Board, Vic June 2nd 1974  November 2nd 1974

Bochet, Stan September 13th 1996  August 21st 1998

Boden, Tony

Boeros, Noel July 17th 1966

Boiling, Keith August 29th 1987

Bolden, Fred December 1st 1968

Bollard, Steve August 15th 1982 Results  June 18th 1988 Results  August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results

Bond, Bev July 14th 1973

Bond, Chris August 12th 1979

Bond, Clive NDRC Results 1978

Bond, Doug August 3rd 1980  August 29th 1981  June 26th 1982  August 28th 1982  October 30th 1982  August 7th 1983  August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983  May 5th 1984  June 2nd 1984  May 19th 1985  June 8th 1985  August 18th 1985  July 20th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  June 20th 1992  August 8th 1992  May 15th 1993  July 24th 1993  April 5th 1996  May 24th 1997  August 8th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998  January 2000  May 5th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  August 20th 2004

Bond, Joe May 5th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  November 5th 2001  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Bond, Jonathan June 17th 2000  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  March 30th 2002 Results

Bonin, Gordie May 19th 1999  May 29th 1999  May 29th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999  September 10th 1999 Results  August 19th 2000

Bootland, Martin September 12th 1987

Booth, A. May 11th 1980

Booth, Adrian June 7th 1980  July 11th 1982  May 8th 1993 Results  June 26th 1993

Booth, P. D. May 7th 1978

Booth, W. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Bootland, Martin June 21st 1986  June 18th 1988 Results  September 10th 1988

Borham, Neville July 17th 1966

Borowick, Pete October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results

Bossert, D. 1990 European Drag Race Series Points

Bossert, Peter June 29th 1991  June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993  June 25th 1994  July 3rd 1999 Results

Bosworth, Geoff July 6th 1985 Results  September 20th 1985 Results  November 2nd 1985  November 1st 1986  May 2nd 1987  May 23rd 1987  June 27th 1987

Bothey, John August 12th 1979

Bott, Tony May 14th 1978

Bottom, Richard May 8th 1976

Bottoms, Roy April 20th 1975

Boutle, Tim May 1st 1999 Results  May 7th 2001

Bowen, Brian May 29th 1999 Results

Bowery, Neil April 22nd 1973 Results

Bowler, M. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Bowler, Rob June 28th 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Bowles, Barry November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  October 1st 1977

Box, E. June 2nd 1968 Results

Boxall, D. October 15th 1967 Results

Boyle, Dennis June 9th 1984  June 24th 1984

Boyle, Jimmy September 28th 1985

Brachtvogel, Alex May 5th 1990

Brachtvogel, Frank September 23rd 1988

Brachtvogel, Phil May 5th 1979 Results  May 10th 1980  October 11th 1980  March 28th 1981  May 23rd 1981  May 29th 1982  August 1st 1982  August 28th 1982  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  October 31st 1987  April 1st 1988  May 28th 1988  July 30th 1988  September 3rd 1988  September 23rd 1988  November 1st 1986  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  July 1st 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  September 22nd 1989  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 7th 1990  July 27th 1990  August 18th 1990  August 25th 1990  September 1st 1990  September 21st 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990  August 8th 1998  September 28th 2002 Results

Bracket, Colin February 19th 1977  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results

Brackley, Paul May 19th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Bradd, Martin August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984

Bradford, Darryl September 6th 2002  May 3rd-5th 2003  June 14th 2003  September 5th 2003

Bradley, Alan October 23rd 1981

Bradley, Liz October 23rd 1981

Bradley, Steve NDRC Results 1978

Bradshaw, Alan November 6th 2003

Bradshaw, C. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Bragg, W. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Bramley, Mike July 8th 1972  September 20th 1975

Branch, David  June 17th 1973 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  August 28th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 29th 1978  October 14th 1978  September 15th 1984 Results

Branch, Shaun June 19th 1999 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  September 27th 2003  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004  September 9th 2004

Brander, Paul May 24th 1997

Branton, William June 17th 1967 Results

Bray, Simon April 24th 1977  April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Braysher, Bob April 1st 1973  April 1st 1973 Results

Bredal, Elisabeth July 29th 2004

Brett, R. May 24th 1970 Results  April 1st 1973 Results

Brett, Jim June 15th 1974

Brewster, Andy April 30th 1988

Bridges, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Bridges, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Bridges, John June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 30th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results

Brierly, Tim June 24th 1989 Results  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Briggs, Jim May 7th 1978  May 13th 1979

Brindley, Paul July 25th 1987

Brinkman, Klaus March 30th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 1st 2004

Brister, Phil September 14th 1974  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  August 31st 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 16th 1976

Bristow, Norm March 28th 1981

Britten, Ken July 31st 1999 Results

Brittin, Jem May 3rd 1993

Broad, Steve June 24th 1984

Broadribb, Peter March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Brooke, Richard July 9th 1977 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  October 11th 1980  April 17th 1981

Brooks, Bob/Robert April 30th 1988  November 5th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results

Brooks, M. March 27th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results

Brooks, Nigel April 18th 1987  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results

Brooks, Paul June 28th 2003  April 10th 2004  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  June 26th 2004

Bromley, Austin May 23rd 1981

Bromley, Stuart October 15th 1967 Results

Broughton, Graham August 5th 1979

Brown, Anthony May 20th 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 21st 1968 Results

Brown, Bill June 18th 1988

Brown, Bob/Robert May 28th 1988 Results  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  July 23rd 1994 Results

Brown, Bruce July 31st 1966 Results   July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  March 29th 1970  May 24th 1970 Results  April 11th 1971  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972  August 20th 1972  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  August 19th 1973  August 26th 1973

Brown, David June 19th 1999 Results

Brown, G. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Brown, George September 10th 1963  September 14th 1963  August 9th 1964  October 4th 1964  1964 Drag Fest Winners  May 20th 1965  May 23rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966  September 11th 1966  October 5th 1968  September 30th 1972

Brown, H. R. A. April 27th 1969 Results

Brown, Howard NDRC Results 1978

Brown, Ian April 17th 1993  June 15th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Brown, J. July 11th 1970 Results

Brown, Jim October 15th 1967 Results  July 7th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973 Results

Brown, K. May 28th 1967 Results

Brown, Lin September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results

Brown, Martin August 28th 1988  June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 5th 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results

Brown, Ray April 16th 1967 Results

Brown, Richard July 9th 1977 Results

Brown, Roger April 24th 1977  July 3rd 1977

Brown, Stephen/Steve August 5th 1989  1989 Championship Results  July 7th 1990  August 4th 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  May 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  March 25th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  August 26th 1995  Results

Brown, Tony October 6th 1968  January 25th 1969

Brownridge, Richard March 24th 1978

Brownridge, Roy August 12th 1979  September 23rd 1979

Brun, Lawrence August 23rd 1975 Results

Bryntesson, Tony September 19th 1986  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  September 21st 1990  May 25th 1991  May 28th 1994  September 16th 1994

Buck, David April 11th 1966 Results

Bucknall, Brian April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  1973 Champions

Bugeja, Manty May 27th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Bugge, Inge July 9th 1977 Results  April 17th 1981

Bull, Ashley June 21st 1986

Bull, Geoff July 20th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992

Bull, Harold 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  March 19th 1966  April 11th 1966  April 11th 1966 Results  May 1st 1966  May 28th 1966  June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966  June 26th 1966  July 17th 1966  August 14th 1966  September 4th 1966  October 2nd 1966  March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967  September 24th 1967 Results  February 23rd 1968  June 15th 1968  July 7th 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968  December 1st 1968  January 25th 1969  April 6th 1969  May 4th 1969  May 24th 1969  June 2nd 1969  July 26th 1969  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results  May 3rd 1970  May 3rd 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  August 16th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions  March 21st 1971  May 16th 1971  May 30th 1971  June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  June 27th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results  October 10th 1971  March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results  April 30th 1972  May 20th 1972  May 28th 1972  August 20th 1972  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974

Bullen, K. May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results

Bunce, Ken April 11th 1966  April 11th 1966 Results  May 1st 1966  June 11th 1966

Bunn, Brett August 27th 1994 Results

Bunn, Vince May 3rd 1992 Results  July 23rd 1994 Results

Bunnage, K. 1965 Drag Fest Results  July 31st 1966  July 31st 1966 Results   June 2nd 1968 Results

Bunting, R. September 22nd 1963 Results

Burdell, Sheenagh April 29th 1995 Results

Burdett, David July 9th 1977 Results  October 11th 1980  April 17th 1981

Burfitt, Andy May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  September 9th 2004 Results

Burfitt, Dave April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  June 17th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 30th 1979  May 2nd 1981  August 29th 1981  March 20th 1982  May 29th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 16th 1982  October 30th 1982  June 2nd 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder  May 2nd 1987  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Burgert, Rolf June 10th 1995

Burgess, Frank September 15th 1984 Results

Burn, Lawrence August 18th 1974  September 14th 1974

Burn, Liz July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  March 28th 1975  March 30th 1975  April 13th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 8th 1976  July 3rd 1976  July 18th 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  October 16th 1976  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  July 23rd 1977  August 27th 1977  September 17th 1977  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 14th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978

Burn, Ollie April 7th 1974  August 25th 1974  May 23rd 1976  July 24th 1976  May 14th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  October 14th 1978  September 29th 1990

Burns, Ian May 23rd 1998

Burns, Steve July 25th 1987  October 31st 1987  September 3rd 1988  June 24th 1989 Results

Burrows, Brian March 21st 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Burrows, Kevin May 24th 1969  September 14th 1974  November 2nd 1974  May 11th 1975

Burt, Mike June 8th 1985  April 18th 1987

Burt, Patsy September 14th 1963  June 18th 1967  October 21st 1967

Burton, Arnold June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results

Burton, Carl April 10th 2004 Results

Bush, Bob September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  May 10th 1980

Bush, John May 2nd 1998 Results

Butcher, Reg May 2nd 1987

Butler, D. J. June 29th 1991 Results  

Butler, Howard August 20th 1967 Results  October 15th 1967 Results

Butler, Mick September 17th 1967  June 16th 1968  August 30th 1969 Results  May 3rd 1970  May 3rd 1970 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  USA 1970  August 8th 1971 Results  September 12th 1971  October 10th 1971  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results  July 8th 1972  April 22nd 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973  September 15th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  1973 Note  May 26th 1974  June 30th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  April 20th 1975  May 11th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 17th 1976 Results  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  April 8th 1977  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 24th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  August 3rd 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  November 7th 1981

Butler, Patrick April 1st 1973  April 1st 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results

Buttars, Mick April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 29th 1976  April 29th 1978  August 26th 1978  August 3rd 1980

Butterworth, Roger October 9th 1999 Results

Buttery, Dave August 12th 1995

Buzzo, Dan June 28th 2003 Results

Bye, Tony August 26th 1989 Results

Byrne, Bob May 24th 1975

Byne, Jeff September 23rd 1972  June 17th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  1973 Note  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  November 2nd 1974  April 16th 1976  May 8th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 8th 1977  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  March 11th 1978  May 26th 1979  June 23rd 1979  July 7th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980  May 24th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  September 12th 1980  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  25th July 1981  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982  August 28th 1982

Byrne, Ted July 16th 1967 Results

Byrne, Tim June 17th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967


Cadby, M. June 24th 1967 Results

Callen, Paul June 8th 1980

Callin, Susanne September 14th 2001 Results  August 24th 2002  September 6th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003  September 5th 2003

Callister, Will June 20th 1998 Results  July 31st 1999 Results

Calverley, Colin October 10th 1971

Camera, J. August 10th 1968 Results

Cameron, Pete June 19th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 19th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Camp, W. March 27th 1967 Results

Canvin, James August 28th 1988  June 3rd 1989

Capewell, Trev May 1st 2004  June 26th 2004  June 26th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Caplain, I July 31st 1966  July 31st 1966 Results 

Capper, Andy September 23rd 1979  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 8th 1983  June 5th 1983  May 20th 1984  September 16th 1984  May 4th 1985  August 29th 1987

Cardy, Mick August 18th 1974  May 24th 1975  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Carey, Steve August 23rd 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  May 7th 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  July 24th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004

Carlisle, A. August 9th 1970 Results

Carlsson, Jan September 30th 1973  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976 Ladder

Carlyle, Phil September 15th 1973

Carnon, Bill June 5th 1977 Results

Carpenter, Dick September 15th 1973

Carpenter, Russ June 15th 1974  July 6th 1974  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  July 13th 1975  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  1977 Awards  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979  August 5th 1979  September 8th 1979  September 30th 1979  1979 Note  June 28th 1980  July 5th 1980  August 23rd 1980  October 11th 1980  February 23rd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  September 25th 1981  March 20th 1982  May 1st 1982  May 29th 1982  June 26th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 11th 1982  July 16th 1982  October 30th 1982  May 8th 1983  September 1st 1983  September 17th 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 2nd 1984  July 7th 1984  August 12th 1984  July 16th 1988  July 15th 1989  June 23rd 1990 Results  August 18th 1990  July 3rd 1992

Carruthers, Ian April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results

Carruthers, Jake June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Carter, Andy September 28th 1985  1985 Note  June 14th 1986  June 21st 1986  June 21st 1987  June 18th 1988  June 18th 1988 Results  June 17th 1989  September 9th 1989  May 1st 1994  May 7th 1994  May 28th 1994  August 13th 1994  August 27th 1994  September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  1994 Note  May 27th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  September 27th 1997  1997 Note  August 26th 2000  April 14th 2001  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001  May 26th 2001  June 8th 2001  July 27th 2001  September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  November 5th 2001  March 30th 2002  March 30th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002  June 1st 2002 Results  August 24th 2002  April 19th 2003  May 24th 2003  July 24th 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004  July 29th 2004  August 6th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  November 6th 2004  2004 European Champions

Carter, Mick March 19th 1972 Results  September 23rd 1972  August 26th 1973 Results  April 24th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  July 21st 1978  August 26th 1978  November 4th 1978  April 22nd 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  March 20th 1982  May 1st 1982  May 29th 1982  August 28th 1982

Carter, Nigel June 21st 1986  June 21st 1987  July 25th 1987

Carter, Paul June 16th 1990  May 3rd 1992 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  May 8th 1993 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  July 30th 1994  March 25th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results  March 21st 1998 Results

Casidy, Gary 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Castle, Maurice May 30th 1971

Catlin, Colin June 24th 1995

Cavey, Nick June 10th 1995  June 30th 1995

Cavicchioni, Martin July 30th 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  May 29th 1993 Results

Cazalet, Mike May 3rd 1975

Cazey, Peter April 14th 1974

Ceraolo, Tony June 18th 1977

Chabik, John May 23rd 1987  August 29th 1987

Chadderton, Leroy July 5th 1975  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  July 3rd 1976

Chalkly, Simon May 26th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results

Challenger, Jim April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  June 27th 1981  May 1st 1982

Chamberlain, Guy March 25th 1995 Results

Chamberlain, Stewart/Stu April 17th 1992 Results  March 14th 1994 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  March 21st 1998 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results

Chamak, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Chant, John April 15th 1968  April 15th 1968 Results

Charlton, John July 9th 1977 Results  July 23rd 1977  October 15th 1977  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 14th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 11th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  March 25th 1979  May 26th 1979  June 24th 1979  August 12th 1979  September 2nd 1979  September 23rd 1979  June 1st 1980  May 23rd 1981  August 29th 1981  November 7th 1981

Chaplain, Roland August 20th 2004

Chaplain, Sandra June 20th 1998 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results

Chapman, Brian September 11th 1966  July 21st 1968 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   March 29th 1970 Results  May 3rd 1970  June 7th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970 Results  August 8th 1971  September 12th 1971  October 10th 1971  March 18th 1973  April 1st 1973  April 22nd 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 26th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 1973 Note  March 24th 1974  April 7th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 23rd 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 12th 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  August 31st 1975  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975 Results  1975 Note  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 8th 1977  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977  1977 Awards  March 11th 1978  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  March 25th 1979  June 23rd 1979  August 11th 1979  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  July 5th 1980  July 18th 1980  August 3rd 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  25th July 1981  August 29th 1981  October 23rd 1981  November 7th 1981  May 29th 1982

Chapman, Dave September 24th 1978 Results  October 30th 1982

Chapman, G. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Chapman, Nigel August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  September 30th 1979

Charles, Jerry September 9th 2004

Charlston, R. July 25th 1971 Results

Charolambos, Alec 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  September 4th 1966

Chart, Dean April 30th 1994 Results

Cheadle, John July 6th 1974  September 29th 1974  December 6th 1975  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  August 15th 1976  October 16th 1976  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Cheal, Nigel April 30th 1988

Cheeseman, Dennis May 1st 1982

Cheeseman, Joan April 8th 1973 Results  April 24th 1977  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  October 2nd 1983

Cheeseman, Ron April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  April 20th 1975  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 16th 1980 Results

Cheeseman, Vincent June 17th 1979  June 28th 1980

Cheley, Mick April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  May 9th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  August 15th 1982 Results  November 6th 1982  June 8th 1985  September 28th 1985  1985 BDRA Points  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  June 6th 1987  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  June 12th 1988  July 16th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 3rd 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  March 29th 1991  September 18th 1992  July 24th 1993  June 11th 1994  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  August 8th 1998  May 19th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  September 20th 2003 Results

Chereden, Dennis August 27th 1983  September 17th 1983  October 29th 1983  June 2nd 1984  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder  November 2nd 1985  May 3rd 1986  June 7th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder

Cherrett, Dave July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  July 24th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  July 29th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Chertcow, Merek 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Chessman, Vince May 2nd 1981

Chiarella, George August 26th 1989 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Chiles, George June 18th 1988 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 11th 1991

Chiles, Pete May 20th 1984

Chilton, Andrew May 1st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results

Chilton, R. June 24th 1967 Results

Chinn, Derek July 5th 1969 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  USA 1970  June 27th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  July 5th 1975  September 28th 1975  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results

Chislett, Mike August 12th 1995  August 25th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results

Chowis, Mark March 28th 1981

Christenson, (Tom) T. C. September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  September 20th 1975  September 28th 1975  April 29th 1978

Christy, Arthur July 10th 1971

Chubb, John May 2nd 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  March 20th 1982  July 16th 1982  October 30th 1982

Chun, Richard July 20th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  May 29th 1993 Results

Church, Doug September 19th 1964  September 20th 1964  October 4th 1964  October 6th 1968

Church, Chris January 25th 1969  June 2nd 1969

Church, Pat January 25th 1969  June 2nd 1969

Church, V. March 27th 1967 Results

Churchill, Mrs K. June 2nd 1974

Churchill, Liam July 21st 1973  August 19th 1973  September 9th 1973  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  March 28th 1975  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  June 14th 1975  June 14th 1975 Ladder  August 1st 1975  August 31st 1975  September 6th 1975  September 20th 1975  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  July 18th 1976

Churchill, Mike July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 16th 1976

Cirriello, D August 26th 1978

Clancy, Brendan April 29th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results

Clapper, Andrew, July 11th 1982

Clarke, D. September 22nd 1963 Results

Clark, Reg August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  October 11th 1970 Results  May 21st 1978

Clark, Reg April 29th 1978

Clark, Steve May 2nd 1981

Clark, Tony May 8th 1993 Results  July 30th 1994  April 29th 1995 Results  April 10th 1998  April 22nd 2000  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  July 15th 2000  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  August 26th 2000  September 23rd 2000  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002  June 15th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  ACU Champions 2004

Clarke, M. June 13th 1971 Results  August 8th 1971 Results

Clarke, Steve May 20th 1972 Results  September 23rd 1972  April 1st 1973 Results  April 8th 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  March 7th 1976

Clarke, Tim June 24th 1989 Results  July 15th 1989  June 29th 1991 Results    April 29th 1995 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results

Clarkson, Dave June 10th 1995  September 13th 1996

Claxton, Tim April 24th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 5th 1979  September 8th 1979  September 30th 1979  July 5th 1980  November 7th 1981

Claydon, John "Doc" June 9th 1984  June 8th 1985  July 25th 1987  November 5th 1988

Clayton, Jerry May 28th 1994  June 10th 1995

Clayton, John May 23rd 1987

Clayton, Jim May 9th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results

Clayton, P. PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Clayton, Peter May 8th 1993 Results

Clayton, Phil March 25th 1995 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results

Clayton, R. A. May 7th 1978

Clee, Dave September 11th 1966  April 6th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  May 24th 1970 Results  June 27th 1971  May 20th 1972  September 23rd 1972  March 18th 1973  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  June 17th 1973  October 21st 1973 Results

Clegg, Andy June 21st 1986

Clegg, Chris July 11th 1982

Clifford, Stuart May 29th 1993 Results

Clift, John September 23rd 1972  April 1st 1973 Results  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  April 7th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July12th 1975  July 12th 1975 Results  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  September 14th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  May 14th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  March 11th 1978  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  July 21st 1978  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 8th 1979  July 5th 1980  July 18th 1980  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  April 18th 1987  May 8th 1988  September 3rd 1988  May 6th 1989

Clifton Bros. September 27th 1980

Clifton, Bruce August 12th 1979

Clifton, Steve August 12th 1979  May 2nd 1981  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984  September 15th 1984 Results

Clifton, Trevor June 17th 1979

Clutterbuck, Steve May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results

Clutton, M. 1985 BDRA Points

Clutton, Mark May 19th 1985  May 2nd 1987  May 29th 1993 Results

Cobb, Andy May 5th 1979 Results

Cobb, Chris August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points

Cockerill, Dan/Danny June 14th 1992  May 15th 1993  May 1st 1994  May 28th 1994  July 23rd 1994  July 12th 1997  September 27th 1997  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001  September 22nd 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  September 20th 2003 Results  2003 Champions

Cockerill, Roy June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 5th 1988

Coe, Alec March 20th 1977  May 3rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results

Coe, Tom May 19th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Coil, Austin September 21st 1984

Colbert, Nick 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Coldwell, Tim March 25th 1995 Results

Coleman, Darryn November 1st 2003 Results

Coleman, Kenny August 15th 1982 Results  June 5th 1983  June 5th 1983  June 2nd 1984  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984  June 21st 1986  May 2nd 1987  May 23rd 1987  June 21st 1987  August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988  August 12th 1995

Coles, Dave May 20th 1972

Coles, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Coles, Sue July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  August 15th 1976  April 24th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  April 29th 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 8th 1979  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  February 23rd 1981  May 2nd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982  October 2nd 1983

Collett, Rob May 8th 1993 Results

Collier, Jerry August 18th 1991 Results  May 27th 1995  July 29th 1995 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999  August 28th 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 5th 2001 Results  May 7th 2001  June 16th 2001 Results  August 11th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results

Collingham , Mick May 6th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results  November 1st 1975 Results

Collins, Alan August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987

Collins, Harry August 15th 1982 Results

Collins, Mick July 1st 1967  October 6th 1968

Collins, Steve August 30th 1969 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  May 30th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  July 25th 1971 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results  May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  September 29th 1974  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 14th 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  July 3rd 1982 Results  September 17th 1983  August 25th 1984

Collins, T. October 22nd 1967 Results

Collins, T. D. August 10th 1968 Results

Collis, Dave December 1st 1968  April 27th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 2nd 1969  June 14th 1969 Results 

Collis, Dave May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  April 17th 1981  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982  June 6th 1987  July 25th 1987

Conklin, Tom June 13th 1971

Connel, Sam June 5th 1977 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  August 12th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  May 10th 1980

Connor, Brin August 3rd 1991 Results  May 3rd 1992 Results  May 8th 1993 Results

Connor, Geoff May 29th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Conrad, Chris? June 24th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973 Results  1973 Champions

Conway, Stu May 24th 2003 Results

Coogan, Pat August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  NDRC Results 1978  August 12th 1979

Cook, Alan April 1st 1973 Results  April 7th 1974

Cook, Alan June 24th 1995  July 8th 1995  April 5th 1996  August 8th 1997  April 10th 1998  August 8th 1998  January 2000

Cook, I. March 27th 1967 Results

Cook, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Cook, Michael July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967  October 15th 1967 Results

Cook, Philip/Phil May 29th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Cook, Russell August 26th 1989 Results

Cook, Tim June 3rd 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  March 31st 1984  July 16th 1988  April 15th 1989  June 3rd 1989  July 1st 1989  August 26th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  May 26th 1990  July 7th 1990  July 27th 1990  September 15th 1990  March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  July 6th 1991  July 20th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  April 17th 1992  April 17th 1992 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  September 5th 1992  September 18th 1992

Cooke, B. May 24th 1975

Cooke, Brian March 20th 1977

Cooke, David October 2nd 1983

Cookson, Gerry July 1st 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  June 15th 1968  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  May 16th 1971  May 22nd 1971  June 27th 1971  September 26th Results  October 10th 1971  March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  April 1st 1973  April 1st 1973 Results  April 8th 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  1973 Champions  April 14th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 21st 1974  September 8th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 13th 1975  July 13th 1975  September 30th 1979  June 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981  August 27th 1983  August 25th 1984  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  April 21st 1990 Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  July 23rd 1994 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results

Coomber, Vicki September 30th 1979

Coombes, John May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  June 17th 2000  June 17th 2000 Results

Coombs, Nick March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Coombs, Paul June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results

Coombs, Steve September 28th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Cooper, Barry September 4th 1966

Cooper, Fred September 4th 1966

Cooper, G. May 17th 1964 Results

Cooper, Jim June 11th 1978  September 23rd 1979

Cooper, Ken April 11th 1966  April 24th 1966  May 1st 1966  June 26th 1966  July 31st 1966 Results   September 4th 1966  October 2nd 1966  June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967  August 27th 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  June 15th 1968  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 26th 1969  May 22nd 1971  June 27th 1971  October 10th 1971  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results  April 7th 1974  August 23rd 1975 Results  August 31st 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  July 9th 1977 Results

Cooper, Ken June 3rd 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  June 30th 1990 Results  June 29th 1991 Results    July 31st 1999 Results  November 14th 1999  July 28th 2000  August 4th 2000  November 18th 2000  May 7th 2001  May 19th 2001 Results  July 27th 2001  August 5th 2001

Cooper, T. May 5th 1968 Results

Cooper, Robert April 21st 1990 Results

Cooper, Vincent April 16th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  September 30th 1979

Cooper, Wally May 15th 1977  NDRC Results 1978

Copeland, Steve August 31st 1975  NDRC Results 1978

Copelin, M. April 21st 1968 Results  May 19th 1968  June 16th 1968 Results

Copen, J. May 3rd 1970 Results  June 13th 1971 Results

Copp, Joe September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results  April 15th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968  September 1st 1968 Results  October 6th 1968  May 24th 1969 Results

Coppen, Dave August 26th 1989 Results

Corbett, Roy March 19th 1972

Cordell, A. May 24th 1969 Results

Cordelle, Phil April 15th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Cordingley, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Corley, Pete August 23rd 1975 Results  February 18th 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Cormac-Walshe, Sean June 3rd 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Cornell, Steve March 29th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991

Cornforth, Bob June 29th 1991 Results    July 29th 1995 Results

Corrigan, Harold July 9th 1977 Results

Cortines, Buddy September 25th 1965  October 3rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Costello, K. August 14th 1966

Cottingham, Dave July 31st 1966 Results   March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  June 14th 1969

Coughlin, Frazer September 15th 1990 Results

Coulsell, Mark April 29th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Cowburn, M. May 5th 1968 Results

Cowell, M. May 24th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results

Cowell, Martin June 21st 1986  July 25th 1987  August 5th 1989  September 22nd 1989  1989 Championship Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results

Cowlard, N. May 28th 1967 Results

Cowley, Andy May 20th 1972 Results

Cox, Ashton August 12th 1979  August 16th 1980 Results

Coyle, Steve September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1973 Results

Craddock, Andy May 10th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  April 10th 1982  May 29th 1982  June 26th 1982  August 28th 1982  September 24th 1982  September 24th 1982 Ladder  November 6th 1982  April 1st 1983  May 15th 1983  May 28th 1983  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  March 31st 1984  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984  July 6th 1985 Results  August 18th 1985  September 20th 1985 Results  July 5th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder  October 31st 1987

Craddock, Steve March 28th 1981

Craig, Laurie October 7th 2000 Results

Craigen, Ken March 19th 1972 Results  April 1st 1973 Results  June 17th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results

Crane, Peter

Crawley, A. September 1st 1968 Results

Cree, Stuart May 7th 1994  May 28th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  October 8th 1994 Results  June 24th 1995

Creed, Kevin August 26th 1989 Results

Creswell, Pete August 8th 1997  April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  September 27th 2003 Results

Cronqvist, Bjorn September 28th 1985

Crooks, Steve August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989

Cross, Brian August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  May 28th 1988

Cross, Darren June 30th 1990 Results

Cross, Dave May 1st 1982  August 7th 1983  April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  September 3rd 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989

Cross Keys Team June 24th 1973 Results

Cross, Lord 1965 Drag Fest Results

Croston, Paul May 7th 1978  June 11th 1978  September 28th 2002 Results

Croucher, Graham August 16th 1969

Cruse, Dick April 18th 1987  August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  April 1st 1988  April 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Cruttendon, J. April 21st 1968 Results

Cruttendon, John September 13th 1987

Cryer, Steve September 1st 1968 Results  June 27th 1971  November 6th 1971

Cuff, W. C. July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Cummings, Paul July 3rd 1982 Results  July 7th 1984

Cunningham, Mick October 22nd 1967 Results  June 15th 1968  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  September 1st 1968 Results  December 1st 1968

Cunningham, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Curbishley, Martin April 10th 1998  May 19th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Curtis, Alan July 4th 1998 Results

Cunnington, Gary August 26th 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Curnick, Jamie May 23rd 1992  May 29th 1993 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  March 25th 1995 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  March 21st 1998 Results  September 23rd 2000

Curran, Helen May 2nd 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004

Curtis, Stewart August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  April 22nd 1979  June 17th 1979

Cuss, Pat June 14th 1969 Results   May 3rd 1975  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  July12th 1975  July 12th 1975 Results  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  September 20th 1975  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  October 16th 1976  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  October 15th 1977  April 29th 1978  May 1st 1978  May 14th 1978  May 21st 1978  May 27th 1978  July 8th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979

Cutler, Scott April 17th 1993


Dabach, Leif June 15th 1974  September 14th 1974  June 14th 1975  June 14th 1975 Ladder  September 12th 1980 Results

Dahl, Oivind July 28th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results

Dahl, Sverre May 29th 1999 Results  July 28th 2000  June 8th 2001  September 6th 2002 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  July 29th 2004

Dale, Ian September 28th 2002 Results

Dales, Ian July 26th 1991 Results  May 9th 1992  May 23rd 1992  September 12th 1992

Dalpra, J. July 27th 1969 Results

Dalton, John May 5th 1979

Daly, Jack September 24th 1967

Daly, Raymond June 17th 1967 Results

Dance, Graham November 4th 1989  March 29th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  June 20th 1998 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999  August 28th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000  July 1st 2000 Results  July 15th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 9th 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  July 24th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  ACU Champions 2004

Dancey, Keith September 30th 1973 Results  June 15th 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 21st 1974  September 8th 1974  August 23rd 1975

Dandridge, Dorian August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979

Dangerous Brothers August 3rd 1991 Results

Daniel, Bob July 21st 1973

Daniels, Nick May 19th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

Daniels, Roy 1973 Note

Darby, Lee August 28th 1999 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  August 20th 2004

Dark, Graham June 2nd 1984  October 31st 1987  August 28th 1988  September 3rd 1988  June 3rd 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  July 15th 1989

Darlington, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

David, Martin September 24th 1978 Results

Davidson, Julian August 26th 1995  Results

Davie, George May 11th 1974  June 23rd 1974  March 2nd 1975  April 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  April 16th 1978 Results  May 14th 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 12th 1979  September 30th 1979  June 8th 1980  August 29th 1981  September 17th 1983

Davies, C. August 9th 1970 Results

Davies, John July 4th 1998 Results

Davies, John May 2nd 1981  May 19th 1985

Davies, Jon March 21st 1998 Results  June 19th 1999 Results

Davies, Mark May 3rd 1992 Results

Davies, Neil October 9th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Davies, Nick July 24th 1993  May 7th 1994  April 15th 1995  June 10th 1995  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  April 18th 1997  August 8th 1997  April 10th 1998  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  September 23rd 2000  2000 Champions

Davies, Richard/Dick August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results

Davies, Ric/Rich June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Davies, Simon September 20th 2003 Results

Davis, Alan May 6th 1973  May 6th 1973 Results

Davis, Don March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  October 6th 1968  January 25th 1969

Davis, James May 6th 1989

Davis, John June 2nd 1984  September 15th 1984 Results

Davis, Richard June 3rd 1989

Davis, Simon April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Davison, Julian September 13th 1996

Dawe, Clive July 9th 1977 Results

Dawkins, G. August 30th 1969 Results

Dawson, C. June 24th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results  August 30th 1969 Results

Dawson, Keith September 15th 1990

Dawson Collins, Tim August 10th 1968

Dawson, Richard November 7th 1981

Dave, Clive March 24th 1978

Day, David March 25th 1995 Results  June 29th 2002 Results

Day, Sarah April 3rd 1999 Results

Day, Simon October 7th 1989

Deal, Keith March 21st 1998 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results

Dean, Gordon August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Dean, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Debben, Ray May 23rd 1998

Debben, Steve May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results

Deichen, Bob March 24th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 18th 1974  May 11th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  December 6th 1975 Results

Delarue, Paul April 17th 1992 Results

Demaine, Ian March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967  October 22nd 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results

Denhart, Doug May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results

Denning, Jerry September 20th 2003 Results

Denny, Rick March 21st 1998 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results

Densham, Tony

Dent, W. September 24th 1978 Results

Denton, Geoff July 12th 1975 Results

Derry, Michael August 16th 1969  September 26th Results  1972 Notes

Derwent, Phil April 15th 1989

Deuchar, Lindsay June 24th 1984  July 3rd 1993  July 24th 1993  May 28th 1994  April 22nd 2000 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  May 1st 2004  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  October 2nd 2004

DeVos, Anton July 5th 1975  July 9th 1977 Results

Dibley, David July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  April 22nd 1979

Dickson, John August 10th 1968 Results  October 10th 1971  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 18th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974

Dickson, Tony

Didwell, Alan July 4th 1998 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  November 6th 1999  July 29th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  June 29th 2001 Results

Dienn, Martin April 16th 1978 Results

Dietrich, Bernd June 25th 1994  May 23rd 1998

Dietrich, Mirjana May 23rd 1998

DiFilippo, Darren March 18th 2000

Digby, Colin August 23rd 1975 Results  April 16th 1978 Results

Diggens, Gordon August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  October 31st 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990

Diggens, Neil October 9th 1999 Results  June 16th 2001 Results

Dipple, Harry April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979

Ditcher, Robin June 2nd 1969

Dixon, Andy June 30th 1990 Results

Dixon, Steve May 13th 1979

Dobbie, Robbie May 14th 1978  August 12th 1979  August 16th 1980 Results  May 2nd 1981

Dodd, J July 31st 1966

Dodd, M. May 3rd 1970 Results

Dodd, Nigel July 5th 1969 Results  May 30th 1971  March 19th 1972  April 15th 1973

Dodd, Steve May 5th 1990 Results

Dodds, John September 22nd 1973

Doignie, Bob May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Doignie, Stuart/Stu May 24th 2003 Results  September 20th 2003 Results

Donelly, Derry NDRC Results 1978

Donges, Tony March 24th 1978  June 6th 1980  September 12th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 23rd 1981  September 25th 1981  August 27th 1983  August 29th 1992

Donn, Barry August 27th 1983

Dougharty, Alan September 15th 1984 Results

Douglas, B. June 6th 1965 Results

Douglas, G. June 6th 1965 Results

Douglas, Tony July 30th 1982

Dowding, Nigel March 25th 1989 Results  May 6th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  July 3rd 1992  April 15th 1995

Downham, Dick June 17th 1979

Downes, R. March 27th 1967 Results

Dowse, John June 3rd 1989  June 17th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 25th 1990

Dowsett, Jeff September 16th 1994 Results

Doyle, Bob/Robert July 5th 1996  May 1st 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results

Drage, Geoff May 5th 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  July 26th 1992

Drake, C. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Drake, Phil April 20th 1975  May 11th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results

Draper Bros. May 23rd 1987  November 5th 1988

Draper, Charlie July 25th 1987  July 15th 1989  August 29th 1987  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder   April 21st 1990  June 23rd 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 7th 1990

Drew, Steve September 15th 1990 Results

Drewitt, Phil June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 12th 1990  August 3rd 1991  August 3rd 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  May 23rd 1992  April 10th 1993  May 8th 1993 Results  July 24th 1993  August 7th 1993  April 30th 1994 Results  May 7th 1994  May 14th 1994  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995

Duce, Dante July 1963  September 1963  September 10th 1963  September 14th 1963  September 21st 1963  September 22nd 1963  September 22nd 1963 Results  July 1964  September 12th 1964  September 19th 1964  September 20th 1964  October 4th 1964

Dudley, Martin August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Duffell, Roy July 31st 1966 Results   August 28th 1966  June 2nd 1968 Results

Duffield-Harding, Roger May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984

Dumont, Glen October 8th 1994  October 8th 1994 Results

Duncan, Bob May 3rd 1993  July 29th 1995 Results

Duncan, D. September 22nd 1963 Results

Dunks, Andrew September 15th 1984 Results

Dunmow, Ted May 22nd 1971  July 7th 1973  July 21st 1974  September 29th 1974  November 30th 1974  May 3rd 1975  May 11th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  September 18th 1976  November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  October 15th 1977  1977 Awards  June 3rd 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979

Dunn, Steve July 3rd 1982 Results  October 2nd 1983  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1995 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 20th 2004

Dunster, Colin May 28th 1966  May 28th 1967 Results  June 18th 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results

Dunster, T. W. September 22nd 1963 Results

Dutton, Mark May 20th 1984

Dyer, Steve July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  June 1st 2002 Results

Dyke, Nigel April 24th 1977

Dymott, P. June 2nd 1968 Results


Earp, Clifford 1905

Earrey, Mark June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  NAST Champions 2004

East, Don June 16th 1968  June 16th 1968 Results  August 11th 1968  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  July 11th 1970 Results  May 22nd 1971  June 27th 1971  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  April 15th 1973  August 19th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results

East, Richard July 5th 1975

Eastbury, Paul June 27th 1971  April 1st 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  March 24th 1974  June 2nd 1974  September 8th 1974  May 24th 1975  December 6th 1975  May 14th 1978  June 1st 1980  June 8th 1985

Easter, Chris September 3rd 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Easter, Steve July 30th 1988  September 15th 1990 Results

Eastman, Barry August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  June 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981  November 7th 1981  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  September 13th 1987  July 30th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990

Eastman, Brian September 29th 1974

Eaton, Richard November 1st 1986  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  May 23rd 1987  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  September 12th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 16th 1988  July 30th 1988  August 6th 1988

Eccles, Stu August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988

Eckstrand, Al March 19th 1966  June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966  June 24th 1967  July 1st 1967

Ederidge, Martin September 15th 1990 Results  October 8th 1994 Results

Edwards, Daz May 9th 1987

Edwards, Don November 2nd 1974  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  April 24th 1977

Edwards, Tony August 23rd 1980

Edwards, W. May 24th 1975

Eeles, Philip July 20th 1968  July 21st 1968 Results  August 11th 1968 Results  September 15th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968  October 20th 1968 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 30th 1969 Results  May 3rd 1970 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions

Egely, Richard April 21st 1990 Results

Eggleton, Bruce May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  November 27th 1970

Eierdam, Al September 25th 1981

Einarsson, Thomas August 18th 1990

Ekering, Lennart April 13th 1979 Results 25th September 1981 Ladder  July 30th 1982

Eldridge, Martin June 23rd 1990 Results

Eldridge, Simon December 1st 1968

Elgar, Ray September 11th 1966  September 15th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968 Results  October 5th 1969  March 29th 1970 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  July 13th 1975

Elgin, Peter August 20th 1972

Ellingham, Paul May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results

Elliot, Keith August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968  September 1st 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968 Results  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  March 29th 1970 Results  May 22nd 1971  May 30th 1971  September 26th Results  November 6th 1971  April 1st 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974

Ellis, Dave April 15th 1989  June 3rd 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Ellis, E. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 23rd 1967 Results

Ellis, Eric June 6th 1965 Results  July 31st 1966 Results   August 28th 1966  May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results

Ellis, Graham May 4th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  April 10th 2004

Ellis, John August 8th 1997  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  2000 Champions  May 3rd-5th 2003  June 14th 2003  September 20th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004

Ellis, P. September 22nd 1963 Results

Ellison, Tony July 7th 1968  August 30th 1969 Results

Ellson, John March 29th 1970 Results  June 27th 1971

Ellul, John April 22nd 2000  May 27th 2000  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results

Elms, John July 31st 1966  July 31st 1966 Results 

Elson, Brian April 20th 1975  March 7th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 24th 1976

Elson, Phil July 27th 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  May 3rd 1970  May 24th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  August 16th 1970 Results  June 27th 1971  September 12th 1971  May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  August 20th 1972  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  November 4th 1972  April 1st 1973  May 26th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  November 3rd 1973  March 24th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 5th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  November 2nd 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 5th 1975 Ladder  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  September 20th 1975  October 12th 1975  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976 Ladder  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  July 21st 1978  August 3rd 1980

Elton, John May 3rd 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions

Emery, Brian April 30th 1988  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  September 22nd 1989  November 4th 1989  April 21st 1990 Results  August 4th 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990

Emery, Dale July 5th 1975  July 5th 1975 Ladder

Emery, Mike May 14th 1978

Emmerson, Dave April 24th 1977  June 3rd 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  August 26th 1979 Results  May 2nd 1981  October 30th 1982

Emmett, Rob June 21st 1987  June 3rd 1989  October 7th 1989  June 16th 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  May 11th 1991  May 8th 1993 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  October 8th 1994 Results  June 24th 1995  August 12th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results

Emms, Ricky June 29th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  November 1st 2003 Results

Enger, Steiner September 12th 1980  July 7th 1984 Results

England, Neil July 6th 1974

Englefield, Phil/Burt July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  October 31st 1987  June 12th 1988  July 16th 1988  July 30th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  November 4th 1989 Ladder  September 15th 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  October 8th 1994  June 10th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  May 28th 2004

Englezos, Peter November 1st 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Ensor, Chris June 24th 1989 Results  July 15th 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Envall, Anders September 29th 1984

England, Neil September 9th 1973

Enyler, Rob July 7th 1973

Erbacher, Urs July 6th 1991  July 20th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  August 29th 1992  August 27th 1994  June 30th 1995  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  August 21st 1998  September 10th 1999  September 10th 1999 Results  July 1st 2000  July 1st 2000 Results  September 6th 2002  September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  2003 European Champions  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  2004 European Champions

Eriksson, Mats July 29th 2004

Eriksson, Svante July 7th 1973  July 21st 1973  July 6th 1974  June 14th 1975  September 6th 1975  October 16th 1976  September 12th 1980

Errol, Mustapha September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  March 24th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 15th 1974  June 30th 1974  June 30th 1974  August 18th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974

Eugenia, Hensley September 28th 2002 Results

Eury, Jim June 24th 1973 Results

Evans, Andy August 18th 1991 Results

Evans, Chris IHRA Champions 1991

Evans, Gary June 28th 1980

Evans, Jon April 1st 1988 Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  April 29th 1995 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  September 13th 1996  April 14th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Evans, P. November 2nd 1974

Evans, P. 1985 BDRA Points

Evans, Phil August 12th 1979  May 10th 1980  June 1st 1980  June 28th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  July 3rd 1982 Results  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results

Evans, Phil April 30th 1994 Results

Everitt, John June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  June 12th 1988  July 16th 1988  April 6th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results

Every, Richard November 5th 2001

Evison, Scott September 13th 1996  June 29th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Eyre, Bob August 10th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  September 1st 1968 Results


Fagerstrom, Freddy September 6th 2002 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004

Fairhead, Graham September 27th 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Fairhurst, Mark September 14th 2001 Results  May 24th 2003 Results

Falkstedt, Miki June 8th 2001

Faller, Dave August 8th 1971 Results

Fallows, Colin August 6th 1988

Fallstrom, Hakan May 28th 2004

Fancy, Mike August 15th 1982 Results  May 8th 1988  September 22nd 1989

Farley, Dave June 29th 1991 Results  

Farley, Dominic July 26th Results

Farmer, Roy August 25th 1984  September 15th 1984 Results

Farmer, Simon July 5th 1996  April 22nd 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 1st 2004

Farndon, Fred August 19th 2000

Farrell, Don May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 31st 1966  July 31st 1966 Results   August 28th 1966

Farrell, Stella May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results  August 9th 1964  1964 Drag Fest Winners  June 6th 1965

Faulkner, Rob April 29th 2000 Results

Faulkner, T. March 12th 1967  June 2nd 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results

Featherstone, Brett August 26th 1989 Results

Feeler, Bob April 2nd 1994  August 27th 1994  April 15th 1995  September 13th 1996

Feeney, Mike March 29th 1991 Results  May 11th 1991  August 3rd 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  April 17th 1992 Results  May 3rd 1992 Results  July 3rd 1992

Fell, Stuart May 8th 1993 Results

Fellows, Russell/Russ October 8th 1994 Results  March 21st 1998 Results June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Felstead, Bill May 28th 1988 Results

Feltell, Ray December 1st 1968  July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  October 3rd 1970  October 11th 1970 Results  May 30th 1971  June 27th 1971  August 8th 1971 Results  September 12th 1971  October 10th 1971  May 20th 1972  October 21st 1972  October 21st 1973  July 12th 1975 Results  March 20th 1977  NDRC Results 1978  August 23rd 1980  March 28th 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982

Fenner, Gayle June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results

Fensome, Steve 1989 Championship Results

Fernside, Stuart April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  August 5th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 30th 1979  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 10th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  July 5th 1980  June 28th 1980

Ferrer, Jacob September 10th 1999 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  June 1st 2002 Results

Ferretti, Antonio April 19th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  October 2nd 2004

Field, Les April 16th 1967  July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  April 7th 1968  June 17th 1967 Results

Field, Pete June 27th 1981

Fielding, Rick June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results  March 29th 1970 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions  May 22nd 1971  June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  July 25th 1971 Results  April 8th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  1973 Champions  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  May 24th 1975  April 16th 1978 Results  August 16th 1980 Results

Fielding, Rich April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  September 2nd 1979  June 1st 1980  June 7th 1980  July 4th 1981 Results

Filbee, J. July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results

Filsell, Chris July 4th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder  November 7th 1981  May 29th 1982  July 16th 1982  August 28th 1982  September 24th 1982 Ladder  November 6th 1982  April 1st 1983

Finney, G. August 30th 1969 Results

Fischer, Fay August 26th 1995  Results  August 24th 1996  April 18th 1997  May 24th 1997  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998  September 8th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results

Fisher, Bob December 1st 1968

Fisher, Colin April 13th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  October 15th 1977  May 10th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results

Fisher, Jack August 28th 1966  March 27th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967 Results

Fisher, Mark April 14th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  May 11th 2002  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 7th 2004

Fisher, T. Bike Championship Results 1990

Fisher Terry September 29th 1974

Fisher, Terry August 3rd 1980  April 30th 1988

Fisher, Vic July 20th 1991 Results

Fitzpatrick, Harry March 25th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  May 23rd 1981  August 26th 1989 Results

Fjeld, Rune September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  25th September 1981 Ladder  July 30th 1982  September 24th 1982 Ladder  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  July 7th 1984 Results  July 6th 1985 Results  September 20th 1985 Results  July 5th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder  April 18th 1987  June 27th 1987  September 25th 1987  April 1st 1988  April 30th 1988  September 23rd 1988  November 5th 1988  July 1st 1989  April 14th 1990  May 5th 1990  July 7th 1990  August 18th 1990  July 6th 1991  July 3rd 1992  July 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994  June 30th 1995  September 12th 1997  November 5th 2001  April 6th 2003  April 10th 2004

Flack, R. July 31st 1966

Flammerling, Gerard September 17th 1977

Flanagan, Kevin May 2nd 1998 Results

Flatt, Mick June 18th 1988 Results  September 3rd 1988  September 10th 1988  June 3rd 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  July 20th 1991 Results

Flavell, Allen August 29th 1981  June 5th 1983  June 5th 1983  September 16th 1984  June 21st 1986  June 21st 1987  September 12th 1987  May 8th 1988  August 6th 1988  August 5th 1989  May 23rd 1992  August 7th 1993  August 12th 1995

Flavell, Mark August 6th 1988  August 5th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 3rd 1992 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  June 26th 2004

Fletcher, Dave June 28th 1980

Fletcher, Mike June 21st 1986

Florent, Doug May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results

Floyd, Diana 27th August 1967

Floyd, John May 2nd 1998 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results

Flynn, Derek April 10th 2004 Results

Fo, Dominque, June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993

Foley, F. April 23rd 1967

Foley, R. July 25th 1971 Results

Ford, Michael August 11th 1968 Results  August 16th 1969  September 28th 1969 Results  May 24th 1970 Results

Ford, Mick June 23rd 1974

Ford, Ray June 14th 2003 Results

Formhals, D. June 1st 1969

Forrester, Mark May 2nd 1981  August 28th 1988

Forsythe, Roger. September 15th 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968 Results  March 30th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 30th 1977  1977 Awards  June 29th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results

Forth, Phil June 21st 1986  May 9th 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  May 6th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results

Forty, Brian April 11th 1966 Results  July 31st 1966 Results 

Fossey, Mark March 25th 1989 Results  June 3rd 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  1989 Championship Results  May 5th 1990 Results  May 29th 1993 Results

Foster, Vaughan April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Foulsham, Peter September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results

Fox, Kevin May 3rd 1992 Results  May 8th 1993 Results  July 30th 1994  August 26th 1995  Results

Frampton, Pete April 16th 1978 Results

France, Richie 1989 Championship Results

Francis, A. October 15th 1967 Results

Francis, Malcolm May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results

Francis, Mick August 28th 1988

Francis, Richard/Richie June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989  October 7th 1989

Fraser, Ian April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  April 28th 1974  June 2nd 1974  July 6th 1974  April 16th 1976  September 18th 1976  April 24th 1977  May 21st 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Fraser, M. April 21st 1968 Results

Freeborn, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Freeman, Bob March 24th 1978

Freer, Andy June 19th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results

Freeze, J August 26th 1978

French, Steve March 20th 1977  May 15th 1977

French, Steve July 3rd 1992  September 5th 1992  August 26th 1995  Results  March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  August 21st 1998  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 14th 2003

French, Stewart July 9th 1977 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Friend, Dave April 21st 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 26th Results

Friend, Martin April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978

Fritchley, B May 20th 1984

Frome, Adrian June 2nd 1974

Fromm, Alan 25th September 1981 Ladder

Fromm, Hazze July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  June 14th 1975  June 14th 1975 Ladder  September 14th 1979 Ladder  September 12th 1980 Results

Froome, Tony June 15th 1974  June 23rd 1974  August 18th 1974  March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975  August 23rd 1975  September 28th 1975  October 12th 1975  December 6th 1975  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977

Frost, Andy October 5th 2002 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Frost, Jarrod September 16th 1994 Results  August 12th 1995  November 4th 1995 Results

Fryer, Ivan April 30th 1972  May 20th 1972  April 1st 1973 Results  April 8th 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  1973 Champions  March 24th 1974  April 7th 1974  May 11th 1974  June 2nd 1974  August 18th 1974  November 2nd 1974  April 13th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Fryer, L. September 22nd 1963 Results

Fuhrmann, Andreas June 29th 1991 Results    June 29th 1991 Results

Fulton, Richard July 28th 1984  September 15th 1984 Results

Furlong, Fred June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  April 10th 2004 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Furniss, Will April 14th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003 Results

Fyfe, Andrew August 29th 1987

Fyldes, Steve May 29th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results


Gadney, Dave September 22nd 2001 Results

Galvin, Eddie July 29th 2000 Results

Gane, Tony 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  June 19th 1966  August 28th 1966  April 23rd 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  June 18th 1967  June 24th 1967  May 26th 1973

Ganton, K. May 7th 1978

Garbutt, Ian August 16th 1969

Garfield, Chick August 31st 1975

Garlick, Tim May 29th 1993 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004  June 12th 2004  June 26th 2004  June 26th 2004 Results

Garlits, Don September 19th 1964  September 20th 1964  September 26th 1964  September 27th 1964  October 3rd 1964  October 4th 1964  1964 Drag Fest Winners  January 24th 1976  April 17th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  April 8th 1977  April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results

Garner, Chris July 5th 1996

Garrett, P. June 2nd 1968 Results

Gates, M. April 19th 1970 Results

Gaudion, Steve May 21st 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Gavin, Jim June 6th 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results

Gay, Nick August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results

Geary, Ron July 20th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  September 15th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968 Results

Gee, Ken April 13th 1975  March 7th 1976  July 24th 1976  September 18th 1976  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 16th 1980 Results

Geeve, Henk April 1st 1988 Results  March 25th 1989 Results

German, H. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

George, Barry October 7th 2000 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

George, Bob June 24th 1967

George, Rob May 23rd 1976  March 24th 1978  May 10th 1980

George, Rod April 13th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  August 15th 1976  May 15th 1977  May 7th 1978  May 21st 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  April 4th 1980  August 23rd 1980

Geraghty, Mick April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Gerrad, D. P. May 7th 1978

Gibbons, Dave August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  April 4th 1980  April 20th 1980  May 23rd 1981  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982

Gibbons, John April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  November 6th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  June 24th 1979  September 15th 1984 Results  July 25th 1987

Gibbs, Craig June 20th 1998 Results  May 29th 1999 Results

Gibbs, Katie May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  June 17th 2000 Results

Gibbs, Terry August 7th 1993  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995  November 4th 1995 Results  1998 Note

Gibson, Andy April 22nd 1979

Gibson, Brian October 2nd 1966

Gibson, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Gibson, Phil May 15th 1977  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Gibson, T. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Giddings, Paul September 1st 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990  August 27th 1994

Giffen, K. July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results

Gilbert, Ted May 24th 1975  August 31st 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  November 6th 1976  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results

Gilbertson, Rich May 7th 2001

Giles, Barry July 9th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  July 3rd 1982 Results  October 2nd 1983  August 29th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990  May 26th 1990   September 15th 1990 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  July 3rd 1992  July 23rd 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  April 5th 1996  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  May 23rd 1998  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Giliberto, Riccardo June 15th 2002

Gilkerson, M. June 24th 1967 Results  July 7th 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results

Gill, Colin May 3rd 1980 Results  June 28th 1980

Gill, Dave NDRC Results 1978  May 24th 1980 Results

Gilmore, Steve August 12th 2000

Gipp, Richard April 3rd 1999 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  July 24th 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  May 1st 2004

Gladstone, Bob June 11th 1966  July 1st 1967

Glass, Colin July 3rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  April 11th 1966  October 2nd 1966

Glassup, Bob June 20th 1998 Results

Glassup, Holley May 19th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Glassup, Matt April 10th 2004 Results

Gleadow, Adam May 26th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results

Gleadow, Brian May 3rd 1970  August 29th 1981

Gleadow, Mick May 2nd 1981  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990  July 3rd 1992  June 30th 1995  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996

Glide, Alan March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results

Glover, Dave May 19th 1985  October 7th 1989

Glover, Jayne July 15th 1989

Glover, Simon August 28th 1982

Glueck, A August 9th 1964

Glydon, Mr. August 10th 1968 Results

Goddard, Pete April 4th 1980  April 20th 1980  May 10th 1980  June 1st 1980

Godfrey, Keith NDRC Results 1978

Godlee, Peter August 14th 1965

Godwin, N. September 1st 1968 Results

Goggin, Gary June 15th 1968  July 7th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  May 24th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  August 29th 1971  September 26th Results  August 5th 1972  August 20th 1972  September 23rd 1972  November 4th 1972  April 22nd 1973  May 6th 1973 Results  May 26th 1973  June 17th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  July 7th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 19th 1973  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  September 15th 1973  September 30th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973  November 3rd 1973  1973 Champions  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  April 28th 1974  May 5th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 15th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 13th 1975  August 1st 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  November 1st 1975  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 16th 1976  August 1976

Golding, Alan April 30th 1994 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Good, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Good, Steve June 19th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Goodale, Rick May 28th 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results

Goodger, Tony July 9th 1977 Results

Goodman, Derek April 1st 1973  April 1st 1973 Results

Goodman, John September 3rd 1988

Goodman, Michael March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Goodwin, N. August 10th 1968 Results

Gordon, George March 25th 1989 Results

Gordon, Tony August 4th 1990

Goring, Roger May 23rd 1998  July 29th 2000  August 12th 2000  June 14th 2003  August 23rd 2003  September 20th 2003  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  August 20th 2004

Gothard, Peter July 11th 1982  1985 BDRA Points

Gould, Jack June 21st 1986

Grabham, Bill April 15th 1968 Results

Grabham, Dave April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Grabham, G. W. June 11th 1966  July 31st 1966

Grace, Mary September 17th 1983

Grady, Dave April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results  June 11th 1978  July 11th 1982  August 19th 2000

Graham, B June 2nd 1968 Results  July 27th 1969 Results

Graham, John April 11th 1966 Results

Graham, Julian March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Gransden, Tony June 9th 1984  September 29th 1984  June 1985  September 28th 1985  May 23rd 1992  July 24th 1993  August 7th 1993  September 17th 1993  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996

Grant, John April 30th 1994 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Grant, Neil August 28th 1988  April 15th 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 29th 1993 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

Grayston, Tony April 17th 1992 Results  May 8th 1993 Results

Graves, Trevor 1989 Championship Results  April 30th 1994 Results  May 7th 1994  March 25th 1995 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  June 10th 1995  July 29th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results

Gray, C. September 22nd 1963 Results

Gray, Doug April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  July 16th 1988

Gray, M. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Gray, Nick May 26th 1990

Gray, Peter June 17th 1967 Results  July 17th 1966  July 16th 1967 Results  27th August 1967

Greatholder, George October 29th 1983

Green, David October 20th 1968 Results

Green, Martin August 28th 1999 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  March 30th 2002 Results

Green, Nigel May 2nd 1998 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  November 5th 2001

Green, P. July 17th 1966

Green, Phil May 22nd 1971

Green, Roy November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 24th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  September 23rd 1979

Green, Steve March 28th 1981  July 3rd 1982 Results  March 31st 1984  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  May 9th 1987  July 25th 1987  May 8th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  August 6th 1988  April 15th 1989  June 17th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  1989 Championship Results  April 21st 1990 Results  May 12th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 7th 1990  August 4th 1990  August 5th 1990 Results  April 2nd 1994  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  August 12th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Gregory, Barrie April 29th 2000 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Gregory, Clive June 16th 1990  August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Gregory, Danny April 29th 1978

Gregory, John April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Gregson, Derek August 12th 2000

Greves, George June 29th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003 Results

Griffin, Ben 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Griffin, Cliff August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results

Griffin, Frank October 24th 1987  August 28th 1988

Griffin, K. April 6th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969 Results 

Griffin, Murray April 17th 1993

Griffith, Chuck 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Griffiths, P. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Grimwade, Andy March 20th 1982

Grodem, Arvid May 28th 2004

Grosland, John April 17th 1981  May 23rd 1981  September 25th 1981

Grosvenor, Paul October 30th 1982  September 3rd 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  June 3rd 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Grove, Martin August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  May 3rd 1992 Results

Guest, Simon May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  July 1st 2000 Results

Gullquist, Michael September 10th 1999 Results  September 8th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results

Gunderson, Hugh July 1st 1967  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  June 14th 1969 Results 

Gunnell, P. October 11th 1970 Results

Gurney, Ed June 24th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  September 28th 1969 Results  May 3rd 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  May 22nd 1971  June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  June 27th 1971

Gustavsson, Bjorn May 23rd 1981

Guy, Ray May 29th 1993 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  September 24th 1994  March 25th 1995 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  May 5th 2001 Results

Guy, Tony IHRA Champions 1991  May 3rd 1992 Results  July 3rd 1992  April 29th 1995 Results  August 12th 1995  September 13th 1996

Guzowski, Roger August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  June 8th 1980

Gwynn, Darrel March 25th 1989  April 29th 1989  September 22nd 1989  April 14th 1990  May 5th 1990  May 12th 1990


Haapanen, Tommi September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  May 27th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  August 21st 1998

Habermann, Gerd July 23rd 1994 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Hackney, John April 10th 2004 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Haggas, Bob April 16th 1978 Results  May 7th 1978  May 14th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Haggas, Harry June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results

Haggerty, Del November 6th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results

Hagon, Alf

Hagon, Martin May 24th 1969

Hale, Steve June 8th 1980  June 28th 1980  August 16th 1980  August 29th 1981

Hales, John June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results

Halinen, Jari July 24th 2003

Hall, Adrian July 26th Results

Hall, Chris August 29th 1987  May 28th 1988 Results  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  June 29th 1991  May 23rd 1992  September 5th 1992  May 29th 1993 Results  May 28th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  August 26th 2000  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  June 16th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results

Hall, Dave August 26th 1989 Results  July 3rd 1992  May 29th 1993 Results  March 14th 1994 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  May 7th 1994  May 29th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  November 1st 2003 Results

Hall, John April 16th 1978 Results

Hall, Martin October 6th 1973

Hall, Mike/Mick October 6th 1973 Results  March 24th 1974  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 11th 1974  June 15th 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 18th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  July12th 1975  July 12th 1975 Results  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  July 18th 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  June 9th 1984

Hall, Simon July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  July 23rd 1994 Results  November 4th 1995 Results

Hambidge, Paul April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  April 29th 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  September 14th 2001 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results

Hamer, David July 9th 1977 Results

Hammond, Mark August 24th 2002 Results

Hammond, Vic June 23rd 1974  November 2nd 1974  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 17th 1976 Results  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 24th 1977  May 15th 1977  October 15th 1977  May 14th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  September 30th 1979  September 29th 1990

Hampson, Chris June 21st 1987  August 29th 1987  May 28th 1988 Results  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989  April 21st 1990 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  May 12th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  June 30th 1990 Results  September 1st 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990  January 3rd 1991  June 29th 1991  June 29th 1991 Results   May 23rd 1992  June 27th 1992  August 29th 1992  June 26th 1993  August 26th 1995  Results  August 8th 1998  May 27th 2000  July 1st 2000

Hamer, Dave May 28th 1972 Results

Hamlyn, George July 6th 1974  November 2nd 1974

Hammond, Mark March 30th 2002 Results

Hamoniaux, S. 1985 BDRA Points

Hampstead, Ian August 3rd 1991 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results

Hance, Bob August 12th 1984

Hancox, Bob April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  September 23rd 2000

Hand, Mick May 26th 1973  September 22nd 1973  September 29th 1974  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 14th 1975  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  November 6th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results

Hand, Roger August 12th 1984

Hannam, Chris June 29th 1991 Results   June 17th 2000 Results  November 18th 2000  May 5th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 23rd 2003

Hannant, Bill June 3rd 1978 Results

Hannis, Martin August 27th 1989

Hansen, Jackie May 28th 2004

Hansford, Bob October 21st 1973 Results

Hanson, Paul August 26th 1995  Results

Hansson, Magnus September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004

Hansson, Stig September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results

Harbison, D. May 5th 1968 Results

Hardcastle, Russ September 23rd 1979

Hare, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Hare, Roger July 25th 1971 Results

Harler, Doug July 7th 1968 Results  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  September 1st 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  May 4th 1969  April 27th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  August 30th 1969 Results  July 11th 1970  May 30th 1971  June 27th 1971

Harman, Pete July 17th 1966  August 9th 1970 Results  September 12th 1971  October 10th 1971

Harman, Bob/Robert March 30th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  September 18th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  May 14th 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  May 23rd 1981

Harmoniaux, Steve August 24th 1985 Re-run Results

Harrington, Stephen March 25th 1995 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  August 8th 1998  September 11th 1998  July 1st 2000 Results

Harris, Andy June 9th 1984

Harris, David May 24th 1969

Harris, Duncan August 26th 1979 Results  August 16th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results

Harris, G. March 27th 1967 Results

Harris, Julian September 9th 2004 Results

Harris, Les July 29th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  August 20th 2004

Harris, Martin May 23rd 1992

Harris, P. July 31st 1966  May 5th 1968

Harris, Pete May 1st 1999 Results

Harris, Sydnor May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results

Harrison, Augy July 30th 1988  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  June 30th 1995

Harrison, Charlie March 18th 1973  May 26th 1973  May 11th 1974  November 2nd 1974

Harrison, John 1962  1963  May 17th 1964  August 9th 1964  October 4th 1964  March 14th 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  26th March 1966  April 11th 1966 Results  May 28th 1966  December 1st 1968  September 28th 1969  June 21st 1993

Harrison, Peter July 4th 1981 Results

Hart, Gary August 26th 1989 Results

Hart, Pat August 25th 1974

Hart, Pete March 19th 1972 Results  May 20th 1972 Results

Hartley, Mick March 20th 1977

Hartman, Benny June 24th 1989 Results

Hartnell, Chris June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  August 12th 2000  2000 Champions  May 5th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Hartshorn, Mick August 28th 1988  August 5th 1989

Hartshorne, Dave May 2nd 1987  July 25th 1987

Harvey, Brian 1970 Points Champions

Harvey, Bill April 11th 1966 Results  July 3rd 1965 Results  August 28th 1966  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  May 5th 1968  May 5th 1968 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results

Harvey, Kevin April 20th 1975  June 8th 1975  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Harvey, Paul June 24th 1995  July 24th 2004

Harvey, Rachael 27th August 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  May 5th 1968 Results

Harvie, Keith August 20th 1972  November 4th 1972  April 8th 1973  June 24th 1973  August 18th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  October 6th 1974  November 2nd 1974

Harvie, Keith September 29th 1974

Hasslestrom, Lee Anders March 24th 1978  July 8th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  September 14th 1979 Ladder  July 5th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  July 4th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder  May 29th 1982  July 30th 1982  September 24th 1982 Ladder  September 19th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder  June 27th 1987  September 25th 1987  July 2nd 1988

Hatfield, Charles NDRC Results 1978

Hatherley, Chris April 24th 1977  May 15th 1977  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Hathersich, Roy August 26th 1989 Results

Hatton, Nick April 18th 1987

Hatton, Nigel August 29th 1987

Hauge, Kjetil May 5th 1990  May 24th 1997  May 29th 1999 Results

Hauser, Geoff July 7th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 15th 1976  NDRC Results 1978  August 23rd 1980  August 29th 1987  October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  July 16th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  November 4th 1989  November 4th 1989 Ladder  1989 Championship Results  April 21st 1990

Hauser, Jay May 28th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Hauser, Scott October 7th 2000 Results

Hauser, Sylvia April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 30th 1979  April 4th 1980  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 10th 1980  August 23rd 1980  October 11th 1980  February 23rd 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  September 25th 1981  November 7th 1981  May 9th 1982  June 26th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  August 28th 1982  November 6th 1982  June 5th 1983  June 11th 1983  September 1st 1983  September 17th 1983  March 31st 1984  May 6th 1984  July 7th 1984  August 25th 1984  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  August 24th 1985  September 28th 1985  1985 BDRA Points

Hawes, Graham November 6th 1976  August 26th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  June 23rd 1979  July 7th 1979  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 8th 1979  September 23rd 1979  September 30th 1979  May 11th 1980  June 8th 1980  June 28th 1980

Hawkins, Alan August 26th 1989 Results

Hawkins, B. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Hawkins, Dennis July 23rd 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results

Hawley, Frank September 21st 1984

Hawley, Steve August 3rd 1991 Results

Hayhoe, Kevin April 7th 1974

Hayden-Smith, David August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  July 6th 1974  August 25th 1974

Haynes, Bill July 5th 1969 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  May 3rd 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  August 9th 1970  August 9th 1970 Results  May 11th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  October 15th 1977

Hayward, Owen August 26th 1973  September 15th 1973  October 6th 1973  November 3rd 1973  March 24th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 26th 1974  July 6th 1974  August 3rd 1974  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 5th 1975 Ladder  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976 Ladder  August 28th 1976  March 20th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 27th 1978  July 21st 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979  July 7th 1979  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 8th 1979  September 14th 1979 Ladder  October 13th 1979  November 3rd 1979  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  June 6th 1980  July 5th 1980  August 23rd 1980  September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder  November 7th 1981  May 29th 1982  July 3rd 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 16th 1982  July 30th 1982  August 28th 1982  September 24th 1982 Ladder  November 6th 1982  April 1st 1983  May 28th 1983  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  November 5th 1983  July 7th 1984 Results

Hazleton, Brian April 24th 1977  June 23rd 1979  April 4th 1980  May 24th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  September 12th 1980  November 8th 1980  February 23rd 1981  April 17th 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  September 25th 1981

Hazleton, John June 17th 1979  September 30th 1979  June 6th 1980  August 23rd 1980

Hazleton, Reg July 9th 1977 Results  May 1st 1978  May 21st 1978  May 27th 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  July 8th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  March 25th 1979  May 26th 1979  June 6th 1980

Head, Sarah Jane June 29th 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 10th 2004

Heading, Ron July 17th 1966  April 16th 1967 Results

Heading, Tony April 16th 1967  September 17th 1967

Headon, Kevin July 23rd 1994 Results

Heal, Alex March 30th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results

Heald, Steve January 3rd 1991

Healey, John July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 24th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 5th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 30th 1979

Healey, Roy NDRC Results 1978

Healey, Tex December 6th 1975

Hearn, Danny July 29th 1995 Results  August 26th 1995  Results

Hearnden, Phil May 9th 1987  June 21st 1987  June 18th 1988 Results  June 24th 1989 Results

Heatley, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Heatley-Smith, Ronan May 4th 2002 Results

Heckle, Des 26th March 1966  July 17th 1966  September 4th 1966  August 20th 1967 Results  July 28th 1968  August 11th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  September 15th 1968 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   August 9th 1970 Results  May 30th 1971  June 13th 1971

Hedley, Edgar June 20th 1998 Results

Heezen, Job May 14th 1994  July 31st 1999  July 31st 1999 Results  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  May 7th 2001

Helander, Leif August 27th 1983  August 26th 1989 Results  September 21st 1990  July 3rd 1992  August 29th 1992  April 10th 1993  July 3rd 1993  September 17th 1993  August 26th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  August 21st 1998  September 10th 1999  May 27th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  May 24th 2003  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results

Hellgren, Klas June 30th 1995

Henden, Philip August 28th 1988

Henderson, John July 16th 1967  July 16th 1967 Results  July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  October 15th 1967 Results

Henderson, John June 17th 1979  August 12th 1979

Henkelman, Brandon February 4th 2000

Henkleman, Rick August 29th 1987

Henshaw, Paul August 13th 1994  June 19th 1999

Hensher, Paul August 24th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Henthorne, Julian May 9th 1987

Hepworth, Bernie August 26th 1979 Results  August 16th 1980 Results  August 26th 1978  June 5th 1983  May 12th 1990  June 16th 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  August 29th 1992  August 27th 1994  June 30th 1995  May 7th 2004  July 24th 2004

Herbert, Keith June 29th 2002 Results

Hermansson, Ralph September 28th 1985

Herrick, Phil November 2nd 1974  April 20th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975 Results  June 7th 1980  October 11th 1980  March 28th 1981  April 17th 1981  March 20th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  May 9th 1987  August 5th 1989  June 26th 1993

Herridge, Allan

Herridge, Allan Jnr July 31st 1999

Herron, Andrew April 10th 2004 Results

Hestermann, Willi June 24th 1973

Hewitt, Adam June 26th 1993  May 14th 1994  May 28th 1994  June 25th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  June 30th 1995

Hewitt, Bob May 20th 1984

Hewitt, Dave May 8th 1976  October 16th 1976  NDRC Results 1978

Hewitt, Jack August 28th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results

Hewitt, R. July 7th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results

Hibberd, Jimmy September 20th 2003 Results

Hicks, Maurice 27th August 1967  June 2nd 1968 Results

Hicks, P. March 14th 1965

Hiddleston, Hamish July 9th 1977 Results

Higgins, Neville October 3rd 1964  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Higham, Pip July 12th 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  April 29th 1978  May 7th 1978  June 11th 1978  August 26th 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 13th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  July 5th 1980  June 28th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  October 23rd 1981  March 20th 1982  May 9th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 11th 1982  August 15th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results  May 8th 1983  May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984  May 12th 1990  June 16th 1990  September 1st 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990

Hilary, Steve May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results

Hill, Andy July 24th 1993  August 12th 1995  April 5th 1996  July 5th 1996  May 24th 1997

Hill, Eddie September 11th 1998

Hill, Mick December 1st 1968

Hill, Les June 6th 1965  June 6th 1965 Results

Hill, Martin March 25th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  July 4th 1981 Results  August 12th 1984  August 3rd 1991  May 23rd 1992  April 8th 2000  July 1st 2000  July 15th 2000  August 12th 2000  August 26th 2000  November 4th 2000  May 7th 2001  May 26th 2001  August 11th 2001  November 5th 2001  May 9th 2003  May 24th 2003  June 14th 2003  September 5th 2003  November 1st 2003  May 7th 2004  May 28th 2004  June 26th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004  October 30th 2004

Hiller, Richard June 1st 2002 Results

Hillier, Mick May 24th 1975  July 9th 1977 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  November 4th 1978  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  June 28th 1980  May 2nd 1981  June 27th 1981

Hillman, Juha June 29th 1991

Hills, Martin May 28th 1966  July 31st 1966 Results 

Hills, Nobby September 10th 1963  September 19th 1964  October 4th 1964  June 6th 1965  July 3rd 1965  July 3rd 1965 Results  August 15th 1965  July 31st 1966 Results   August 28th 1966  September 24th 1967 Results  April 15th 1968  May 5th 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results  May 28th 1972  August 26th 1973  March 30th 1975  July 9th 1977  1977 Awards  May 27th 1978  October 13th 1979  November 3rd 1979  November 5th 1983  May 6th 1984

Hinchcliffe, Kurt June 5th 1983  June 5th 1983  June 24th 1984  September 16th 1984  September 10th 1988  July 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  May 12th 1990  July 6th 1991  August 24th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 24th 1993

Hindle, Carl August 6th 1988

Hindle, Mark August 6th 1988

Hinds, Stuart September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Hines, Terry July 30th 1988

Hines, Tim April 30th 1988  June 12th 1988  July 16th 1988  August 28th 1988  June 3rd 1989  September 15th 1990  September 5th 1992

Hing, Trevor August 26th 1973 Results  April 24th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results

Hirst, David April 29th 1995 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Hirst, Trevor May 5th 1990  May 26th 1990  July 7th 1990  September 15th 1990

Hiscock, Wayne August 26th 1995  Results  March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  July 4th 1998 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Hoare, Ray April 25th 1971  May 22nd 1971  October 10th 1971  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972  August 5th 1972  August 20th 1972  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 19th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  August 26th 1973  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  1973 Champions  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 15th 1974  June 30th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 18th 1974  July 23rd 1977  August 27th 1977  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  June 24th 1979

Hobbs, John

Hobbs, Wayne June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Hocking, Duncan July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  1973 Note

Hodder, J. May 5th 1968 Results

Hodge, Ian November 8th 1980

Hodgetts, Pete June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Hodgetts, S. June 13th 1971 Results

Hodgkins, Chris May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 19th 2001 Results

Hodgkins, Martin October 7th 2000 Results

Hodgkiss, Mike August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  May 3rd 1992 Results  August 26th 1995  Results

Hodgson, Simon May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  NAST Champions 2004

Hoff, Leo May 12th 1990  1990 European Drag Race Series Points

Hogarth, Jon  September 13th 1996  May 2nd 1998 Results  July 29th 2000  June 29th 2002 Results

Hogg, Mason August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Hogg, Stafford April 16th 1978

Hojner, Anders October 16th 1976  September 17th 1977  March 24th 1978

Holden, Martin June 24th 1984

Holden, Rob May 8th 1993 Results

Holgate, Derek May 3rd 1992 Results

Holgate, Martin June 19th 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results

Holgate, R. June 13th 1971 Results

Holland, Barry October 6th 1973 Results

Holland, Barry April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Holland, Dave April 10th 1998  May 2nd 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  November 10th 2001  June 15th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results

Holland, Nick May 3rd 2003 Results

Hollingsworth, Pete/Peter March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results

Hollingworth, John August 12th 2000

Hollingworth, Rob August 16th 1980 Results

Holloway, Peter March 25th 1989 Results

Hollstrom, Bo June 15th 1974  August 3rd 1974  September 14th 1974

Hollyoake, Tony September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Holmes, Andy September 16th 1994 Results  August 12th 1995  November 4th 1995 Results

Holmes, Dave June 7th 1980  July 11th 1982

Holmes, Tim May 9th 1987

Holmgren, Borge April 17th 1981

Holmgren, Stefan September 12th 1980

Holt, Bob May 11th 1980  May 9th 1982  July 11th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results

Homewood, Amy April 10th 2004 Results

Homgren, Ben July 3rd 1976

Hone, Andy April 29th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 4th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Honee, Jan September 11th 1998

Honey, Lewis May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results

Honey, Mike April 7th 1974  November 2nd 1974  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results

Honnor, B. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Hood, Michael 1989 Championship Results

Hook, Ian October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 26th 2001  August 23rd 2003 Results  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results

Hoover, Tom September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  25th September 1981 Ladder  September 24th 1982 Ladder  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  September 21st 1984  July 6th 1985 Results  September 20th 1985 Results  July 5th 1986  September 19th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder  June 27th 1987  September 25th 1987  July 2nd 1988  August 27th 1988  July 3rd 1992  July 3rd 1993

Hope, Chris July 3rd 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  August 26th 2000  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  July 24th 2003  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results

Hopkins, James May 13th 1979

Hopkins, Paul October 9th 1999 Results

Hopkinson, Thomas July 31st 1966 Results 

Hopp, Martin April 4th 1980  September 12th 1980  September 25th 1981

Horcicka, Jurgen June 26th 1993

Horman, Sid June 24th 1989 Results

Horn, Steve July 16th 1982  August 15th 1982  August 28th 1982  November 6th 1982

Houghton, D. March 29th 1970 Results

Houghton, Dave August 30th 1975  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  August 12th 1979

Houlston, Rob June 21st 1986  June 21st 1986  June 21st 1987  May 3rd 1992 Results

Houlston, Sue June 18th 1988  August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Hounsome, Grant June 3rd 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Howard, G. June 11th 1966

Howard, Roy April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 7th 1983  June 9th 1984

Howarth, Eddy June 21st 1986

Howarth, Neil June 24th 1984  September 16th 1984

Howden, D. August 10th 1968 Results  August 30th 1969 Results

Howe, Steve August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points

Howells, Brian September 12th 1971

Howells, Darren June 16th 2001 Results

Howlet, John July 24th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  August 26th 1979 Results

Hoyde, Ian May 7th 1978

Hoyle, Alan March 20th 1977  May 7th 1978  August 3rd 1980

Hucarmon, H. 1990 European Drag Race Series Points

Huck, Tony May 15th 1977  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 26th 1979 Results  June 28th 1980  May 2nd 1981  May 9th 1982  May 29th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results  October 29th 1983

Hudson, Kevin June 18th 1988 Results

Hudson, Paul July 29th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  August 12th 2000  June 15th 2002 Results

Huffenus, Erhard June 29th 1991 Results    June 29th 1991 Results

Huggins, Michael July 31st 1966 Results 

Huggins, P. April 11th 1966  1965 Drag Fest Results

Hughes, Alan May 3rd 1975  May 7th 1978  NDRC Results 1978

Hughes, Bob September 18th 1976

Hughes, Dave August 20th 1999

Hughes, Ron August 31st 1975  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  September 18th 1976  April 30th 1977  August 5th 1979  June 8th 1980

Hughes, Paul July 3rd 1992  May 3rd 1993  May 15th 1993  July 3rd 1993  October 16th 1993

Hughes, Terry May 2nd 1998 Results

Hulkes, Darren September 14th 2001 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Hulzinga, Gerard June 30th 1990 Results

Hume, John April 8th 1964  May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results  August 9th 1964  June 6th 1965  June 6th 1965 Results  June 20th 1965

Humphrey, Eric May 3rd 1993  May 29th 1993 Results

Hunt, Robert/Bob April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 14th 1978  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Hunt, Roger May 5th 1979 Results

Hunter, Bill July 25th 1987

Hurcomb, Jennifer May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Hurdle, Andrew July 18th 1980  July 4th 1981  August 29th 1981  July 16th 1982  August 28th 1982

Hurley, Eamon July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966  April 16th 1967  April 16th 1967 Results

Hurley, Eamon May 3rd 1975  May 10th 1980  June 1st 1980  June 8th 1980  August 3rd 1980  May 2nd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  25th July 1981  August 29th 1981  August 7th 1983  September 15th 1984 Results  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  May 3rd 1986

Hurll, Martin NDRC Results 1978  August 26th 1979 Results  July 5th 1980  July 3rd 1982 Results

Hutcherson, Mike July 17th 1966  August 28th 1966  May 28th 1967 Results April 15th 1968  April 15th 1968 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968  November 3rd 1968 Results  September 28th 1969 Results  March 29th 1970  April 19th 1970  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  May 16th 1971  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  April 1st 1973  April 1st 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973  May 26th 1973  June 17th 1973  July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 26th 1973  September 15th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  November 3rd 1973  March 24th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 5th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975

Huxley, Brian September 15th 1984 Results  September 28th 1985  June 21st 1986  June 21st 1987  June 18th 1988  June 18th 1988  June 18th 1988 Results  August 6th 1988  June 3rd 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 26th 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  August 29th 1992  June 16th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  2003 Champions  June 12th 2004 Results

Huxley, Lee March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 20th 1999  October 9th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  2003 Champions  April 10th 2004 Results

Hyde, Norman September 11th 1966  July 16th 1967 Results  October 15th 1967 Results  April 21st 1968 Results  May 19th 1968 Results  June 16th 1968 Results  August 11th 1968 Results  September 15th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968 Results  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  August 30th 1969 Results  May 22nd 1971  June 27th 1971  August 8th 1971 Results  March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results  May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  August 20th 1972  October 21st 1972  April 1st 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973  May 6th 1973 Results  June 17th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  July 7th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 26th 1973  September 15th 1973  October 21st 1973  1973 Note  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  July 24th 1976  August 15th 1976  August 26th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  August 3rd 1980

Hyland, Don September 19th 1964


Ibbett, Jim April 22nd 1979  August 5th 1979

Ince, Jon May 3rd 1992 Results

Ing, Alan March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967  June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  August 27th 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967  October 22nd 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  August 10th 1968  September 1st 1968 Results

Ingham, Steve June 1st 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results

Inglis, G. July 25th 1971 Results

Ireland, K. March 27th 1967 Results

Irons, P. October 15th 1967 Results

Irons, Pete March 19th 1972

Irvine, Andy June 14th 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Isaacs, Chris May 8th 1993 Results  March 14th 1994 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  July 23rd 1994 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  March 25th 1995 Results  August 12th 1995  November 4th 1995 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Ismail, Michael May 3rd 1993  September 24th 1994

Ison, Chris April 1st 1973 Results

Ithel, Walt June 24th 1967 Results  August 16th 1969

Ivarsson, John August 21st 1998

Iversen, Kjell September 29th 1984

Iverson, Rolf September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993

Ivo, Tommy September 19th 1964  September 20th 1964  September 27th 1964  October 3rd 1964  October 4th 1964  January 1965


Jack, Iain (Ian) April 14th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 14th 2003 Results

Jackson, Alan May 1st 1982  August 15th 1982 Results  October 29th 1983  September 15th 1984 Results  August 13th 1994  August 27th 1994  October 8th 1994  April 15th 1995  May 27th 1995  July 15th 1995  April 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  August 8th 1997  September 12th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998  September 11th 1998  May 29th 1999  May 29th 1999 Results  January 2000  May 27th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results  July 15th 2000  July 28th 2000  August 5th 2000  August 26th 2000

Jackson, Andy May 23rd 1987

Jackson, Ian September 22nd 2001 Results  September 20th 2003  September 20th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 26th 2004 Results  October 2nd 2004

Jackson, Jerry June 6th 1965 Results  July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  April 11th 1966 Results  June 11th 1966  July 31st 1966 Results   June 24th 1967 Results

Jackson, K. May 24th 1975

Jackson, Paul July 20th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  June 20th 1992  August 29th 1992  July 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994  April 3rd 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Jackson, Simon May 2nd 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results

Jackson, Sue May 7th 2001  March 30th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  June 14th 2003  August 23rd 2003

Jacobs, Christer September 5th 2003  September 9th 2004

Jacobsen, Oyvor May 23rd 1992  September 18th 1992  April 6th 2003  April 19th 2003  May 24th 2003

Jacques, John September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Jagger, Andy June 11th 1978

Jago, Geoff June 24th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results

Jameson, Roy July 7th 1968

Janson, J. July 9th 1977 Results

Janson, Jan November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  25th July 1981

Janssen, Rob July 5th 1975  July 5th 1980

Jarman, Richard/Dick June 7th 1970 Results  August 16th 1970 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  November 6th 1976  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  May 5th 1979 Results

Jarman, Martin April 24th 1977  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results

James, Marion November 8th 1980  May 23rd 1981  August 29th 1981

Jarrett, Bob April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  March 25th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  May 26th 1979  1979 Note  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 10th 1980  June 8th 1980  August 23rd 1980  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  August 29th 1981  November 7th 1981  October 30th 1982  August 7th 1983  August 27th 1983  September 17th 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 2nd 1984  July 28th 1984  August 12th 1984  August 25th 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder  September 15th 1984 Results  May 19th 1985  August 18th 1985  September 20th 1985  September 20th 1985 Results  August 27th 1988  August 27th 1994  December 30th 1997  August 25th 2001

Jarvis, Glen August 26th 1973 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results

Jaynes, Bill May 24th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results

Jeal, Steve September 30th 1979

Jeavons, Lindsey May 23rd 1992

Jeffreys, Alan August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  October 31st 1987  August 26th 1989 Results

Jeffries, Pete November 6th 1976

Jelinek, Ron July 1st 1967

Jenkins, Kevin June 24th 1984  April 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  1989 Championship Results  May 12th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 7th 1990  August 4th 1990  August 4th 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  September 16th 1994 Results

Jenkins, Paul July 30th 1988  November 4th 1989  May 5th 1990 Results  May 26th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results

Jenkinson, Dennis September 19th 1964  October 3rd 1964  October 4th 1964  1965 Drag Fest Results  July 17th 1966

Jenn, Adam March 24th 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Jennings, Howard June 18th 1988 Results  August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988

Jesson, D. March 27th 1967 Results

Johansen, Krister July 8th 1972  October 16th 1976  September 17th 1977  March 24th 1978  May 18th 1979  April 4th 1980  September 12th 1980  April 17th 1981  September 25th 1981  October 23rd 1981  August 27th 1983  April 30th 1988  April 29th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 21st 1990  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992  August 28th 1993

Johansson, Kjell October 16th 1976  July 16th 1982

Johansson, Krister July 24th 2003

Johansson, Roger September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  May 28th 2004

Johns, Steve July 26th Results

Johnson, A. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Johnson, Brian April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 10th 1980  May 24th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  July 5th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  August 23rd 1980  March 28th 1981  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  25th July 1981  November 7th 1981  March 20th 1982  May 29th 1982  August 28th 1982  April 1st 1983  May 28th 1983  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  April 21st 1990  July 7th 1990  July 27th 1990  September 15th 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  September 21st 1990  June 29th 1991  June 29th 1991 Results    September 7th 1991  May 9th 1992  June 27th 1992  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999  August 28th 1999  September 10th 1999  September 10th 1999 Results  November 14th 1999  May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000  November 18th 2000  April 14th 2001  April 14th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  November 10th 2001  2002 Note

Johnson, Chris May 9th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results

Johnson, Danny July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973  July 5th 1975  September 20th 1975  September 28th 1975

Johnson, Dave March 30th 1975  NDRC Results 1978

Johnson, G. July 3rd 1982 Results

Johnson, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Johnson, Jan September 6th 1975

Johnson, Johnny July 6th 1974  September 14th 1974

Johnson, Olaf September 25th 1981

Johnson, R. August 27th 1967 Results

Johnson, Ruben October 10th 1971  April 2nd 1972

Johnson, Steve March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 29th 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  August 26th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  July 5th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 29th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 3rd 1982 Results  March 31st 1984  June 8th 1985  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  May 28th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  July 3rd 1992  August 29th 1992  May 15th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 24th 1993  May 14th 1994  May 28th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  July 12th 1997  April 10th 1998  May 23rd 1998  September 11th 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Johnson, Tony September 14th 1974

Johnstone, Lee May 3rd 1980 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results

Johnstone, N. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  April 6th 1969  May 4th 1969

Jolink, Herman March 24th 1978  July 31st 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results

Jolley, Rick March 21st 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results

Jones, Alan May 20th 1984

Jones, Ben June 19th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results

Jones, Cliff May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results  April 15th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  June 15th 1968  December 1st 1968  May 4th 1969  June 1st 1969  May 3rd 1970  May 3rd 1970 Results  May 30th 1971  June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  August 26th 1973

Jones, Dave August 25th 2001 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Jones, G. July 11th 1970 Results

Jones, Gary August 8th 1998  May 28th 2004

Jones, Graham April 17th 1992 Results  July 3rd 1992

Jones, Kane October 9th 1999 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

Jones, Martin May 28th 1988 Results

Jones, Martyn March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  July 3rd 1992  May 15th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 23rd 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  May 2nd 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results

Jones, Mr. August 13th 1978 Results

Jones, Paul June 8th 1975

Jones, Pete July 26th 1992  June 26th 1993

Jones, Peter April 14th 1974

Jones, R. May 28th 1967 Results

Jones, Shaun September 5th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results

Jones, Steve September 3rd 1988  May 12th 1990

Jonsson, Bo June 14th 1975

Jonsson, Stefan June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results

Jonsson, Ulf September 9th 2004 Results

Joon, Lex October 8th 1994  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  August 21st 1998  May 1st 1999  May 1st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001  May 4th 2002  May 4th 2002 Results  September 6th 2002  May 24th 2003  August 23rd 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 28th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004

Joosten, Henri June 30th 1995  September 13th 1996  April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004

Josey, Paul August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978

Joy, Philip August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Julian, Les June 16th 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions  May 30th 1971  June 27th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results  May 20th 1972 Results

Junerud, Stefan September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004


Kadi, Robin September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004 Results

Kagerad, Micke August 26th 1989 Results  July 7th 1990  September 21st 1990  April 17th 1992  April 17th 1992 Results  July 3rd 1992  August 29th 1992  April 10th 1993  July 3rd 1993  August 28th 1993  September 17th 1993  April 2nd 1994  June 25th 1994  August 27th 1994  April 15th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  May 25th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  August 21st 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results   July 1st 2000  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001  September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002  April 19th 2003  May 24th 2003  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004  September 9th 2004

Karling, Anders September 1st 1990  September 18th 1992  June 25th 1994  June 30th 1995  May 26th 2001  September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004

Karlsson, Jimmy October 4th 1986

Karlsson, Sten-Ake April 13th 1979

Kason, Mike May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Kay, Gary May 8th 1993 Results  May 29th 1993 Results  March 14th 1994 Results

Keay, Dave June 24th 1973 Results

Keep, Gary July 8th 1995

Keese, Gary August 26th 1989 Results

Keijzer, R. July 9th 1977 Results

Keith, Bob September 19th 1964  June 19th 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Kemp, Gary June 21st 1986

Kemp, Mick July 23rd 1994 Results  April 18th 1997  June 1st 2002 Results

Kennings, Richard August 31st 1975

Kenny, Aiden July 31st 1999 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004

Kent, Gareth August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results

Kent, M. May 28th 1967  June 24th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  July 21st 1968 Results

Kent, Phil April 15th 1989

Kent, Richard July 31st 1966 Results 

Kersey, Phillip August 11th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  August 30th 1969

Kessack, George October 30th 1982

Kettley, Colin February 23rd 1968  January 25th 1969  June 2nd 1969

Kettunen, Jukka July 3rd 1992

Kiddell, Ron May 24th 1980 Results  May 29th 1982  June 5th 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 8th 1985  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  November 1st 1986  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  May 23rd 1987  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987

Kilminster, M. July 21st 1968 Results

Kilner, Ian June 3rd 1978 Results

Kilpelainen, Eero September 10th 1999  June 10th 2000  July 28th 2000  August 4th 2000

Kimber-Smith, T. F. September 15th 1968 Results

Kinch, Tony May 17th 1964 Results  June 6th 1965  June 6th 1965 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results

King, Ian July 3rd 1992  November 14th 1999  April 22nd 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  November 18th 2000  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  June 8th 2001  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  July 27th 2001  August 5th 2001  August 25th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 9th 2003  July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003  April 10th 2004  September 9th 2004  October 2nd 2004

King, John July 26th 1992

King, Nigel September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

King, Paul March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  June 16th 2001 Results

Kinsey, Richard May 23rd 1998

Kirby, Robin March 18th 2000

Kirby, Will June 24th 1984

Kirchner, Roger May 7th 2004

Kirk, Andy June 17th 2000 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Kirk, Jim May 11th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results

Kirk, John August 12th 1979  October 13th 1979  September 15th 1984 Results

Kitchen, Brian May 10th 1980

Kitchen, Dave May 6th 1973 Results

Kjellin, Eva September 16th 1978  June 6th 1980

Klein, Fred April 22nd 1973 Results

Klein, Mike May 29th 1993 Results

Knapman, Mike May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results

Knapp, Paul June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Knapp, Steve April 19th 2003 Results

Knatchbull, R. September 22nd 1963 Results

Knight, D. 1985 BDRA Points

Knight, Dave April 22nd 2000 Results

Knight, Derek August 13th 1978 Results  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results

Knight, Dick August 27th 1977

Knight, Bert September 1st 1968 Results  May 4th 1969  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Knight, John August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  May 10th 1980  June 28th 1980  May 2nd 1981

Knight, Neil August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  August 11th 1979  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  April 30th 1988

Knights, Robert March 25th 1989 Results

Knowler, Dave June 28th 1980  July 4th 1981 Results

Knuters, Hans September 22nd 1989  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results

Kochel, J. August 11th 1979

Koedam, Roel June 30th 1990 Results  1990 European Drag Race Series Points  September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  June 30th 1995  April 10th 1998  September 10th 1999 Results  July 28th 2000  May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 9th 2003  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  2003 European Champions  May 7th 2004  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  2004 European Champions

Konola, Jari May 5th 1990  September 18th 1992  May 24th 1997  September 12th 1997  May 23rd 1998  May 27th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results

Kopner, Robert May 28th 2004

Kouzaris, Christos September 27th 2003 Results

Kowalewsly, John October 29th 1983

Kramer, Berd May 14th 1994

Krejci, Rick July 7th 1973

Kremin, Paul June 29th 1991 Results  

Kristiansen, Aage October 16th 1976

Krivan, Deszo June 23rd 1990  August 29th 1992  August 21st 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  June 29th 2001 Results

Kruse, Peter June 23rd 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  August 18th 1990  September 18th 1992  July 3rd 1993  August 27th 1994

Kubicki, Max June 29th 1991 Results   July 26th 1991 Results  August 18th 1991 Results

Kuesel, Hans August 29th 1987

Kuhn, John July 26th 1991 Results  August 18th 1991 Results

Kunc, Peter May 28th 2004

Kuno, Norbert September 5th 2003


Lackey, Jerry May 9th 2003

Ladd, Brian July 31st 1966 Results 

Laffey, Tom October 30th 1982  June 5th 1983  May 20th 1984  September 16th 1984  May 2nd 1987  June 6th 1987  July 25th 1987

Lagg, Johnny August 25th 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder

Laine, Tomi May 24th 1997  September 12th 1997  September 11th 1998

Lake, Roy August 26th 1973 Results

L'Alouette, Neil May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  September 5th 2003 Results

Lamb, Darren April 17th 1992 Results

Lambert, Andy May 2nd 1987  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Lambert, Bonnie July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Lambert, Dick September 24th 1978 Results

Lambert, Mr. August 13th 1978 Results

Lambert, Ron July 31st 1966 Results 

Lane, Peter September 15th 1990 Results  July 24th 1993  June 10th 1995  August 12th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Lane, R. August 27th 1967 Results

Lang, Tony November 14th 1999

Langfield, Trev June 21st 1987  June 18th 1988  August 6th 1988  March 14th 1994 Results  May 7th 1994

Lantz, Anders June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  July 6th 1974  June 14th 1975  May 14th 1976  June 6th 1980  July 11th 1980  September 12th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 23rd 1981  September 25th 1981

Lantz, Peter August 29th 1987  April 30th 1988  March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992  September 17th 1993  May 28th 1994  September 16th 1994  September 13th 1996  July 15th 2000  August 5th 2000  August 26th 2000

Larcombe, Karl March 14th 1994 Results  November 4th 1995 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 9th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  2003 Champions

Larsen, Fred May 14th 1976  May 29th 1976  October 16th 1976  September 17th 1977

Larson, Dan September 13th 1996  August 21st 1998  May 24th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results

Larson, Roland September 14th 1974

Larson, Wayne July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Larsson, Anders September 10th 1999 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Lashbrook, S. August 23rd 1975 Results

Lathan, Shaun May 5th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Law, Ray August 12th 1973 Results  April 7th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  March 7th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  May 24th 1980 Results  August 29th 1981  July 3rd 1982 Results  May 2nd 1987  August 29th 1987  August 26th 1989 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990

Law, Steve August 5th 1989  August 27th 1994 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

Lawendon, M. August 28th 1999 Results

Lawrence, B. July 7th 1968

Lawrence, Chris October 4th 1964  1965 Drag Fest Results

Lawrence, G. July 23rd 1967 Results

Lawrence, P. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Laycock, George July 29th 1995 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  NAST Champions 2004

Laycock, R. June 24th 1967 Results

Lazenby, Colin May 2nd 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  June 26th 2004  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  October 2nd 2004

Lea, Richard May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  May 12th 1990  August 5th 1990 Results  September 15th 1990

Leake, T. May 28th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  April 6th 1969

Leamon, Phil April 14th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  June 12th 2004 Results

Leanders, Ulf September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results

Leaney, Chris April 9th 1966  October 22nd 1967  October 22nd 1967 Results  August 16th 1969  May 16th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results

Leathley, Simon March 21st 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results

Lecoq, Dave 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966  September 11th 1966  October 5th 1968  August 1st 1971

LeCount, R. April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results

Lednor, Martin April 16th 1978 Results  August 26th 1979 Results

Ledster, John October 21st 1973  September 8th 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  July 13th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975  October 5th 1975  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  July 18th 1976

Lee, Alec June 11th 1978

Lee, Cory July 6th 1991  July 3rd 1992  July 3rd 1993

Lee, Keith August 19th 1973

Lee, Michael April 30th 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Lee, P. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Lee, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Lee, Steve October 7th 2000 Results  November 4th 2000  August 25th 2001 Results  November 5th 2001

Lee, Stuart August 16th 1969

Lees, Bob June 20th 1998 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 20th 1999  September 10th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  July 24th 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results

Lees, Nick December 1st 1968

Lees, Robert July 3rd 1992  May 29th 1993 Results

Lee, Terry June 17th 1973 Results

LeFort, A. March 27th 1967 Results  April 23rd 1967  April 6th 1969 Results  April 6th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results

Legg, Michael August 20th 1967 Results

LeGros, Pete August 7th 1983  September 3rd 1988

Leigh, Derek July 17th 1966  August 20th 1967 Results

Leigh, Margaret August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Leindahl, Tommy May 28th 2004

Leitch, George June 24th 1984  June 21st 1986

Lemaire, Philippe April 10th 1998

Lennon, M. May 24th 1975

LePage, Richard May 24th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results

Leppanen Juha August 24th 1991  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 April 17th 1992 Results  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992

Lerida, Jan May 14th 1976

LeRoux, Martin April 22nd 1979  August 12th 1979  June 1st 1980

Letchford, Paul April 29th 1995 Results  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995  July 29th 1995 Results  April 10th 1998  May 28th 2004 Results

Lewelyn, Al NDRC Results 1978

Lewendon, Michael April 3rd 1999 Results

Lewin, Nick April 16th 1978 Results  May 1st 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  June 17th 1979

Lewis, Brian May 20th 1984  June 21st 1986

Lewis, Craig April 30th 1988

Lewis, John March 24th 1974  December 6th 1975 Results  November 6th 1976  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results

Lewis, Martin August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  July 5th 1996  May 26th 2001 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Lewis, Nigel July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984

Lewis, Roy March 29th 1991 Results

Lewis, Tony June 23rd 1979  August 11th 1979  May 24th 1980 Results  August 16th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  March 28th 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  November 7th 1981  May 29th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  April 1st 1983

Liddiard, Clive July 17th 1966  October 15th 1967 Results  May 19th 1968 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973 Results  March 24th 1974  July 21st 1974  September 29th 1974  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  June 5th 1977 Results

Liddiard, Roy June 17th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967  July 9th 1977 Results

Liddle, John November 2nd 1974

Lille, Peter April 29th 1978

Lille, Joseph July 31st 1999 Results

Linch, Peter July 9th 1977 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Lindelow, Pele September 24th 1982 Ladder  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  September 19th 1986 Ladder  September 23rd 1988  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  May 23rd 1992  May 29th 1993  June 10th 2000  July 15th 2000  August 26th 2000  June 8th 2001

Lingard, Clive 4th August 1963  May 17th 1964  June 6th 1965 Results  26th March 1966  April 11th 1966  March 27th 1967 Results

Lindley-Allen, Paul May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999  May 29th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Little, Tony September 9th 1978 Results  August 5th 1979  August 12th 1979

Llewellyn, Chevy June 16th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Llewellyn, Rich October 7th 1989  September 15th 1990 Results

Llewellyn, Rob April 21st 1990 Results

Llewelyn, Zane October 7th 1989  September 15th 1990  May 4th 1996  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  July 29th 2004

Lloyd, D. August 30th 1975

Lloyd, Eddie August 20th 1972  August 25th 1974  May 24th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977  October 15th 1977  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  May 24th 1980 Results  November 8th 1980  May 29th 1982

Lloyd, Ian July 12th 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  June 27th 1981  July 11th 1982  August 15th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984  May 9th 1987  June 21st 1987  September 12th 1987  June 18th 1988  June 18th 1988 Results  August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988  April 15th 1989  May 12th 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  May 11th 1991  August 3rd 1991 Results

Lloyd, John April 4th 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966  September 4th 1966  July 16th 1967  July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967  September 17th 1967  October 15th 1967 Results May 19th 1968  June 16th 1968  June 16th 1968 Results  July 28th 1968  August 11th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968  November 3rd 1968 Results  May 24th 1969  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 5th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  April 8th 1973  April 22nd 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  September 29th 1974  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 24th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  August 26th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  July 5th 1980  August 16th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results

Lock, Fred May 17th 1964

Locker, Malcolm October 11th 1970 Results  May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results

Lockyer, Ant April 10th 2004 Results

Lomas, Dave July 28th 1984  September 15th 1984 Results  August 28th 1988  June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Longley, Andrew NDRC Results 1978

Longley, Earl August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  August 5th 1979

Loten, Alan April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  March 24th 1978  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  April 13th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  June 23rd 1979  May 3rd 1980  June 8th 1980  March 28th 1981  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  October 23rd 1981  September 1st 1983  October 2nd 1983  March 31st 1984

Loux, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Love, C. April 11th 1966 Results

Loveridge, Pete August 12th 2000

Lovett, Johnathan July 1st 1989  August 5th 1989  March 29th 1991  May 25th 1991

Lowe, D. April 6th 1969 Results

Lowes, Craig May 24th 1975  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  July 16th 1988  August 28th 1988  June 3rd 1989  July 20th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 24th 1993  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992  May 27th 1995  July 15th 1995

Lowther, Kev June 18th 1988 Results

Loveless, Pete May 7th 1994

Lovett, Jon June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989

Luckman, J. May 24th 1975

Lyall, Ian June 21st 1986  May 9th 1987  June 21st 1987  September 12th 1987

Lyes, Roger April 30th 1972

Lyman, Bob NDRC Results 1978

Lynch, Pete April 16th 1978 Results

Lyon, David May 20th 1984

Lyon, K. July 9th 1977 Results

Lyon, Richard September 16th 1984  June 21st 1986  May 9th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  March 25th 1989 Results  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  August 4th 1990 Results  May 3rd 1992 Results

Lysionek, Patrick August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results


Mabbs, J. August 2nd 1969 Results

MacDermid, Bill May 23rd 1992  April 10th 1993  August 7th 1993  September 17th 1993

Machell, W. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Mack, Peter June 28th 1980  October 2nd 1983  September 15th 1984 Results

Mackie, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Macklin, Jim August 16th 1969  September 28th 1969 Results

Macmorland, Quinton June 17th 2000 Results

Maguire, R. November 1st 1975 Results

Maguire, Ray June 1st 1980

Main, Bob September 8th 2000 Results

Makela, Anita August 18th 1990  August 25th 1990  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992  April 2nd 1994  August 20th 1994  August 27th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  May 25th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  August 21st 1998  September 11th 1998  May 27th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results  June 10th 2000  July 28th 2000  September 8th 2000  May 26th 2001  May 26th 2001 Results  June 8th 2001  September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  May 24th 2003  July 24th 2003

Malin, Gary September 22nd 2001 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Malin, Veli June 29th 1991  June 29th 1991 Results    June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993  June 25th 1994

Mallock, A. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Malmgren, Michael August 18th 1990  May 24th 1997  September 10th 1999  May 27th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001  September 14th 2001 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  2003 European Champions  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results

Maltby, Steve April 14th 1974  May 5th 1979 Results

Mander, I. March 29th 1970 Results  May 3rd 1970 Results

Manders, Paul 26th March 1966

Manders, Paul May 3rd 1980  August 23rd 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder

Manley, John May 11th 1974

Mann, Nick June 5th 1983  June 24th 1984  September 29th 1984  June 21st 1986  June 21st 1987  June 8th 1991

Mann, Nic May 7th 1994  August 7th 1983

Manni, Jeff July 25th 1987  October 31st 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  May 28th 1988 Results  June 18th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  November 4th 1989  September 21st 1990  March 29th 1991 Results  May 3rd 1993

Manning, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Manning, John October 15th 1977  August 26th 1978  May 3rd 1980 Results  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Manzano, Phil July 17th 1966  September 4th 1966  June 17th 1967 Results  May 30th 1971  April 15th 1973

Mansfield, Alan July 9th 1977 Results

Mansi, Phillip August 26th 1989 Results

Marlow, Alan August 26th 1979 Results

Marone, Gin June 28th 2003 Results

Marrison, Pete May 9th 1982

Marsden, Dave July 11th 1982

Marsden, Lee August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points

Marsden, Lee June 21st 1986

Marsh, Tony September 23rd 1962

Marsh, Tony May 20th 1972 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results

Marshall, Bill May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results  June 2nd 1974  November 2nd 1974

Marshall, Gerry June 24th 1973 Results

Marshall, Kevin September 3rd 1988  June 3rd 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989

Marshall, M. April 16th 1978 Results

Marshall, Nick March 24th 1978

Marshall, Paula August 8th 1997  March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  June 20th 1998 Results  September 10th 1999 Results

Marshall, Peter March 29th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991

Marshall, Thom March 19th 1972 Results  May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972

Marshall, W. August 16th 1970 Results

Marson, S. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Marston, Paul October 9th 1999 Results  May 5th 2001  June 15th 2002 Results  June 26th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Marston, S. June 6th 1965

Martin, Dave May 3rd 1980 Results

Martin, Geoff April 13th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  August 5th 1979  May 10th 1980  November 8th 1980  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982  July 16th 1982  October 2nd 1983  1985 BDRA Points  May 2nd 1987  August 29th 1987  April 30th 1988  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 3rd 1992

Martin, John May 3rd 1980 Results

Martin, K. March 27th 1967 Results

Martin, Kevin August 3rd 1991 Results  August 12th 1995

Martin, Paul June 11th 1978

Martin, Rob April 29th 1995 Results

Martin, Squire September 23rd 1979

Martinek, Paul October 2nd 1983  1985 BDRA Points  March 25th 1989 Results  March 29th 1991 Results

Martyn, Steve August 25th 1974  May 24th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  May 23rd 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  September 25th 1981  October 23rd 1981

Maryons, Garfield August 28th 1988

Mason, Barry December 6th 1975 Results

Mason, Brian July 21st 1974

Mason, Frank June 5th 1983  June 24th 1984  September 16th 1984  June 21st 1986  June 18th 1988  June 10th 1995  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 2nd 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Mason, Nigel June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  May 4th 2002 Results

Mason, Ray May 10th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  August 16th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results

Mason-Roe, Lyn June 17th 2000 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001  September 22nd 2001 Results

Masters, Geoff April 8th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results  May 26th 1974  July 6th 1974

Matthews, Mike July 30th 1988

Mattock, Clive August 16th 1980 Results

Maurischat, Marco May 24th 2003 Results

Maxwell, Martin March 20th 1982

May, Ron 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966  August 20th 1967 Results  October 15th 1967 Results  May 19th 1968  July 21st 1968 Results  July 28th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968 Results  April 27th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  September 12th 1971

Maycock, D. May 3rd 1970 Results

Mayes, D. June 24th 1967 Results

Mayes, Paul May 5th 1990 Results

Mayfield, K. August 10th 1968 Results

Mayhew, Paul July 9th 1977 Results  August 12th 1979  May 10th 1980  June 28th 1980  October 29th 1983  September 15th 1984 Results

Mayston, D. May 17th 1964

McBride, Larry November 14th 1999

McCabe, Dave May 29th 1993 Results

McCann, Rick May 26th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results

McCarty, Reg October 15th 1967 Results  June 16th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results

McCormack, Gary June 14th 2003 Results

McCormack, Ken May 15th 1993  July 24th 1993  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  July 15th 1995

McDermid, Billy June 10th 1995

McFadzean, A. August 11th 1968

McFarlane, Mac April 30th 1972

McGhee, Jim August 25th 1990  August 24th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 24th 1993  August 7th 1993  July 23rd 1994 Results  March 25th 1995 Results  June 10th 1995

McGlone, Tommy April 11th 1966 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results

McGough, Michael August 26th 1995  Results

McGrath, Bill June 2nd 1968  December 1st 1968  January 25th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results

McGuckin, Mark June 18th 1988 Results  August 6th 1988

McIntyre, John September 10th 1999 Results

McKee, B June 11th 1966

McKee, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results

McKee, Keith April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  August 26th 1979 Results

McKiernan, John August 29th 1981

McKinnerly, John August 6th 1988  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

McKinnon, Craig October 2nd 1983

McMahon, Don June 2nd 1974

McMarlane, Quentin May 2nd 1998 Results

McNally, P. 1965 Drag Fest Results

McPhail, Angus July 17th 1966  August 10th 1968 Results  May 28th 1983

Meads, Jeff June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  June 17th 2000  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results

Mealing, C. September 24th 1967 Results

Mears, M. September 22nd 1963 Results

Measures, Terry September 4th 1966  September 15th 1968 Results  April 6th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  October 3rd 1970  October 6th 1973 Results

Mechaell, Clive May 9th 1982  May 29th 1982  March 31st 1984  May 6th 1984  July 7th 1984  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  May 28th 1988 Results  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  July 1st 1989  July 15th 1989  April 21st 1990  June 23rd 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  March 29th 1991  May 25th 1991  July 20th 1991  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  August 28th 1993  September 16th 1994

Meijerwall, Stefan May 23rd 1998

Meldrum, P. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Mellins, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Mellon, Paul April 5th 1996

Menetrier, John October 8th 1994 Results  July 12th 1997  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results

Merrick, Mick 17th September 1967  September 17th 1967  October 15th 1967 Results

Merriman, Richard August 20th 2004 Results

Merry, Tony April 1st 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  August 30th 1975  August 31st 1975  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  June 23rd 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 8th 1979  October 29th 1983  July 7th 1984  September 13th 1987

Merryweather, Ian June 17th 1989  July 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  1989 Championship Results  June 16th 1990  September 15th 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  July 6th 1991

Messenger, Ian July 26th 1969  August 16th 1969  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  USA 1970  September 12th 1971  September 30th 1972  July 13th 1975  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 29th 1978  July 8th 1978  August 26th 1978  May 26th 1979  July 5th 1980  October 11th 1980

Messenger, John October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  September 3rd 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  July 1st 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  September 22nd 1989

Messent, Bob/Rob September 23rd 1972  August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results  April 28th 1974  May 5th 1974  June 23rd 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  August 18th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 6th 1975  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 14th 1976  July 18th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  July 21st 1978

Metcalf, Derek October 4th 1964  March 14th 1965  June 6th 1965 Results  June 20th 1965  July 3rd 1965  July 3rd 1965 Results  August 15th 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  April 24th 1966  May 1st 1966  May 28th 1966  March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  June 15th 1968  January 25th 1969

Metcalf, Kevin April 3rd 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  June 29th 2001 Results

Metcalf, Pam 27th August 1967

Mickleburgh, Neil April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results

Middlehurst, Tony May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984

Midgley, Neil March 25th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990  June 29th 1991 Results    July 26th Results  May 9th 1992  September 5th 1992  August 26th 1995  Results  June 19th 1999 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 9th 2003  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  2003 Champions  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  May 28th 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  ACU Champions 2004

Milam, Steph May 23rd 1987  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  July 20th 1991 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  March 30th 2002  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002  September 6th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  May 3rd 2003  June 28th 2003  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results

Miles, Derek April 22nd 1973 Results

Miles, Duncan May 24th 1970 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  May 22nd 1971

Millar, Pete July 26th 1969

Miller, A. May 23rd 1976

Miller, Andy August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Miller, Barry March 25th 1979  May 26th 1979  March 28th 1981

Miller, Dave August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  June 1st 1980

Miller, David July 24th 1976  August 15th 1976  April 24th 1977

Miller, Pete August 20th 1967 Results  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  June 27th 1971  September 12th 1971  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973 Results  1973 Note  April 7th 1974  May 26th 1974  May 3rd 1975  May 8th 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976

Miller, Peter NDRC Results 1978

Miller, Sammy

Millership, Jamie May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 9th 2003

Mills, John May 24th 1980 Results  June 7th 1980  June 28th 1980  August 16th 1980  November 8th 1980  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder  May 9th 1982

Mills, Pete September 30th 1979

Mills, Tony July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987

Milsom, Richard August 26th 1989 Results

Mingay, Dave April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  August 5th 1979  September 30th 1979  May 10th 1980  June 28th 1980  June 26th 1982  August 28th 1982  June 5th 1983  August 12th 1984  August 24th 1985  September 28th 1985  1985 BDRA Points  November 1st 1986  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  June 6th 1987  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  June 12th 1988  July 16th 1988  August 28th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  June 3rd 1989  July 1st 1989  July 15th 1989  November 4th 1989  November 4th 1989 Ladder  1989 Championship Results  May 26th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 7th 1990  July 27th 1990  September 15th 1990  July 6th 1991  July 20th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992  May 23rd 1992  September 5th 1992  September 18th 1992  July 24th 1993  August 28th 1993  June 11th 1994  June 10th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996

Minor, Andrew April 30th 1994 Results  September 24th 1994  March 25th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results

Minter, P. June 16th 1968 Results

Mitchell, Clive September 27th 1980

Mitchell, John May 24th 1975

Mitchell, Paul March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Mitson, Colin May 6th 1973 Results

Modeley, Geoff October 16th 1976

Mogford, Gareth/Gary September 13th 1996  April 3rd 1999 Results  1999 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results

Molden, Bob August 28th 1999 Results

Molinari, Mario March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  April 17th 1992 Results

Moller, Tommy September 8th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  May 24th 2003  July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004

Molloy, Pete August 25th 1974

Mondey, Brian June 2nd 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  September 8th 1974  March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975  April 13th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  May 14th 1976  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977

Monk, P. September 24th 1967 Results  May 19th 1968 Results

Montgomery, George September 19th 1964  October 3rd 1964

Moore, Barry May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984  August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988  May 6th 1989  August 5th 1989  June 16th 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Moore, David April 29th 1995 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results

Moore, Fiona June 21st 1987  April 15th 1989  May 6th 1989  July 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  1989 Championship Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  August 18th 1991 Results

Moore, Kevin May 2nd 1998 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Moore, Martin July 29th 2000 Results  August 26th 2000  August 25th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Moore, Mickey September 29th 1990  July 20th 1991  May 23rd 1992  April 5th 1996  July 5th 1996  June 14th 2003  August 23rd 2003  May 1st 2004

Moore, Robin September 11th 1998

Moore, Roger July 31st 1999 Results  September 5th 2003

Moorhead, M. July 31st 1966

Morgan, Steven June 3rd 1989  1989 Championship Results

Morice, Bill August 12th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973 Results

Morley, Maurice August 26th 1973  November 2nd 1974

Morrice, Colin May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Morris, Andy May 24th 1975

Morris, Jeff/Geoff September 29th 1974  April 20th 1975  July 5th 1975

Morris, Leigh August 24th 1991 Results  May 29th 1993 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  September 24th 1994  August 12th 1995  November 4th 1995 Results  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  1999 Champions  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results

Morris, Morry August 31st 1975  April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 30th 1979

Morris, Paul June 1st 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results

Morris, Tony May 5th 1990  1990 European Drag Race Series Points

Morice, Morry May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Morrison, Peter August 15th 1982 Results

Morrison, Willy May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 5th 1979

Mort, J. March 29th 1970 Results

Morton, Jon April 18th 1987  August 29th 1987  May 28th 1988 Results  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  May 29th 1993 Results  June 30th 1995

Morton, John April 7th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 15th 1974  June 30th 1974  September 14th 1974  November 6th 1976

Moss, I. August 27th 1967 Results

Moss, L. October 4th 1964  July 3rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results

Motler, Malcolm June 17th 2000 Results  September 5th 2003 Results

Mott, Chris June 14th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Mudrak, Gil June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966

Mugridge, Nicholas/Nick April 14th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Muldowney, Shirley June 18th 1977  September 21st 1984

Mullan, Colin October 6th 1968  January 25th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results  June 2nd 1969  March 21st 1971  June 27th 1971  April 2nd 1972  May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results  July 8th 1972  April 1st 1973  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  May 5th 1974  May 26th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 15th 1974  June 23rd 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 3rd 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974

Mullan, John May 29th 1976

Mullen, Johnny July 16th 1982

Mulligan, John July 28th 1984  August 12th 1984

Mumby, Clive March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Munn, Jonny July 27th 1975 Results  April 24th 1977  June 5th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980  July 5th 1980  June 28th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  August 23rd 1980  September 12th 1980  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  November 7th 1981  August 28th 1982

Muren, Jan May 24th 1997  June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002 Results

Murphy, Andy June 26th 2004 Results

Murphy, Paula July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973

Murphy, Terry November 4th 1978

Murphy, Tony September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 20th 1980  June 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981

Murty, Steven July 31st 1966 Results   June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  May 6th 1973 Results

Murty, Steve May 9th 1982  July 11th 1982  May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984  August 6th 1988  August 5th 1989

Mussell, G. July 27th 1975 Results

Mutton, Dennis May 26th 1974

Mylrea, Pete March 12th 1967  27th August 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967


Nagel, Jurgen May 28th 2004

Nancy, Tony September 1st 1964  September 19th 1964  September 20th 1964  September 26th 1964  September 27th 1964  October 3rd 1964  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973  October 6th 1973

Napier, Clive 1989 Championship Results

Napier, Dave 'Tig' August 12th 2000  August 25th 2001 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Napolinato, Ralph October 6th 1973

Napper, Clive April 15th 1989

Nash, A. July 3rd 1982 Results  1985 BDRA Points

Nash, Graham April 30th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 26th 1978  May 2nd 1981  June 2nd 1984  April 30th 1988  September 3rd 1988  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989

Nash, Mike June 2nd 1974  April 13th 1975  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Nash, Steve July 29th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  August 23rd 2003  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Nataas, Thomas April 10th 2004  May 28th 2004  June 12th 2004  August 6th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  November 6th 2004

Natham, Mark August 27th 1994 Results

Naylor, Mickey March 20th 1977  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  October 15th 1977  1977 Awards  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  May 27th 1978  July 8th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 16th 1978  NDRC Results 1978  June 8th 1980

Naylor, Ric July 31st 1999 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Neale, C. March 29th 1970 Results

Neale, Stewart June 19th 1999 Results

Needell, Tiff October 30th 1982

Neimantas, Steve June 16th 1990  June 12th 1993  August 12th 2000  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Nelmes, Steven March 30th 2002 Results

Nevala, Tapio June 25th 1994

Neville, L. March 27th 1967 Results  April 23rd 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results

Neville, Mitch August 28th 1982

Neville, R. C. September 22nd 1963 Results

Newby, Mark July 15th 1989  May 7th 2001

Newbury, Martin IHRA Champions 1991

Newcombe, Andy May 5th 2001 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results

Newcombe, Mark June 29th 1991 Results  

Newman, Oliver May 29th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results

Newman, Paul August 23rd 2003 Results

Newsam, Chris May 4th 2002 Results

Newton, Alan May 11th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results

Newton, Martin September 15th 1984 Results

Newton, Nick March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975  May 24th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results

Nicol, Alex May 28th 1994  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995  April 3rd 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results   April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Nicholls, Nobby March 24th 1978

Nicholls, Brian April 16th 1976  May 23rd 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  July 3rd 1977

Nicholls, Mike August 16th 1980 Results  May 2nd 1981  July 7th 1984  September 15th 1990 Results

Nicholson, Wayne October 5th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results

Niedowitz, John April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988  July 30th 1988  September 23rd 1988  November 5th 1988  July 1st 1989

Nielsen, Erik May 26th 2001

Nigell, Lars July 11th 1970

Nilsson, G. July 9th 1977 Results

Nilsson, Hakan September 11th 1998  September 10th 1999  September 10th 1999 Results  September 8th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  May 24th 2003  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Niquist, Anders October 23rd 1981

Nixon, Bob May 7th 1994

Nixon, Matt September 22nd 2001 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 9th 2003  June 28th 2003

Nordli, Ragnor April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  September 25th 1987

Norman, Dennis 1965 Drag Fest Results  September 11th 1966  August 11th 1968 Results  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969  July 26th 1969  August 16th 1969  September 28th 1969 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  August 16th 1970 Results  November 27th 1970  October 10th 1971  June 17th 1973  July 5th 1975  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results

Norman, Gary March 20th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 29th 1978

Norris, Ross November 1st 2003 Results  May 1st 2004

Notts, R. May 28th 1972 Results

Noye, Michael March 25th 1989 Results

Nutcracker Team June 20th 1998 Results

Nybo, Jens August 20th 1994  May 27th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 23rd 1998  August 21st 1998  September 11th 1998

Nylen, Ulf June 30th 1995

Nystrom, Leena May 23rd 1998


Obee, Ken August 14th 1966  June 18th 1967  July 1st 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968  June 15th 1968  August 4th 1968  April 15th 1968 Results  July 5th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  March 29th 1970 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results

Oberg, Monica September 24th 1982 Ladder  September 21st 1984  September 19th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder  September 23rd 1988  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  June 23rd 1990  August 25th 1990  May 25th 1991  May 23rd 1992  September 18th 1992  July 15th 2000  August 5th 2000

O'Brian, H. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

O'Brien, John July 7th 1973

O'Brien, T. J. June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  ACU Champions 2004

O'Brochta, Bo 25th July 1981

O'Bryne, Bill IHRA Champions 1991

O'Connell, Mick June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results

O'Connor, Alan August 26th 1973  May 26th 1974  June 15th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  June 26th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  June 11th 1978  August 26th 1978  May 5th 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979  February 23rd 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  September 25th 1981  November 6th 1982  November 1988  March 11th 1989  March 25th 1989 Results  June 17th 1989  July 15th 1989  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  1989 Championship Results  April 17th 1992 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  August 29th 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  August 28th 1993  June 10th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  May 28th 2004 Results

O'Connor, Brad July 24th 2004

Odge September 23rd 1979  August 4th 1990 Results

O'Hare, A. July 3rd 1982 Results

Ole Lund, Nils June 1st 2002 Results  May 28th 2004

Oliver, Paul March 30th 2002 Results

Olley, Malcolm June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973  May 26th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975   May 1st 1978  May 13th 1979  June 7th 1980  November 1st 1980  August 28th 1982  August 12th 1984

Olsson, Lars September 14th 2001 Results

Olsson, Lene September 22nd 1989

Olsson, Lennart October 4th 1986

Omstrom, M. July 9th 1977 Results

Ongias, Danny 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Oram, Bob May 6th 1973 Results  May 26th 1973  June 17th 1973  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  1973 Champions  April 14th 1974  July 21st 1974  April 13th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Oram, Roger August 8th 1971 Results  July 8th 1972  April 1st 1973 Results

Orford, Mervyn June 20th 1998 Results

Orriss, Bill July 17th 1966  July 28th 1968

Orthodoxou, Chris May 8th 1993 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  July 8th 1995

Orthodoxou, Robin September 24th 1994

Osmond-Petrie, Steve October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975

Oster, Bjorn September 18th 1992

O'Sullivan, John July 26th 1992  May 5th 2001 Results

O'Sullivan, John May 4th 2002 Results

Ours, R. July 7th 1968

Owens, Marion April 29th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results

Oxberry, Simon June 10th 1995

Ozanne, Jon March 25th 1989 Results


Packman, Alan June 17th 1989  July 6th 1991  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992  April 17th 1992 Results  May 23rd 1992  August 29th 1992  September 5th 1992  September 18th 1992  April 10th 1993  May 15th 1993  July 3rd 1993  July 24th 1993  August 28th 1993  September 17th 1993  June 11th 1994  July 23rd 1994  July 23rd 1994 Results  September 16th 1994  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  April 5th 1996  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996

The Page Family

Page, D. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Page, D. July 27th 1975

Page, Tina August 23rd 1980  October 11th 1980

Paget, Len August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  August 29th 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  May 6th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989  1989 Championship Results  April 21st 1990 Results  May 12th 1990  June 30th 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  1990 European Drag Race Series Points  Bike Championship Results 1990  June 29th 1991  May 23rd 1992  June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993  May 28th 1994  June 25th 1994  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000  April 29th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 1st 2004

Pailes, R. June 16th 1968 Results

Paley, Bill August 3rd 1991 Results  May 8th 1993 Results

Pallant, Rod February 18th 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 10th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  July 18th 1980  November 8th 1980  July 4th 1981 Results  25th July 1981  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982  August 1st 1982  August 28th 1982  September 15th 1984 Results  October 24th 1987  October 31st 1987  September 3rd 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  May 5th 1990  June 23rd 1990  August 25th 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990

Palmer, Kevin May 3rd 1992 Results  May 8th 1993 Results

Palmer, Tony November 3rd 1968 Results  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969 Results  July 5th 1969 Results

Panter, Mike June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Panter, Robert April 16th 1976  July 24th 1976  September 30th 1979

Parker, A. June 6th 1965 Results  July 3rd 1965 Results

Parker, D. September 22nd 1963 Results

Parker, Glen May 9th 1982

Parker, J. May 24th 1970 Results

Parker, John June 23rd 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  May 3rd 1992 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  August 28th 1999 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

Parker, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Parker, Ralph August 31st 1975

Parkin, H August 9th 1964  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Parkins, Brian March 27th 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  June 14th 1969 Results   July 5th 1969 Results  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  September 28th 1969 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  July 6th 1974  September 8th 1974

Parkinson, A. August 25th 1974

Parkinson, John June 17th 2000 Results

Parnell, Keith April 30th 1972  March 18th 1973  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 17th 1973  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  1973 Note  June 23rd 1974  August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  July12th 1975  August 23rd 1975  September 20th 1975  May 23rd 1976  August 28th 1976  May 15th 1977

Parsons, George August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Pateman, Brian May 29th 1982  June 9th 1984  June 24th 1984  August 12th 1984  September 29th 1984  June 8th 1985  June 1985  July 6th 1985  August 24th 1985  September 28th 1985  October 4th 1986  August 26th 1989 Results  May 12th 1990  August 5th 1990 Results  September 21st 1990  May 7th 1994  July 23rd 1994 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  October 8th 1994 Results  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995  September 13th 1996  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  September 20th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Pateman, Mark March 25th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  IHRA Champions 1991

Pateman, Steve May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  August 26th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  April 14th 2001  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001  May 5th 2001 Results  May 7th 2001  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  June 15th 2002  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  September 20th 2003  September 20th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  November 1st 2003 Results

Patrick, Nigel March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  June 23rd 1979  August 11th 1979  September 30th 1979  April 4th 1980  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 10th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  25th July 1981

Patten, Bob April 15th 1989

Pattison, Chris March 19th 1966  April 11th 1966  April 11th 1966 Results  July 31st 1966 Results 

Pattison, Rachael June 16th 2001 Results  May 7th 2004

Paul, Simon April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979  June 17th 1979  September 30th 1979

Payne, Brian October 5th 2002 Results  September 20th 2003 Results

Payne, Lorraine May 3rd 1993  May 29th 1993 Results

Payne, Mike June 20th 1998 Results

Payne, Nigel April 29th 1995 Results  July 5th 1996  March 21st 1998 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

Payne, Simon August 8th 1997  1997 Note  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998

Peach, Brian June 21st 1986  May 9th 1987  June 21st 1987  September 10th 1988  August 5th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989  November 4th 1989 Ladder  1989 Championship Results  September 15th 1990  September 21st 1990  March 29th 1991 Results  June 8th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  August 3rd 1991  August 3rd 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  May 23rd 1992

Peake, Graham April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 14th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 16th 1980 Results  August 28th 1982  August 7th 1983  June 2nd 1984  August 25th 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder

Pearce, Dave June 16th 1990  May 23rd 1992  May 8th 1993 Results  May 7th 1994  May 13th 1995

Pearce, Jack 1965 Drag Fest Results  April 11th 1966 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  August 29th 1971

Pearce, Mick October 16th 1976

Pearce, Michael July 9th 1977 Results

Pearce, Paul November 5th 1988

Pearson, Geoffrey July 1st 1967  June 2nd 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results

Pearson, M. May 24th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results  October 5th 1969

Pearson, Mark August 16th 1980 Results

Pearson, Tony May 1st 1982  May 29th 1982  November 6th 1982  April 1st 1983  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  April 17th 1992

Peasant, Dave May 9th 1987  August 6th 1988  September 10th 1988  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Peck, Anne May 29th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  2000 Champions  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Peck, Martin April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990  June 29th 1991 Results    May 9th 1992

Peck, Stuart July 29th 1995 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results

Peel, M. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Pegg, Chris August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  June 24th 1984  July 7th 1984  March 25th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  September 15th 1990 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  August 27th 1994 Results

Pels, Ton July 5th 1975  September 18th 1976  May 5th 1979 Results  July 3rd 1982 Results  June 29th 1991 Results     June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993  May 14th 1994  May 29th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000  May 27th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  May 11th 2002  May 9th 2003  May 7th 2004  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  2004 European Champions

Pemble, Mark June 8th 1980  August 29th 1981  1985 BDRA Points  April 21st 1990 Results  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  July 27th 1990  August 18th 1990  September 1st 1990  September 21st 1990  1990 European Drag Race Series Points  Bike Championship Results 1990

Penfold, Derek May 16th 1971  April 1st 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  April 13th 1975  May 11th 1975  July 5th 1975  September 14th 1975  December 6th 1975  June 3rd 1978

Penfold, Ken May 24th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  April 30th 1972  April 8th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973 Results  1973 Champions  May 11th 1974  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  August 15th 1976  November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 12th 1979

Penny, Adrian May 3rd 1980

Pepper, Nick October 29th 1983  May 4th 1985  August 29th 1987  September 12th 1987  June 24th 1989 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results

Perkins, Kev April 19th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  April 10th 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Perkins, Robert/Bob June 17th 1967 Results  July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results

Perrin, Grant July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  September 5th 2003 Results

Perry, L. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Perry, Tom September 15th 1984 Results

Perry, Priness August 14th 1965

Perry, Steve June 2nd 1968  July 26th 1969

Perry, Tom June 2nd 1984

Pers, Patrik September 9th 2004

Persaker, Joran September 29th 1984  September 28th 1985  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004

Persson, Kent May 14th 1976  September 16th 1978  May 18th 1979  September 14th 1979  May 3rd 1980  June 6th 1980  September 12th 1980  September 25th 1981  August 27th 1983  August 25th 1984 Ladder  September 18th 1992  September 11th 1998

Petterson, Roger May 23rd 1998  August 21st 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  2003 European Champions  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  2004 European Champions

Petley, Gary August 26th 1995  Results

Petty, Chris September 9th 1978

Petty, Richard November 4th 1989

Phase Three Team 1989 Championship Results

Phelps, Bob April 14th 1963  September 10th 1963  February 27th 1988

Phelps, Roy April 14th 1963  September 10th 1963  June 2nd 1968  June 15th 1968  August 10th 1968  July 26th 1969  March 29th 1970  July 11th 1970  March 21st 1971  April 25th 1971  July 25th 1971  August 26th 1973  September 15th 1973  July 6th 1974  September 29th 1974  July 11th 1982  July 16th 1982  May 1984  September 16th 1984  July 31st 1999

Phillips, Jackie July 9th 1977 Results  June 11th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  May 23rd 1981

Phillips, Liz June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  May 13th 1979

Phillips, Sally October 21st 1973 Results

Phillips, Terry May 2nd 1998 Results

Picardo, Ronnie April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 8th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 14th 1975  September 20th 1975  October 12th 1975  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 17th 1976 Results  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977  March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 27th 1978  July 21st 1978  August 26th 1978  September 16th 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  July 7th 1979  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979  September 8th 1979  September 14th 1979 Ladder  October 13th 1979  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 24th 1980  May 24th 1980 Results  June 6th 1980  July 5th 1980  August 23rd 1980  September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  September 25th 1981  October 23rd 1981  April 4th 1982  May 8th 1983  May 15th 1983  August 7th 1983  August 27th 1983  September 1st 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 2nd 1984  August 25th 1984  August 18th 1985  May 3rd 1986  August 6th 1988  August 5th 1989

Pickering, C. September 22nd 1963 Results

Pickett, David April 16th 1967  April 16th 1967 Results

Pickford, Brian April 16th 1976  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Picknell, Mick June 8th 1985

Pilcher, Mr. August 13th 1978 Results

Pilgrim, R. May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results

Pilling, Kevin August 16th 1970  June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  June 27th 1971  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results  October 10th 1971  May 28th 1972  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  April 1st 1973  April 8th 1973  April 22nd 1973  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 26th 1973  June 17th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  July 7th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  September 15th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  November 3rd 1973  March 24th 1974  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974

Piper, Steve April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Pittau, Carla May 3rd 1993  August 27th 1994 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  UK Champions 2004

Pitfield, Mick June 16th 2001 Results

Pittman, K. S. September 19th 1964  September 26th 1964  October 3rd 1964

Platt, Al November 4th 2000  May 5th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  November 5th 2001  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Platt, Michael June 19th 1999 Results

Platt, Linda April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Plewnik, Paul April 17th 1993

Plummer, C. July 7th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results

Plumridge, J. PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Pogmore, Colin September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1973 Results

Pointer, Mark June 17th 2000 Results  June 16th 2001 Results

Pollen, Dave September 28th 1985  April 30th 1988  July 1st 1989  July 6th 1991  May 23rd 1992  September 5th 1992  September 18th 1992  April 18th 1997  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  April 10th 1998  May 2nd 1998 Results

Pollen, Keith August 24th 1991 Results

Polling, Clive June 24th 1984

Poole, Peter June 26th 1966

Pope, Gary March 29th 1991 Results

Porter, A. N. May 21st 1978

Porter, E. NDRC Results 1978

Porter, Keith April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  April 13th 1979 Results  September 30th 1979  April 20th 1980  May 2nd 1981  November 7th 1981

Porter, Mick July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results

Porter, N. 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Porter, Stephen June 8th 1980  August 29th 1981

Porter, Tony May 5th 1979 Results

Portess, D. December 6th 1975

Post, Raymond May 6th 1989  June 30th 1990  1990 European Drag Race Series Points

Potter, Barry/Barrie September 18th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  May 3rd 1980 Results  April 20th 1980  May 10th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  November 8th 1980  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981  May 4th 1985  April 18th 1987  May 9th 1987  September 12th 1987  March 25th 1989 Results  May 6th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Potter, Dave July 31st 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 26th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Potter, E. J. June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966

Potter, Keith April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  April 16th 1976  February 19th 1977  March 20th 1977  April 24th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  June 11th 1978  July 8th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  July 4th 1981 Results

Potter, Martin June 16th 1990  August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  August 24th 1991 Results  May 8th 1993 Results  May 29th 1993 Results

Poutiainen, Risto September 18th 1992  September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  May 27th 1995

Pouyfourcat, Pierre August 8th 1998

Powell, Dave May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984

Power, Gerald July 11th 1982

Power, Keith July 17th 1966

Powis, John August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 16th 1980 Results  October 2nd 1983  August 25th 1984 Ladder  May 2nd 1987  July 25th 1987  April 30th 1988  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  July 3rd 1992

Prater, Les November 4th 1989

Pratt, Phil November 6th 1999  May 27th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  November 1st 2003 Results  2003 Champions  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Pratt, Roland May 22nd 1971  September 12th 1971  1972 Notes  June 25th 1972  July 8th 1972  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  May 6th 1973  May 6th 1973 Results  May 26th 1973  July 7th 1973  August 19th 1973  September 9th 1973  September 30th 1973  April 7th 1974  May 11th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 15th 1974  June 30th 1974  August 18th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  March 30th 1975  May 3rd 1975  June 14th 1975  June 14th 1975 Ladder  July 5th 1975  July 5th 1975 Ladder  September 20th 1975  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  November 1st 1975  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976

Pressland, Trevor June 17th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967

Preston, Tony June 2nd 1974  June 23rd 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  May 23rd 1976  November 6th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results

Pretty, Chris June 3rd 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Pretty, Colin October 15th 1977

Price, D. June 6th 1965  March 27th 1967 Results

Price, E. Mrs September 22nd 1963 Results

Price, P. May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results

Price, Reg NDRC Results 1978

Priddle, Dennis

Prince, T. April 21st 1968 Results

Pring, David August 11th 1979

Prior, Dave May 30th 1971  April 8th 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  August 19th 1973  August 26th 1973  October 13th 1979  August 23rd 1980  March 28th 1981  July 16th 1982

Prior, Lesley July 6th 1985 Results  August 18th 1985  May 3rd 1986  June 7th 1986  June 27th 1987  July 25th 1987  September 12th 1987

Prior, Roz August 26th 1973  September 15th 1973  September 30th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  March 24th 1974  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  April 28th 1974  May 5th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 30th 1974  July 13th 1974  August 3rd 1974  August 18th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  March 28th 1975  March 30th 1975  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  June 14th 1975  July12th 1975  July 12th 1975 Results  July 13th 1975  August 1st 1975  September 6th 1975  May 8th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  February 19th 1977  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977  1977 Awards  March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 27th 1978  July 8th 1978  July 21st 1978  August 26th 1978  September 16th 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979  May 18th 1979  July 7th 1979  August 26th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 8th 1979  1980 Note  June 8th 1980  June 28th 1980

Prior, Stuart July 7th 1984 Results  July 28th 1984

Prister, Phil May 11th 1975

Proctor, Mark July 3rd 1992

Prokopp, Herald June 26th 1993

Prosser, Richard September 1st 1990

Prudhomme, Don July 18th 1980  September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  February 23rd 1981

Przybyl, Andy March 14th 1994 Results  May 7th 1994  October 8th 1994 Results

Puddle, Cliff May 8th 1976  June 8th 1985

Puddle, Mark June 2nd 1984  September 15th 1984 Results

Pudney, Ron August 26th 1979 Results  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  June 28th 1980  August 16th 1980  May 23rd 1981  May 23rd 1992

Pullum, Cliff August 12th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results

Purnell, Bill August 15th 1976

Purslow, Mark June 3rd 1989  October 7th 1989


Quick, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Quick, Malcolm August 18th 1974  September 29th 1974

Quijada, Dave April 30th 1972

Quinn, P. June 2nd 1968 Results

Quinn, Tom October 21st 1973 Results  October 16th 1976  September 30th 1979


Ramage, Luke May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  1999 Champions  June 1st 2002 Results

Ramplee, Mark April 29th 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  2000 Champions

Randall, Dave April 14th 1974  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Randles, Glenn March 30th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results

Rapson, Stan May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  June 15th 1968

Rask, Tor August 25th 1984 Ladder

Rautio, Vesa July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results

Raw, Andy September 27th 2003 Results

Rawley, Phillip July 24th 1976

Rawlings, Steve September 28th 1985  June 14th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004

Rawlins, Dave August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results  April 14th 1974  June 2nd 1974  August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974  May 24th 1975

Ray, Mark June 29th 1991 Results  

Read, Anne NDRC Results 1978

Read, Glen October 21st 1972  May 11th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  August 31st 1975  May 23rd 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  October 15th 1977

Read, Ian May 20th 1972 Results

Read, Jim April 30th 1972  September 15th 1973  September 30th 1973  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  June 2nd 1974  August 23rd 1975  March 7th 1976  April 17th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 24th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  May 21st 1978  May 27th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  March 25th 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  May 13th 1979  May 18th 1979  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results July 15th 1979  August 5th 1979  September 2nd 1979  September 8th 1979  September 23rd 1979  September 30th 1979  October 13th 1979  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 11th 1980  June 6th 1980  June 28th 1980  July 5th 1980  July 11th 1980  August 16th 1980  August 23rd 1980  September 12th 1980  September 21st 1980  October 11th 1980  November 1st 1980  November 8th 1980  March 28th 1981  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  June 27th 1981  July 4th 1981  August 29th 1981  September 25th 1981  October 23rd 1981  November 7th 1981  March 20th 1982  May 9th 1982  July 11th 1982  April 1st 1983  May 15th 1983  August 7th 1983  September 1st 1983  November 9th 1989

Read, Robin September 29th 1974  May 8th 1976  October 15th 1977  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  September 2nd 1979  May 6th 1984  July 7th 1984  August 12th 1984  June 8th 1985  August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  April 1st 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  June 23rd 1990 Results  August 18th 1990  March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  May 15th 1993  July 24th 1993  September 13th 1996  September 10th 1999 Results

Read, Steve March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  May 11th 1980  April 17th 1981  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 30th 1982  May 28th 1983  August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983 March 31st 1984  August 25th 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder  May 19th 1985  September 19th 1986  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987 August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  April 1st 1988  April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 16th 1988  August 28th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  May 27th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  May 26th 1990  June 23rd 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  August 4th 1990  August 18th 1990  September 21st 1990  1990 European Drag Race Series Points  March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992  May 23rd 1992  June 20th 1992  July 3rd 1992  July 18th 1992  August 29th 1992  September 18th 1992  November 1992  January 2nd 1993  June 25th 1995  March 7th 1999  March 18th 2000  January 19th 2002

Read, Sylvia October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  April 7th 1974

Reade, Ady May 19th 2001 Results

Reay, Jack May 15th 1977  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978   September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Reay, John July 9th 1977 Results

Redehlad, Nels July 10th 1971

Reed, Chris May 7th 2004

Rees, Paul April 20th 1975

Reeve, Geoff April 21st 1968 Results  August 11th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  December 1st 1968

Reeves, G. May 24th 1970 Results

Reid, R. June 6th 1965 Results

Reimar, Joachin June 30th 1995

Reisten, Stefan September 12th 1980  May 23rd 1981  June 29th 1984

Render, Dave October 2nd 1966  May 28th 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967  October 22nd 1967 Results  April 15th 1968  November 3rd 1968 Results  April 6th 1969 Results  May 4th 1969  May 4th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results  May 3rd 1970  May 3rd 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  April 11th 1971

Revill, Terry August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976  June 5th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  NDRC Results 1978  July 15th 1989

Reymond, Kim July 28th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  July 27th 2001  June 1st 2002  June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003

Reynard, Adrian June 27th 1971

Reynolds, Chris May 1st 1982

Reynolds, Ian July 29th 1995 Results

Reynolds, Mike August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  June 28th 1980

Rhodes, John August 12th 1984

Richards, Andy May 7th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results

Richards, Brian July 13th 1975

Richards, Chris August 23rd 1975 Results  August 30th 1975  October 15th 1977  May 7th 1978  June 11th 1978  October 14th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 13th 1979  May 26th 1979  August 12th 1979  September 23rd 1979  June 1st 1980  August 3rd 1980  September 3rd 1988  August 26th 1989 Results

Richards, Lance March 30th 2002 Results

Richards, R. July 25th 1971 Results

Richards, Steve May 5th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Richards, Trevor September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Richardson, Ian October 15th 1966  April 16th 1967  April 16th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967  July 16th 1967  July 16th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967  September 17th 1967  September 24th 1967  September 24th 1967 Results  October 15th 1967 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   September 28th 1969 Results

Riches, John July 27th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results

Riches, Mark September 13th 1987  October 31st 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Rickets, John August 24th 2002 Results

Rickets, Les June 1985  August 24th 1985

Rico, Joe June 2nd 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  July 5th 1969 Results

Riddle, Terry August 12th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results

Ridley, Keith September 13th 1996

Rigby, J. October 16th 1966

Rigden, Nigel October 2nd 1983

Riley, K. 1985 BDRA Points

Ringrose, Ian May 15th 1977

Ringsell, Brian March 27th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results  July 20th 1968  September 12th 1971  April 1st 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  September 15th 1973  June 8th 1975

Rios, Dick August 14th 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Ripley, Doug April 19th 2003  May 3rd-5th 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  June 26th 2004  June 26th 2004 Results

Riswick, Dave May 28th 1967 Results  27th August 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1972

Ritmeister, Alan August 5th 1979  September 8th 1979  April 4th 1980  April 20th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  October 31st 1981  August 28th 1982  April 1st 1983  May 28th 1983  April 20th 1984

Roberts, Martin 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966

Roberts, Neil July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  April 22nd 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979  April 20th 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 10th 1980

Roberts, Steve June 26th 2004 Results

Robertson, A. June 6th 1965 Results

Robinson, Andy May 2nd 1981  October 2nd 1983  July 16th 1988  September 15th 1990  March 29th 1991  July 6th 1991  July 20th 1991  May 23rd 1992  September 5th 1992  September 18th 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 24th 1993  August 24th 1996  April 18th 1997  May 24th 1997  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  September 12th 1997  April 10th 1998  May 23rd 1998  June 20th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999  June 19th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  June 1st 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004

Robinson, Glynn May 19th 1985

Robinson, Ian June 29th 1991 Results    May 8th 1993 Results

Robinson, Isobel March 14th 1965

Robinson, J. June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results 

Robinson, Neil April 14th 2001 Results

Rodeblad, Nils September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results

Rodgers, Colin June 26th 1966

Rodgie, A. June 24th 1967 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  July 27th 1969 Results

Roffey, Ivor August 18th 1985  August 26th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Rogers, D. October 11th 1970 Results

Rogers, F. June 6th 1965 Results

Rogers, Freeman May 6th 1973 Results  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  April 14th 1974  May 5th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 15th 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 2nd 1974

Rogers, Keith September 24th 1978 Results  October 2nd 1983

Rogers, Mick October 9th 1999 Results

Rogers, Terri November 4th 1995 Results  July 5th 1996

Rogers-Valle, Terry April 10th 1998

Rogerson, Geoff June 23rd 1990 Results  March 29th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  May 7th 1994

Roivas, Jarmo September 12th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 21st 1998  May 29th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  September 8th 2000

Rollin, Sarah November 1st 2003 Results

Rondes, John October 29th 1983  May 20th 1984

Ropner, Bruce June 19th 1965

Rose Brothers June 17th 1973 Results  July 21st 1973

Rose, Dave May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  April 14th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 15th 1974  July 6th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  June 14th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 22nd 1979

Rose, Mick May 5th 1979 Results

Rose, Paul May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  August 15th 1976  March 20th 1977  May 21st 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  May 5th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  August 5th 1979  September 30th 1979  June 1st 1980  April 18th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  June 23rd 1990 Results  June 30th 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990  June 29th 1991 Results  

Rose, R. May 28th 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968

Rose, Tony July 6th 1991  August 3rd 1991  IHRA Champions 1991  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1993  July 16th 1993  September 17th 1993  June 11th 1994  July 23rd 1994  July 23rd 1994 Results  April 15th 1995

Rosier, Steve June 20th 1998 Results

Ross, Paul June 24th 1973 Results

Rotherham, John June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  September 8th 1974  July 23rd 1977

Rothey, Ivan July 15th 1989

Rothwell, R. August 2nd 1969 Results

Round, Clayton August 12th 2000

Routhwaite, Andy May 11th 1991

Routledge, Dave August 24th 1991 Results

Rowatt Brothers May 5th 1974  May 11th 1974

Rowatt, Jim August 18th 1974  June 14th 1975  May 23rd 1976  July 18th 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  March 20th 1977

Rowatt, Martin August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results  May 8th 1976  May 29th 1976  July 3rd 1976  August 28th 1976

Rowe, Lynne August 18th 1991 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results

Rowley, Pete October 16th 1976

Rox, Eddie October 2nd 1966

Roy, G. November 1st 1975 Results

Rule, Coll August 29th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  September 3rd 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  May 6th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989  November 4th 1989  1989 Championship Results  April 21st 1990 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  August 25th 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  May 9th 1992  June 26th 1993

Rumsey, S. September 24th 1967 Results

Rushforth, Dave August 12th 2000

Russell, C. September 24th 1967 Results

Russell, Chris April 8th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results  September 14th 1974  November 30th 1974  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 11th 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  August 11th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  August 29th 1981

Russell, Dave April 15th 1989

Russell, Colin June 17th 1973 Results

Russell, Ron August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  September 3rd 1988  September 10th 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989  November 4th 1989  May 5th 1990 Results  June 30th 1990 Results  August 4th 1990 Results  Bike Championship Results 1990  July 3rd 1992

Rutland, Martin August 26th 1979 Results

Rutland, Mike September 9th 1978 Results

Ruyg, Jess August 16th 1969

Rygielski, J. May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results

Ryman, Ake August 3rd 1974  September 6th 1975


Sabourin, C. April 6th 1969 Results

Salakari, Jaka September 8th 2000 Results

Salentyn, Bart July 29th 2000  May 3rd 2003 Results

Sales, Keith July 3rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  April 11th 1966 Results  June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966  June 26th 1966  July 31st 1966 Results   August 14th 1966  March 27th 1967 Results  April 23rd 1967  May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  July 1st 1967  July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967  October 22nd 1967  May 5th 1968  May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  September 1st 1968 Results

Salvidge, J. July 12th 1975 Results

Samways, Dave April 30th 1977

Sandberg, Arto May 24th 1997

Sankey, L. June 24th 1967 Results

Santalas, Hannu September 22nd 1989

Sarembe, Klaus July 4th 1998 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results

Saunders, Bernard August 23rd 1975 Results

Saunders, C. June 2nd 1968 Results

Saunders, Jeff May 5th 1979 Results  August 11th 1979

Saunders, M. May 17th 1964 Results

Saunders, Mick April 16th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results

Saunders, Shaun July 24th 1993  August 28th 1993  March 21st 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  September 11th 1998  May 1st 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results

Saunders, Wayne May 2nd 1987  October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989  November 4th 1989  May 5th 1990 Results  May 12th 1990  June 16th 1990  June 23rd 1990  June 30th 1990 Results  August 25th 1990  September 1st 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  1990 European Drag Race Series Points  Bike Championship Results 1990  June 29th 1991  June 29th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  May 9th 1992  June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993  September 16th 1994 Results  June 28th 1997  September 27th 1997  March 21st 1998 Results  April 10th 1998  August 8th 1998  September 11th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 29th 1999  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  1999 Champions

Savage, Mike October 15th 1977

Savoury, Jason May 7th 1994

Sawatzki, Richard August 23rd 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Saxby, Derek June 3rd 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Sayers, Mick May 28th 1972  April 14th 1974  June 2nd 1974  July 21st 1974  September 20th 1975 Results  September 23rd 1979

Scase, Paul June 21st 1986

Schmidt, Lothar June 30th 1995

Schofer, Peter June 1st 2002 Results  September 6th 2002  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  May 28th 2004 Results  July 29th 2004  September 9th 2004

Scholey, John September 23rd 1979

Scollick, Richard August 29th 1981

Scott, John September 10th 1988  March 29th 1991 Results

Scott, Pete September 3rd 1988  June 24th 1989 Results  1989 Championship Results  September 5th 1992

Scott, Steve May 23rd 1992

Sealey, Paul April 22nd 1979

Searle, Glen July 6th 1974  August 18th 1974

Seeley, Sid June 18th 1977

Segrini, Al September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  January 3rd 1991

Seminatis, Bernd August 20th 1994

Senior, Geoff June 16th 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Serembe, Klaus October 7th 2000 Results

Seward, Jim July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  July 12th 1997

Seward, Sue September 15th 1990 Results

Scammel, Brian July 17th 1966

Schofer, Peter July 23rd 1994  July 23rd 1994 Results  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 21st 1998  July 28th 2000  September 6th 2002 Results  July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results

Schreier, Wayne August 28th 1988

Schumacher, Don July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 18th 1980

Scott, Peter August 15th 1982 Results  August 28th 1988  April 15th 1989  October 7th 1989  May 9th 1992

Segal, S. June 6th 1965 Results

Segust, Andy June 30th 1990 Results

Semanati, Bernard 1990 European Drag Race Series Points

Seume, Keith April 17th 1993

Seward, Jim June 14th 2003  August 23rd 2003

Sewell, Barry April 22nd 1973 Results  April 14th 1974  May 26th 1974  November 30th 1974

Shacklady, Ian June 20th 1998 Results

Shakeshaft, John May 3rd 1980 Results

Shanks, Ian NDRC Results 1978

Sharman, Richard April 13th 1975

Sharp, Dick June 24th 1973  September 9th 1973  September 15th 1973  September 30th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  1973 Champions  April 7th 1974  April 14th 1974  May 5th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 15th 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  August 18th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  July 18th 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  1977 Awards  May 3rd-5th 2003  June 14th 2003  August 23rd 2003

Sharpe, Alan April 14th 1974  March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  July 13th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  April 16th 1976  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976

Sharpe, Jon May 24th 1975  April 16th 1976

Sharples, Bob May 7th 1994

Shaver, Ed November 7th 1970  June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  August 29th 1971  October 21st 1972  April 8th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  August 19th 1973  August 26th 1973  September 9th 1973  September 30th 1973  October 6th 1973  1973 Champions  April 7th 1974  April 28th 1974  May 11th 1974  May 1974  June 15th 1974  July 13th 1974  August 18th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974

Shaw, Vince June 24th 1979

Shearsby, Chris May 14th 1978  June 1st 1980

Sheavills, Barry 1970  1972  April 14th 1974  November 2nd 1974  June 8th 1975  July 13th 1975  November 6th 1976  July 21st 1978  September 16th 1978  November 3rd 1984  May 2nd 1987  April 30th 1988  July 16th 1988  August 28th 1988  September 10th 1988  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  September 21st 1990  July 20th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  June 20th 1992  August 29th 1992  July 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994  August 13th 1994  August 27th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  October 8th 1994  October 8th 1994 Results  April 15th 1995  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  July 15th 1995  August 26th 1995  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  September 12th 1997  1997 Note  May 23rd 1998  July 3rd 1998  August 21st 1998  September 11th 1998  May 19th 1999  August 20th 1999  August 28th 1999  August 28th 1999 Results  November 6th 1999  April 22nd 2000  June 10th 2000  July 28th 2000  August 4th 2000  August 19th 2000  August 26th 2000  September 8th 2000  May 26th 2001  June 8th 2001  June 29th 2001  July 27th 2001  August 5th 2001  November 5th 2001  June 1st 2002  September 6th 2002  November 1st 2003  November 1st 2003 Results

Sheavills, Dave October 21st 1973 Results

Sheffield, Freddie March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Shelton, Pete June 24th 1967 Results  April 15th 1968  November 3rd 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  June 14th 1969 Results 

Shepton, Nick August 25th 1984 Ladder

Sherratt, Bill  June 7th 1980  February 23rd 1981  March 28th 1981  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  July 4th 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  August 29th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder  November 7th 1981  May 29th 1982  July 11th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results  September 24th 1982 Ladder  November 6th 1982  May 28th 1983  June 5th 1983  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984  November 2nd 1985  May 4th 1985  July 6th 1985 Results  September 20th 1985 Results  July 5th 1986  April 18th 1987  June 16th 1990  January 3rd 1991  June 8th 1991  June 12th 1993  June 24th 1995  April 3rd 1999  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  April 19th 2003

Sherratt, Will June 12th 1993

Shervington, C. March 27th 1967 Results  May 28th 1967 Results

Sherwin, Alan May 5th 1968 Results  June 27th 1971  June 17th 1973 Results  July 21st 1974  August 18th 1974  September 8th 1974  September 14th 1974  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  August 26th 1979 Results

Shillito, Paul May 23rd 1992

Shortlands, Paul June 16th 1990  August 3rd 1991 Results

Sidebottom, Terry May 3rd 1980  May 11th 1980  June 1st 1980  June 7th 1980  June 28th 1980  August 3rd 1980  June 27th 1981  25th July 1981  May 9th 1982  July 11th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results

Siggery, John January 25th 1969  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results  May 4th 1969  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 2nd 1969  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 5th 1969  July 5th 1969 Results  July 26th 1969  July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results  October 5th 1969  March 29th 1970  May 3rd 1970  May 3rd 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  May 16th 1971  June 27th 1971  November 6th 1971  March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  April 22nd 1973  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 26th 1973  June 17th 1973  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  June 8th 1975

Simmonds, N. June 2nd 1968 Results

Simms, Alan April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results

Simpson, Barry July 12th 1975 Results  July 27th 1975

Simpson, Brian May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  July 23rd 1977  June 3rd 1978  August 26th 1978  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  May 26th 1979 Results  May 2nd 1981  July 4th 1981 Results  25th July 1981  July 3rd 1982 Results  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  August 29th 1987

Simpson, Graham May 13th 1979

Simpson, Ray June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  March 24th 1978  March 24th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results

Sinclair, D. August 27th 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results

Skeaping, Chris July 21st 1968 Results

Skeen, Mark June 26th 2004 Results

Skilton, Christine 27th August 1967  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  April 15th 1968 Results  May 5th 1968 Results  August 10th 1968  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 5th 1969 Results  May 6th 1973  May 6th 1973 Results

Skilton, Clive

Skilton, J. June 2nd 1968 Results

Skinne, Per-Kristian September 28th 1985

Skinner Brothers June 24th 1973 Results  September 15th 1973  May 26th 1974

Skinner, Chris September 20th 2003 Results

Skinner, Pete September 28th 1969 Results  August 9th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  March 19th 1972 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 17th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  October 6th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results  April 14th 1974  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974  May 11th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results

Skinner, Rob October 19th 1968  December 1st 1968  April 6th 1969 Results  April 27th 1969  April 27th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969 Results   July 5th 1969 Results  August 2nd 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  May 3rd 1970 Results  September 26th Results  May 20th 1972 Results  May 6th 1973 Results

Slager, Harry June 24th 1989 Results

Slattery, Bill April 15th 1968  June 2nd 1968

Sleath, John April 22nd 2000 Results  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  August 26th 2000  May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  April 19th 2003  September 9th 2004  October 2nd 2004

Slight, Pete June 18th 1988

Sluggett, Rex October 1965  April 15th 1968  June 2nd 1968  July 7th 1968  August 10th 1968  August 17th 1968  September 1st 1968  October 5th 1968  October 6th 1968  December 1st 1968  January 25th 1969  April 6th 1969

Slyfield, Kev April 19th 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  2003 Champions  August 20th 2004 Results

Smalley, J. May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results

Smallworth, Rob September 22nd 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  October 5th 2002 Results  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  June 26th 2004  June 26th 2004 Results

Smit, Jos November 6th 1976  25th July 1981

Smith, Alan June 1st 1980  September 30th 1984 June 20th 1998 Results

Smith, Alan August 24th 1991 Results

Smith, Andrew June 17th 2000 Results

Smith, Andy June 26th 1993   June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Smith, B. April 1st 1973 Results

Smith, Barry NDRC Results 1978

Smith, Bob June 21st 1987  June 18th 1988

Smith, Brian April 22nd 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  March 24th 1974  July 21st 1974  September 29th 1974  March 30th 1975  May 3rd 1980 Results  June 2nd 1984

Smith Brothers IHRA Champions 1991

Smith, Bryan August 16th 1969

Smith, Dave April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 15th 1982 Results  June 21st 1986  May 9th 1987  September 12th 1987  August 5th 1989  June 16th 1990  August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  April 17th 1992 Results  May 7th 2004

Smith, Dick October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results

Smith, Gordon August 24th 1991 Results  May 3rd 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  December 30th 1997  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000  April 29th 2000  April 29th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  May 5th 2001  May 5th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  August 24th 2002  August 24th 2002 Results  April 6th 2003  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004  May 1st 2004  May 28th 2004  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  2004 European Champions

Smith, H. August 23rd 1975 Results

Smith, Harvey May 13th 1979  August 15th 1982 Results

Smith, Howard March 7th 1976

Smith, Ian May 17th 1964

Smith, J. P. PDRC/IHRA Points 1990

Smith, Jason November 1st 1975 Results  April 17th 1976 Results  May 29th 1976  July 18th 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  1977 Awards  NDRC Results 1978

Smith, Jerry June 21st 1986

Smith, Jim April 22nd 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results

Smith, John September 10th 1999 Results

Smith, M. September 1st 1968 Results

Smith, Michael September 10th 1999 Results

Smith, P. May 5th 1968 Results  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results

Smith, P.  September 28th 1975

Smith, P. September 28th 1975  May 23rd 1976

Smith, Paul August 26th 1989 Results  September 15th 1990 Results

Smith, Phil  May 24th 1969  March 29th 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  March 24th 1974

 Smith, Pete Hagon Triumph/Jap 1964 Drag Fest Winners  July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  May 19th 1968  June 14th 1970 Results  June 27th 1971  October 10th 1971  May 28th 1972 Results  September 23rd 1972

Smith, Pete Odin/Odin 11 October 21st 1973 Results  May 24th 1975  August 25th 1974  March 30th 1975  August 23rd 1975  May 8th 1976  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  June 3rd 1978  May 5th 1979 Results   August 12th 1973 Results  March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975   April 20th 1975  July 5th 1975  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  March 7th 1976    May 23rd 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976 March 20th 1977    March 11th 1978  March 24th 1978   October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  March 25th 1979   August 12th 1979April 4th 1980  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980

Smith, Pete (900 Honda) August 3rd 1980  July 15th 1989  October 8th 1994 Results

Smith, Pete Altered Hush Too/Bloo  May 3rd 1970  May 30th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  October 21st 1972  April 8th 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 17th 1973 Results  July 21st 1973   August 12th 1973 Results

Smith, Pete Poison Ivy June 2nd 1974  August 18th 1974  May 24th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976

Smith, Richard August 12th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  March 24th 1974

Smith, Richie May 2nd 1998 Results  September 11th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  October 5th 2002 Results

Smith, Roy March 18th 2000

Smith, Smax October 8th 1994  April 3rd 1999  September 25th 1999  January 2000  April 8th 2000  April 22nd 2000  August 12th 2000  May 5th 2001  June 29th 2001  August 25th 2001  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  November 1st 2003  November 1st 2003 Results  2003 European Champions  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004  August 6th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004

Smith, T. M. July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results

Smith, Tony July 31st 1999 Results  August 12th 2000  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Smith 'Wiffy' September 28th 1975  April 17th 1976 Results  May 29th 1976  September 18th 1976

Smitt, Jos July 5th 1975

Smy, Steve September 28th 1985

Sneddon, Jamie March 25th 1995 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  July 29th 1995 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 7th 2004

Snee, Paul June 24th 1984

Snelling, Michael June 27th 1971  May 28th 1972 Results

Snow, Gene September 16th 1978  July 7th 1979  September 14th 1979  September 14th 1979 Ladder  July 5th 1980  July 18th 1980  September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  February 23rd 1981

Snowball, Peter June 21st 1986  June 18th 1988

Soderstrom, Kenneth May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004

Sohm, Werner June 26th 1993

Sohn, Gunther June 15th 2002 Results

Soloman, Jim May 28th 1972  May 28th 1972 Results

Sommers, Reg September 24th 1967  May 5th 1968 Results  June 15th 1968  June 15th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  December 1st 1968  July 11th 1970  October 11th 1970 Results

South, Nick June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results

Southcombe, Ali November 4th 2000

Southern, Derek April 17th 1992 Results

Southworth, Dave PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  August 3rd 1991 Results  May 8th 1993 Results

Southworth, Sag June 5th 1983  June 5th 1983  May 20th 1984  May 11th 1991

Sowden, F. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Sox, Ronnie September 19th 1964

Sparrow, G July 31st 1966

Sparrow, W. July 31st 1966

Speed, Nigel July 3rd 1992

Spence, Bob May 3rd 1975  August 15th 1976

Spence, J. May 19th 1968 Results

Spencer, Jim November 2nd 1974

Spence, Rob September 9th 1973

Spencer, Tim May 26th 1974  July 21st 1974  September 8th 1974  September 20th 1975

Spicer, B. June 6th 1965 Results

Spiers, Shaun May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results

Spry, Chris June 30th 1990 Results

Spuffard, John September 30th 1979  October 13th 1979  July 7th 1984  July 7th 1984 Results  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984  May 19th 1985  July 6th 1985 Results  August 18th 1985  September 20th 1985 Results  July 5th 1986  September 19th 1986  October 31st 1987  April 1st 1988  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988  September 23rd 1988  November 5th 1988  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  July 6th 1991  August 24th 1991  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994  August 27th 1994  September 16th 1994  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996  June 28th 1997  August 8th 1997  September 12th 1997  December 30th 1997  May 23rd 1998  July 30th 1988  August 8th 1998  September 11th 1998  April 3rd 1999  July 3rd 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  November 6th 1999  April 22nd 2000  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000  April 29th 2000 Results  May 27th 2000  July 1st 2000  August 26th 2000  September 8th 2000 Results  April 14th 2001  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001  May 5th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001  March 30th 2002  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002  June 1st 2002 Results  August 24th 2002  August 24th 2002 Results  September 6th 2002  September 6th 2002 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004  May 1st 2004  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004

Spurrell, J. May 17th 1964  May 17th 1964 Results

Sray, Dave June 21st 1986

Stables Brothers June 2nd 1984  June 8th 1985

Stables, Dave June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  April 13th 1979 Results  May 5th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 10th 1980

Stables, John August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983  July 28th 1984  August 25th 1984  September 15th 1984 Results  May 4th 1985  May 19th 1985

Stacey, Keith May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results

Stafberg, Bengt September 14th 1974  May 14th 1976

Stanford, Pete June 13th 1971  September 26th 1971 Results  May 28th 1972

Stanley, Conrad March 29th 1991 Results  August 3rd 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  May 7th 1994  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 5th 2003 Results  September 20th 2003 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Stanley, Dave September 22nd 2001 Results

Stannard, Robin August 15th 1982 Results

Stark, Laurence July 16th 1967 Results  August 20th 1967 Results

Staros, R. June 2nd 1968 Results

Steadman, Harry May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Stebbings, Chris May 3rd 2003 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004 Results

Steel, Tony August 15th 1976  July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  August 26th 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  June 17th 1979  August 5th 1979

Steer, Vicki April 15th 1989  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989

Stenstrom, Torben September 9th 2004 Results

Stephens, E. September 28th 1969 Results

Stephenson, Les August 18th 1991 Results

Stephenson, Nick August 28th 1988  April 15th 1989  July 15th 1989  April 21st 1990 Results  May 26th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  August 4th 1990  May 15th 1993  May 1st 1999 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  September 20th 2003 Results

Stevens, Alan August 24th 1985 Re-run Results

Stevens, Chris May 15th 1977  October 15th 1977  1977 Awards  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Stevens, Joe May 1st 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Stevens, K. July 3rd 1965

Stevens, Steve June 2nd 1974  November 2nd 1974  May 24th 1975

Stewart, Paul July 4th 1998 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results

Stiles, Mark August 26th 1989 Results

Stilwell, J. July 3rd 1982 Results

Stillwell, Geof NDRC Results 1978

Stimpson, Niki June 18th 1988 Results

Stirling, Robbie August 7th 1983

Stockall, N. June 2nd 1968 Results

Stockley, Graham August 3rd 1980

Stolen, Steiner September 17th 1977  May 18th 1979  April 4th 1980  September 12th 1980  April 17th 1981  September 25th 1981  July 30th 1982  August 27th 1983

Stone, B. July 5th 1969 Results  August 30th 1969 Results  May 24th 1970 Results

Stone, David June 7th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results

Stone, Dennis June 7th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results

Stone, Rob May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results

The Stones Team

Stott, R. June 13th 1971 Results

Strafberg, Bo July 6th 1974

Stratton, Mark March 27th 1967 Results  April 23rd 1967  July 1st 1967  July 1st 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967  May 5th 1968  May 5th 1968 Results  June 2nd 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results  July 7th 1968  July 7th 1968 Results  July 20th 1968  September 1st 1968  September 1st 1968 Results  June 2nd 1969  1970 Notes  March 21st 1971  June 24th 1973

Strickler, Dave September 19th 1964

Stride, Roger October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions

Stringer, Steve August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results

Stromberg, Kenneth May 26th 2001 Results

Strugnell, Victor August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  September 3rd 1988

Strutt, J. September 23rd 1972

Stubbins, Richard May 7th 2004

Styles, Mark August 24th 1991 Results

Suemes, Keith January 3rd 1991

Sultana, John May 23rd 1992

Summers, C. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Sundblom, Richard September 5th 2003 Results

Sundquist, Arnold September 30th 1972

Sutton, John April 13th 1975  July 24th 1976  August 28th 1976  August 27th 1977  October 15th 1977  October 14th 1978

Sutton, Paul October 8th 1994 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results

Svartrud, Stale June 27th 1992

Svensson, Peter June 30th 1995

Swaffield, Andy April 16th 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Swansborough, Bob May 11th 1974  July 6th 1974  May 24th 1975

Sweetman, Mark March 14th 1994 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results

Sykes, Steve August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  July 20th 1991 Results  July 26th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  April 17th 1992 Results

Synowiec, E. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Szabo, Leslie August 12th 1984  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990 Results


Talbot, Dick April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978  June 11th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Talbot, G. June 13th 1971 Results

Talbot, Pat July 12th 1997  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  April 19th 2003

Talbot, Sam October 30th 1982

Tallis, Rob April 1st 1973 Results  April 8th 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  September 30th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results  1973 Champions  June 2nd 1974  November 1st 1975

Tarbox, John August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  December 1st 1968

Taylor, Alan June 11th 1978

Taylor, Dave July 13th 1975

Taylor, Andy June 30th 1990 Results

Taylor, Colin September 13th 1987  June 3rd 1989  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  November 4th 1989  November 4th 1989 Ladder  May 23rd 1992  May 29th 1993

Taylor, Des May 8th 1983  June 5th 1983  May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984  August 25th 1984  May 9th 1987  September 12th 1987  November 4th 1989 Ladder  May 11th 1991  August 3rd 1991 Results  August 8th 1998

Taylor, Kev August 24th 2002 Results  August 20th 2004

Taylor, Mickey June 2nd 1984

Taylor, Mike October 7th 1989  May 5th 1990 Results

Taylor, Mr. June 20th 1965

Taylor, Neil June 10th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  July 12th 1997  August 8th 1997  April 10th 1998  June 20th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998

Taylor, Paul August 30th 1975  May 7th 1978  June 7th 1980  May 9th 1982

Taylor, Tony May 9th 1982

Tebbutt, John March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 3rd 1980 Results  March 28th 1981  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  August 29th 1981  May 19th 1985  1985 BDRA Points  September 13th 1987  October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Tebenham, John August 26th 1995  July 5th 1996  September 13th 1996  May 2nd 1998 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results

Teboul, Eric 1990 European Drag Race Series Points  June 29th 1991  June 27th 1992  June 26th 1993  June 25th 1994  April 19th 2003  May 9th 2003  November 1st 2003  April 10th 2004  May 7th 2004  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results

Tee, Nigel May 15th 1977  NDRC Results 1978  August 29th 1981

Templeman, Steve April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  1999 Champions  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results

Terry, Jack 1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  July 17th 1966  October 15th 1967 Results

Terry, Roy July 31st 1966 Results   September 4th 1966

Thackray, Steve August 6th 1988  May 6th 1989  August 4th 1990 Results  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  May 3rd 1992 Results

Thatcher, A August 26th 1978

Thatcher, Olly August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 16th 1980 Results  June 27th 1981  August 28th 1982

Theobald, Jeff March 14th 1965  June 6th 1965  July 18th 1965  October 1965

Theochari, Luke April 17th 1993

Thomas, Brian November 4th 1978  August 23rd 1980  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  August 29th 1981  July 7th 1984  May 19th 1985  1985 BDRA Points  May 2nd 1987  April 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  May 15th 1993  July 24th 1993

Thomas, G. M. July 23rd 1967 Results

Thomas, H. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Thomas, Ian April 15th 1989  July 15th 1989  1989 Championship Results

Thomas, M. May 28th 1967  May 28th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results  June 2nd 1968 Results

Thomas, Maurie NDRC Results 1978

Thomas, Mo October 10th 1971  April 30th 1972

Thompson, Alan March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  June 17th 1979  June 1st 1980  May 2nd 1981

Thompson, Harlan July 5th 1980  September 12th 1980 Results  September 25th 1981  25th September 1981 Ladder  May 29th 1982  July 30th 1982  September 24th 1982 Ladder  September 23rd 1983 Ladder  July 7th 1984  July 7th 1984 Results  September 21st 1984  July 6th 1985  July 6th 1985 Results  September 20th 1985 Results  July 5th 1986  September 19th 1986 Ladder  June 27th 1987  September 25th 1987  April 1st 1988  April 30th 1988  July 2nd 1988  September 23rd 1988  July 1st 1989  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  July 7th 1990  August 18th 1990  May 25th 1991  July 6th 1991  August 24th 1991  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  May 29th 1993  July 3rd 1993  September 17th 1993  May 28th 1994  June 25th 1994  September 16th 1994  June 30th 1995

Thompson, Lyndon May 23rd 1987  September 13th 1987

Thompson, Mickey September 14th 1963  September 21st 1963  September 22nd 1963  September 22nd 1963 Results  January 22nd 1964  Easter 1964  June 1964  May1965  August 15th 1965  26th March 1966

Thompson, P. August 2nd 1969 Results

Thompson, Steve August 13th 1978 Results

Thompson, W. R. September 22nd 1963 Results

Thorn, Lucy May 3rd-5th 2003

Thorne, P. May 28th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results

Thornley, frank June 17th 1979

Thornselius, Bo June 26th 1993

Thorpe, Ken April 13th 1975

Threadgold, Alan October 7th 2000 Results

Tickner, Mick June 15th 1968  July 7th 1968  July 20th 1968  August 10th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  September 1st 1968  September 1st 1968 Results

Tidswell, Jean September 23rd 1979  May 11th 1980  June 7th 1980  October 23rd 1981  October 31st 1981  July 11th 1982  August 15th 1982 Results  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984

Tidswell, Steve April 13th 1979 Results  October 23rd 1981

Tidy, Steve August 15th 1976  October 16th 1976  April 24th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results

Tiley, A. May 17th 1964 Results

Tiller, Jim May 17th 1964  August 8th 1971 Results

Tiller, Sheila May 17th 1964

Timberley, T. June 16th 1968 Results

Tindell, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Tinnion, Alan June 30th 1990 Results  July 26th Results

Todman, John September 14th 1974

Tog October 30th 2004

Tolbert, J. October 22nd 1967 Results

Tomaschuck, Dave August 26th 1989 Results

Tomsett, Ian August 23rd 2003 Results

Tong, Steve May 23rd 1981  May 29th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  July 11th 1982  April 1st 1983

Top Banana Team 1999 Champions  2000 Champions

Topham, Dave August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  April 1st 1988 Results  May 28th 1988 Results

Topping, C. December 6th 1975 Results

Toringen, Lars July 10th 1971  July 8th 1972

Townsend, Dave May 27th 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  June 29th 2002 Results

Townson, Neil July 23rd 1994 Results  May 1st 1999

Titt, Mark April 16th 1976

Tramm, Spencer April 10th 2004 Results  June 12th 2004 Results  June 26th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Travis, Dave Lee (See also The Stones Team) August 26th 1973  April 14th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 15th 1974  September 14th 1974  May 24th 1975  February 18th 1978  May 27th 1978  July 21st 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  July 7th 1979

Trett, Elmer June 29th 1984  September 15th 1990

Treutlin, Mike June 13th 1971  June 13th 1971 Results  October 10th 1971  April 30th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  May 26th 1973  September 15th 1973  October 21st 1973 Results

Trinder, Janet May 11th 1974

Troop, Ash November 6th 1982

Trotter, C. May 28th 1967 Results

Tubb, Ian April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  June 26th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Tucker, Dave June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 11th 1979  August 11th 1979  1979 Note  May 23rd 1981  August 29th 1981

Tumbleson, Chris March 25th 1989 Results

Turburville, Ian May 1st 1999 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003 Results  May 1st 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  NAST Champions 2004

Turk, Philip May 5th 1979 Results  June 17th 1979  August 5th 1979  September 30th 1979  April 20th 1980  May 10th 1980  May 23rd 1981

Turnbull, Ian September 24th 1994  April 29th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  April 19th 2003 Results

Turnbull, Jim NDRC Results 1978

Turnbull, Lovat August 28th 1999 Results

Turner, Dave September 5th 1992  May 29th 1993 Results  June 26th 1993  April 30th 1994 Results  May 28th 1994  August 26th 1995  Results

Turner, Les June 19th 1966  June 26th 1966  August 28th 1966  September 4th 1966  August 20th 1967 Results  September 17th 1967  June 2nd 1968  August 11th 1968  January 25th 1969  June 2nd 1969

Turner, Ray July 23rd 1994 Results

Turner, Rob November 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981  July 16th 1982  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  July 1st 1989  July 15th 1989  May 26th 1990  July 27th 1990  September 21st 1990  May 11th 1991  August 29th 1992  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  July 3rd 1993  May 28th 1994  August 13th 1994  August 20th 1994  October 8th 1994  October 8th 1994 Results  June 30th 1995  July 15th 1995  May 25th 1996  July 5th 1996  August 24th 1996  September 13th 1996  April 18th 1997  May 24th 1997  August 8th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998  August 21st 1998  April 3rd 1999  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results  August 28th 1999  August 28th 1999 Results  November 14th 1999  1999 Champions  February 4th 2000  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000  April 29th 2000 Results  July 28th 2000  August 4th 2000  2000 Champions  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  May 26th 2001 Results  June 8th 2001  June 29th 2001  June 29th 2001 Results  July 27th 2001  August 5th 2001  August 25th 2001  March 30th 2002  March 30th 2002 Results  May 4th 2002  May 4th 2002 Results  June 1st 2002 Results  August 24th 2002  August 24th 2002 Results  September 6th 2002  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  July 24th 2003  April 10th 2004  April 10th 2004 Results  May 1st 2004  May 28th 2004  July 29th 2004  August 6th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004

Turner, Roger July 26th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  April 17th 1992 Results  July 3rd 1992  July 26th 1992  September 12th 1992  June 26th 1993  August 27th 1994 Results

Tuson, Alan June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results

Tyack, Gerry June 19th 1966  May 28th 1967 Results

Tyman, Martin April 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results


Udall, Brian September 22nd 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Udtian, Paul Ingar April 10th 2004 Results

Unwin, B. April 6th 1969 Results

Upperton, Roger November 4th 1989

Upton, Joe/Jay July 3rd 1977  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  August 26th 1978  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Urlwin, Chris July 23rd 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  June 15th 1968  June 15th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  June 13th 1971 Results  July 25th 1971 Results  September 26th Results

Usher, R. June 24th 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results


Valentine, Jack March 20th 1982  May 29th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  May 8th 1983  May 4th 1985  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  1985 BDRA Points  November 1st 1986  May 2nd 1987  August 29th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  May 8th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  August 6th 1988  September 3rd 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  May 6th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  August 18th 1990  August 26th 1989 Results  September 1st 1990

Valentine, Paul September 22nd 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results

Vallance, Stu September 21st 1990

Van De Boer, Mark July 29th 2000 Results

Van Dongen, Cees October 16th 1976  April 29th 1978  November 4th 1978  October 13th 1979  May 24th 1980 Results  September 12th 1980  May 23rd 1981  25th July 1981

Van Driel, Herman May 23rd 1998

Vane, Ronnie October 15th 1967 Results  August 11th 1968  August 11th 1968 Results  October 20th 1968

Van Geeve, Henk June 26th 1993

Van Geffen, Rob September 10th 1999 Results

Van Ginneken, Rob 25th July 1981  May 6th 1989  June 24th 1989 Results  June 26th 1993

Van Kuyk, Ronald August 29th 1971

Van Olstad, Hans May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results

Van Schie, Harry May 3rd 2003 Results

Vaughn, Tony May 8th 1983  May 20th 1984

Venables, Steve April 14th 2001 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  June 14th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  May 7th 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results   August 20th 2004  November 6th 2004

Venison, Bob July 31st 1966 Results 

Vente, Rene May 6th 1989

Vetsch, Jean Yves July 4th 1998 Results   July 31st 1999 Results

Vickers, Michael March 21st 1998 Results  May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results

Vidal, R. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Vilder, E. August 10th 1968 Results  September 1st 1968 Results

Vink, Henk July 8th 1972  April 15th 1973  September 8th 1974  September 20th 1975  September 18th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 8th 1977  June 5th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977  November 5th 1977  1977 Awards  March 24th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 27th 1978  June 3rd 1978  July 8th 1978  August 26th 1978  September 16th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  May 18th 1979  May 26th 1979  May 26th 1979 Results  April 4th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 3rd 1980 Results  May 24th 1980  July 5th 1980  August 23rd 1980  October 11th 1980  November 8th 1980  25th July 1981  April 1st 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 29th 1984  August 18th 1985

Virgo, Bryan June 19th 1999 Results

Visick, Ceri May 12th 1990  July 20th 1991 Results  June 26th 1993  June 25th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  March 21st 1998 Results  November 14th 1999

Vivian, Tom March 24th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  August 12th 1979  September 30th 1979  April 20th 1980  June 8th 1980  25th July 1981  May 1st 1982  October 30th 1982  September 3rd 1988  June 24th 1989 Results

Vizard, David April 1st 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  June 17th 1973  June 17th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  August 26th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results

Vogel, Urs July 20th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results

Vogt, Michael August 20th 1999

Von Essen, Oivind September 6th 2002 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results

Voyce, Paul July 29th 2000 Results


Wacker, Peter July 23rd 1994 Results  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results

Waddell, J. March 29th 1970 Results

Waerness, Jan September 28th 1985  May 5th 1990 Results

Wahlberg, Lars June 30th 1995

Wakefield, Dave NDRC Results 1978

Wakelin, Eric July 23rd 1967 Results

Walker, Bob September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Walker, Johnny July 29th 2000 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  April 6th 2003  June 14th 2003 Results

Walker, Laurie July 30th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results

Walker, Phil September 13th 1996  May 1st 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  May 27th 2000 Results

Wallin, Magnus September 29th 1984  September 28th 1985

Wallis, Peter March 25th 1989 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  July 3rd 1992

Walshe, Sean April 24th 1977

Walters, Darrioux April 21st 1990  PDRC/IHRA Points 1990  May 11th 1991

Wanberg, Jim June 15th 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results  August 10th 1968

Wanstall, Mark   April 18th 1987  July 25th 1987  April 30th 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  October 7th 1989

Warburton, T. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Ward, Alan June 2nd 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  October 6th 1968  July 26th 1969  July 27th 1969 Results  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  September 28th 1969 Results

Ward, Alan August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984  August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  October 31st 1987

Ward, D. November 2nd 1974  March 30th 1975

Ward, Dave August 27th 1994 Results  April 14th 2001 Results

Ward, E. October 22nd 1967 Results

Ward, Martin November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  October 11th 1980

Ward, Phil August 13th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Ward, R. April 27th 1969 Results

Wardle, P. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Wareham, Bernard July 26th 1969  July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results

Warehan, Terry May 29th 1999 Results  November 1st 2003 Results

Warne, Dave July 12th 1975 Results  August 29th 1981  October 31st 1981  August 15th 1982 Results  May 8th 1983  September 1st 1983  May 2nd 1987  June 6th 1987  June 21st 1987  June 12th 1988  June 18th 1988  June 18th 1988 Results  July 16th 1988  August 6th 1988  August 28th 1988  September 10th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  April 15th 1989  May 6th 1989  June 3rd 1989  July 1st 1989  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  September 22nd 1989  November 4th 1989  1989 Championship Results  April 21st 1990 Results  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990 Results  May 26th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  September 15th 1990  September 15th 1990 Results  March 29th 1991  March 29th 1991 Results  May 11th 1991  July 6th 1991  April 17th 1992  August 29th 1992  September 5th 1992  September 18th 1992  April 10th 1993  May 15th 1993  May 29th 1993  May 29th 1993 Results  September 17th 1993  June 11th 1994  October 8th 1994

Warne, Mick August 16th 1969  May 24th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  August 8th 1971 Results  September 12th 1971  September 26th Results  August 20th 1972  July 14th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  April 7th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  June 23rd 1974  July 6th 1974  August 25th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  August 30th 1975  September 14th 1975  September 20th 1975  May 8th 1976  May 14th 1976  May 23rd 1976  July 24th 1976  April 24th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  July 23rd 1977  1977 Awards  NDRC Results 1978

Warner, Jim October 8th 1994 Results

Warner, Steve May 2nd 1987  July 25th 1987  April 1st 1988 Results  April 30th 1988  May 28th 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990  May 5th 1990  March 29th 1991 Results  May 3rd 1993  March 14th 1994 Results  July 23rd 1994 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  March 25th 1995 Results  April 29th 1995 Results  June 24th 1995  July 29th 1995 Results  August 12th 1995  November 4th 1995 Results  September 13th 1996

Warren, David May 4th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  August 23rd 2003 Results

Warren, Ian April 10th 1998  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results

Warren, Pete June 9th 1984

Waringe, David July 5th 1975

Waskett, Brian April 22nd 2000 Results

Watcher, John July 31st 1966 Results   August 28th 1966

Waterhouse, Steve May 13th 1979  September 2nd 1979  May 11th 1980  June 7th 1980

Watkins, Cliff June 19th 1999 Results

Watkins, Mark July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  May 23rd 1992  July 3rd 1992  May 8th 1993 Results  May 7th 1994  July 23rd 1994 Results  August 27th 1994 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  November 4th 1995 Results  November 4th 1995 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 29th 2000  April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  April 10th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Watson, F. September 1st 1968 Results

Watson, Paul April 22nd 1979  August 26th 1989 Results  April 21st 1990 Results  September 15th 1990 Results  May 23rd 1992  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995  April 22nd 2000 Results  April 14th 2001 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  June 29th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  September 14th 2001 Results  May 3rd-5th 2003  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results

Watson, Ray July 4th 1981 Results

Watson, Roger May 20th 1984  August 12th 1984  September 16th 1984

Watson, Steve November 1st 1986  July 25th 1987  September 12th 1987  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Watson, T. June 2nd 1968 Results

Watt, Norman June 6th 1965 Results  June 26th 1966

Watts, Cliff April 27th 1969  April 27th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  April 22nd 1973 Results  April 20th 1975

Watts, N. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Watts, Tom May 27th 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  May 5th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004 Results

Weall, Peter August 24th 1985 Re-run Results

Weavers, Gareth August 3rd 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  May 3rd 1992 Results

Webb, C. March 27th 1967 Results  June 24th 1967 Results  August 27th 1967 Results  September 24th 1967 Results  October 22nd 1967 Results

Webb, Dave April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results

Webb, Roy November 7th 1981  May 1st 1982  July 16th 1982  September 1st 1983  August 25th 1984 Ladder

Webber, Trevor June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Weber, Chris August 8th 1971 Results

Webster, Bob September 9th 1973  October 6th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973  November 3rd 1973  1973 Note  May 26th 1974  June 23rd 1974  August 25th 1974  September 14th 1974  September 29th 1974  November 1st 1975  June 17th 1979  September 12th 1980  August 28th 1982

Webster, Chris July 1st 1989  August 26th 1989 Results

Webster, Jon April 10th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  April 22nd 2000 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  April 19th 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  May 28th 2004  September 9th 2004

Webster, P. October 22nd 1967 Results

Webster, Paul October 7th 2000 Results

Weedon, Tony June 27th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  October 10th 1971  May 20th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  August 20th 1972  October 21st 1972  April 1st 1973  July 14th 1973  August 12th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  May 26th 1974  August 25th 1974  October 5th 1974  November 2nd 1974  November 30th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 24th 1975  August 23rd 1975  September 20th 1975  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  August 28th 1976  September 18th 1976

Weichelt, Bill June 15th 1968  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   August 16th 1969  March 29th 1970 Results  April 19th 1970  April 19th 1970 Results  May 3rd 1970  May 3rd 1970 Results  May 24th 1970 Results  June 7th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  August 9th 1970 Results  October 3rd 1970  October 11th 1970 Results  November 27th 1970  1970 Notes  1970 Points Champions  March 21st 1971  May 16th 1971  June 13th 1971  June 27th 1971  July 17th 1971  July 25th 1971  July 25th 1971 Results  August 8th 1971  August 8th 1971 Results

Weimar, Peter June 15th 2002 Results

Wells, Chris June 11th 1978

Wells, Dave April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results

Wells, Freddie July 3rd 1965  1965 Drag Fest Results  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  April 21st 1968 Results  May 19th 1968 Results  June 16th 1968 Results

Wells, Jimmy October 15th 1967 Results  April 21st 1968 Results  August 10th 1968 Results  November 3rd 1968 Results  May 24th 1969 Results

Wells, Steve July 4th 1998 Results  April 3rd 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results

Welvaart, E August 26th 1978

Wemyss, Anthony June 6th 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  July 31st 1966 Results   August 14th 1966  August 28th 1966

Wenham, Barry June 30th 1974

West, Bob November 1st 1980  October 31st 1981  November 7th 1981  June 26th 1982  August 7th 1983  August 27th 1983

Westbury, Peter September 20th 1964  September 26th 1964  October 4th 1964  1964 Drag Fest Winners

Westcot, Sue May 2nd 1998 Results  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results

Westman, Mats July 3rd 1992

Weston, Kieron, August 29th 1981  August 15th 1982

Whattam, Dave May 3rd 1992 Results  August 4th 1990 Results  May 8th 1993 Results  May 7th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results

Wheatley, Dennis August 18th 1974  March 30th 1975  April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975  April 24th 1977

Wheelan, Jim May 5th 1990  July 7th 1990  January 3rd 1991  July 6th 1991

Wheeldon, Norm September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  August 27th 1977  October 15th 1977  August 5th 1979  May 3rd 1980  June 1st 1980  September 12th 1980  September 12th 1980  August 7th 1983  August 27th 1983  October 2nd 1983  June 23rd 1990  July 20th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  June 20th 1992  August 8th 1992  August 29th 1992  July 24th 1993

Wheeler, Mick September 4th 1966  March 27th 1967 Results  June 18th 1967  July 1st 1967 Results  July 23rd 1967 Results  July 7th 1968  August 10th 1968 Results  August 17th 1968  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results

Whetton, Tim April 29th 1995 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  June 29th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results

White, B. October 5th 1969

White, Bernard May 24th 1969  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969  June 14th 1969 Results   July 26th 1969  August 2nd 1969 Results  March 29th 1970 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  May 3rd 1970 Results  August 16th 1970 Results  October 11th 1970 Results  1970 Points Champions  April 25th 1971  May 30th 1971

White, Keith June 16th 1968 Results  July 21st 1968 Results  December 1st 1968  April 27th 1969

White, Mick October 31st 1987

White, P. July 11th 1970 Results

White, Paul August 12th 1984  June 21st 1987  August 6th 1988  April 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results

White, Pete 1985 BDRA Points  April 1st 1988 Results  July 30th 1988  November 5th 1988  March 25th 1989 Results  July 15th 1989  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  May 23rd 1992  July 24th 1993  August 7th 1993  September 13th 1996

White, Ray May 7th 1994  May 13th 1995  June 10th 1995

White, Simon August 26th 1989 Results

Whitehead, Chris June 7th 1980

Whiteley, Phil November 6th 1976  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 26th 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  August 3rd 1980  May 2nd 1981  August 29th 1981  May 29th 1982

Whiting, John April 20th 1975  May 24th 1975

Whiting, Jim March 20th 1977  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 13th 1979  April 13th 1979 Results  April 22nd 1979

Whitlock, Sefton May 4th 2002 Results  June 15th 2002 Results  June 29th 2002 Results  August 24th 2002 Results

Whitmore, John December 1st 1968  April 6th 1969  April 6th 1969 Results  May 24th 1969 Results  June 14th 1969 Results   August 2nd 1969 Results  April 19th 1970 Results  June 14th 1970 Results  July 11th 1970  July 11th 1970 Results  May 16th 1971  May 22nd 1971  May 30th 1971  August 8th 1971 Results  September 26th Results  October 10th 1971  March 19th 1972  May 20th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  August 5th 1972  September 23rd 1972  October 21st 1972  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  April 22nd 1973  April 22nd 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  June 17th 1973  June 24th 1973  July 7th 1973  July 21st 1973  August 26th 1973 Results  September 9th 1973  September 15th 1973  August 26th 1973  September 30th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973  October 21st 1973  October 21st 1973 Results  1973 Champions  April 14th 1974  April 28th 1974  May 26th 1974  June 2nd 1974  July 6th 1974  August 25th 1974  September 8th 1974  March 30th 1975  May 11th 1975  May 24th 1975  June 14th 1975  July 13th 1975  July 27th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 28th 1975  September 28th 1975 Results  October 12th 1975  November 1st 1975  November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975 Results  March 7th 1976  April 16th 1976  April 17th 1976  April 17th 1976 Results  May 8th 1976  May 23rd 1976  May 29th 1976  July 18th 1976  July 24th 1976  August 15th 1976  September 18th 1976  October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  September 17th 1977  April 16th 1978 Results  June 3rd 1978 Results  July 8th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  May 5th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979  August 5th 1979  August 11th 1979  May 3rd 1980  August 23rd 1980  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  November 7th 1981  March 20th 1982  May 29th 1982  July 16th 1982  October 2nd 1983

Whitney, Steve June 5th 1977 Results  October 11th 1980  March 28th 1981

Whittle, Fred October 6th 1968  November 3rd 1968 Results  January 25th 1969  August 16th 1969  August 30th 1969 Results  March 29th 1970  March 29th 1970 Results  1970 Notes  July 10th 1971  August 29th 1971  September 12th 1971  April 2nd 1972  May 28th 1972  August 5th 1972  August 20th 1972  August 27th 1972  October 21st 1972  April 8th 1973  April 8th 1973 Results  May 6th 1973 Results  June 24th 1973  June 24th 1973 Results  1973 Champions  April 7th 1974  May 20th 1984

Whurr, Andrew June 3rd 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Wiand, Michael May 24th 1975

Wick, Bob May 19th 1985

Wick, Chris March 20th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  May 24th 1980 Results  May 29th 1982  October 2nd 1983

Wicker, Martin July 3rd 1992

Wickes, Chris July 5th 1975  July 27th 1975 Results

Wickett, T. September 1st 1968 Results  October 6th 1968

Widden, Alec May 19th 2001 Results

Wieringer, Owen June 29th 1991 Results  

Wigmore, Alan May 22nd 1971  June 13th 1971  August 29th 1971  July 13th 1975

Wikstrom, Patrick May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  UK Champions 2004

Wilby, Robin September 18th 1976  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Wild, Dave September 23rd 1979

Wilding, Angela April 29th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results

Wilding, Norm June 5th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989 Ladder  April 21st 1990  May 26th 1990  June 23rd 1990  August 4th 1990  August 18th 1990  August 25th 1990  October 13th 1990  May 25th 1991  July 6th 1991  November 1992  August 25th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results

Wilding, Roy August 28th 1988  May 1st 2004

Wileman, Ivan May 28th 1972 Results  July 5th 1975

Wilkins Brothers September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Wilkins, Graham July 9th 1977 Results  September 9th 1978 Results

Wilkinson, Dave May 7th 1978

Wilkinson, Steve May 24th 1980 Results

Wilcox, Norm July 7th 1973  July 14th 1973  July 21st 1973

Wildash, M. September 26th Results  May 20th 1972 Results  June 17th 1973 Results

Wileman, Ivan May 20th 1972 Results  October 6th 1973 Results  March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975  May 24th 1975  October 12th 1975

Wiles, S. C. July 3rd 1965 Results

Wilkin & Herrick 1989 Championship Results

Wilkins, George July 28th 1968  December 1st 1968

Wilkins, Graham April 22nd 1979

Wilkinson, Dave July 25th 1987

Wilkinson, Gary August 18th 1991 Results

Wilkinson, Karl March 25th 1989 Results

Wilkinson, S. May 11th 1980

Wilkstrom, Patrik September 14th 2001

Willets, Roland May 28th 1988 Results

Williams, Andy May 9th 1982

Williams, David July 5th 1996

Williams, H. July 21st 1968 Results

Williams, J. July 17th 1966

Williams, Joe August 20th 2004 Results

Williams, Pete 26th March 1966

Williams, Pete June 23rd 1979

Williams, Ron July 26th 1969

Williams, Trevor May 7th 1978

Williamson, Dean June 29th 1991 Results    July 26th 1992  August 12th 1995

Williamson, Hazel May 1st 1999 Results  June 19th 1999 Results  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999 Results  June 16th 2001 Results

Williamson, John October 21st 1973 Results  July 6th 1974  November 30th 1974

Williamson, John June 29th 1991 Results   May 9th 1992  June 19th 1999 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results

Williamson, Roger September 14th 1974

Willis, Jamie April 22nd 2000 Results

Willis, Paul August 7th 1983  1985 BDRA Points  November 1st 1986  April 18th 1987  May 2nd 1987  May 9th 1987  June 21st 1987  July 25th 1987  August 29th 1987  September 13th 1987  October 31st 1987  April 30th 1988  May 8th 1988  July 30th 1988  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  September 22nd 1989  September 22nd 1989  November 4th 1989  April 21st 1990 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  May 12th 1990  June 16th 1990  June 23rd 1990 Results  June 30th 1990 Results  October 13th 1990  Bike Championship Results 1990  July 20th 1991 Results  August 24th 1991 Results  May 9th 1992  May 23rd 1992  June 27th 1992  September 12th 1992  May 29th 1993 Results  June 26th 1993  June 25th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994 Results  August 26th 1995  Results  May 23rd 1998  June 20th 1998 Results  July 4th 1998 Results  August 8th 1998  August 21st 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 1st 1999 Results  May 29th 1999 Results  June 19th 1999  June 19th 1999 Results  July 3rd 1999 Results  July 31st 1999  July 31st 1999 Results  August 28th 1999  August 28th 1999 Results  October 9th 1999 Results  1999 Champions  May 27th 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results

Wills, Colin August 10th 1968

Willy, Gary July 30th 1988  September 23rd 1988  November 5th 1988  July 1st 1989

Willmott, Martin August 26th 1978  July 25th 1987  April 29th 1995 Results

Wilson, Chris May 22nd 1971

Wilson, Chris July 18th 1980

Wilson, Colin June 21st 1986

Wilson, Dave August 13th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  September 30th 1979  April 20th 1980  May 3rd 1980  May 10th 1980  July 5th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  September 21st 1980  May 15th 1983  October 2nd 1983  May 5th 1984  July 28th 1984  August 12th 1984  August 25th 1984 Ladder  May 19th 1985  August 18th 1985  July 20th 1991 Results  May 23rd 1992  June 20th 1992  August 29th 1992  July 24th 1993  August 13th 1994  August 27th 1994  October 8th 1994  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  July 15th 1995  August 26th 1995  September 13th 1996  May 24th 1997  May 23rd 1998  August 8th 1998  May 1st 1999 Results  September 10th 1999 Results  April 29th 2000 Results  June 10th 2000  July 1st 2000 Results  July 28th 2000  August 4th 2000  April 14th 2001 Results  June 8th 2001  June 29th 2001  July 27th 2001  March 30th 2002  June 1st 2002  August 24th 2002  August 24th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003  April 19th 2003 Results  May 3rd 2003  May 3rd 2003 Results  May 24th 2003  May 24th 2003 Results  June 28th 2003  June 28th 2003 Results  July 24th 2003  September 5th 2003  September 5th 2003 Results  September 27th 2003  September 27th 2003 Results  November 1st 2003  November 6th 2003  2003 European Champions  January 29th 2004  February 7th 2004  February 19th 2004  March 12th 2004  March 18th 2004  March 26th 2004  April 1st 2004  April 15th 2004  May 28th 2004  May 28th 2004 Results  July 29th 2004  August 6th 2004  August 20th 2004  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  October 2nd 2004  2004 European Champions

Wilson, G. November 1st 1975 Results  December 6th 1975 Results

Wilson, Gary August 31st 1975  July 7th 1990  August 4th 1990 Results  July 20th 1991 Results

Wilson, K. 1965 Drag Fest Results (2)

Wilson, Ken July 3rd 1965 Results  1965 Drag Fest Results  June 26th 1966

Wilson, Martin June 24th 1984

Wilson, P. August 10th 1968 Results

Wilson, Pete December 1st 1968

Windross, Paul May 28th 1972 Results  September 22nd 1973  1973 Note  July 6th 1974

Wing, Paul June 20th 1998 Results

Winnard, Darren April 10th 1998  October 9th 1999 Results  July 1st 2000 Results  July 29th 2000 Results  October 7th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 5th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001 Results  March 30th 2002 Results  September 28th 2002 Results

Winterberg, Steve November 2nd 1974  April 13th 1975  May 24th 1975  July 5th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results

Winstanley, Craig October 8th 1994 Results

Witham, Ian May 24th 1980 Results

Witts, Dave May 5th 2001 Results  May 19th 2001 Results  June 16th 2001 Results  September 22nd 2001 Results  May 3rd 2003 Results  June 28th 2003 Results

Witty, Brian June 24th 1962  1965 Drag Fest Results (2)  May 28th 1966  June 4th 1966  June 11th 1966  July 31st 1966  August 28th 1966

Wizowaty, Chris May 24th 1980 Results

Wloszek, Hazel March 2nd 1975  March 30th 1975  May 24th 1975  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  December 6th 1975  December 6th 1975 Results  March 20th 1977  April 30th 1977  May 15th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 9th 1977 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  June 3rd 1978 Results  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  April 22nd 1979  May 24th 1980 Results  October 11th 1980  May 23rd 1981

Wloszek, Richard March 2nd 1975  April 13th 1979 Results  August 11th 1979  September 8th 1979  June 28th 1980  November 8th 1980  May 2nd 1981  August 29th 1981  November 7th 1981  May 9th 1982  July 3rd 1982 Results  August 28th 1982

Wolfman, David April 22nd 1973 Results  August 12th 1973 Results  October 21st 1973 Results

Wolstenholme, Keith August 3rd 1991 Results

Wood, Bob May 1st 1999 Results  April 22nd 2000 Results

Wood, Ian September 13th 1987

Wood, J. 1965 Drag Fest Results

Wood, John August 26th 1979 Results  August 26th 1989 Results

Wood, Jon July 5th 1975

Wood, Mick June 3rd 1989

Wood, Pete October 16th 1976  November 6th 1976  April 24th 1977  April 30th 1977  June 5th 1977 Results  July 3rd 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  October 15th 1977  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  NDRC Points 1978  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  April 13th 1979 Results  June 23rd 1979  August 26th 1979 Results

Wood, Peter May 2nd 1981

Woodcock, Neil August 6th 1988  July 15th 1989  August 5th 1989

Woodhams, Tony April 16th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978

Woodhead, Paul June 28th 2003 Results

Wooding, Melvyn July 6th 1974  July 21st 1974  July 27th 1975 Results  August 23rd 1975 Results  September 20th 1975 Results  September 28th 1975 Results  November 1st 1975 Results  September 18th 1976  February 18th 1978  April 29th 1978  August 26th 1978  May 13th 1979

Woodley, Mark August 28th 1982  August 12th 1984  August 25th 1984  September 19th 1986

Woods, Bill September 19th 1964

Woods, George March 19th 1972  March 19th 1972 Results  May 28th 1972 Results  September 23rd 1972  April 15th 1973  May 6th 1973 Results  September 8th 1974  May 24th 1975  May 8th 1976

Woods, J. December 6th 1975 Results

Woods, Peter March 28th 1981

Woods, Phil May 29th 1993 Results

Woodward, John August 26th 1973 Results  October 6th 1973 Results

Woolams, Adrian September 15th 1984 Results  October 8th 1994 Results

Woolatt, Steve October 15th 1977  April 16th 1978  April 16th 1978 Results  May 21st 1978  June 3rd 1978  August 26th 1978  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  NDRC Results 1978  November 4th 1978  October 11th 1980  May 23rd 1981  June 27th 1981  September 3rd 1988  June 24th 1989 Results  August 26th 1989 Results  September 2nd 1989  May 5th 1990  June 29th 1991  July 20th 1991 Results  May 9th 1992  May 23rd 1992  June 27th 1992  August 29th 1992  September 12th 1992  September 18th 1992  June 26th 1993  May 28th 1994  August 27th 1994 Results  September 16th 1994  September 16th 1994 Results  May 27th 1995  June 30th 1995  August 26th 1995  August 26th 1995  Results  August 8th 1998  April 3rd 1999 Results  May 29th 1999  July 3rd 1999 Results  1999 Champions  April 22nd 2000 Results  June 17th 2000 Results  July 29th 2000  July 29th 2000 Results  September 8th 2000 Results  2000 Champions  May 5th 2001 Results  August 25th 2001  August 25th 2001 Results  May 4th 2002 Results  May 11th 2002  August 24th 2002 Results  April 19th 2003 Results  May 9th 2003  May 24th 2003  August 23rd 2003  August 23rd 2003 Results  2003 Champions  April 10th 2004  May 1st 2004  May 7th 2004  May 28th 2004  June 12th 2004  June 12th 2004 Results  July 24th 2004  August 20th 2004  August 20th 2004 Results  September 9th 2004  September 9th 2004 Results  ACU Champions 2004

Woolfe, John October 22nd 1967  October 22nd 1967 Results  October 5th 1968  June 14th 1969

Wootton, Billy August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978 Results  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  August 12th 1979  July 3rd 1982 Results

Workman, Lee November 4th 2000

Wormald, Godfrey 26th March 1966

Worron, Dave August 26th 1995  Results

Worsell, Chris July 30th 1988  August 26th 1989 Results  May 5th 1990 Results  IHRA Champions 1991  April 17th 1992 Results  March 14th 1994 Results  April 30th 1994 Results  November 4th 1995 Results

Wrather, Anthony July 30th 1994

Wright, Andy June 21st 1986

Wright, B. June 13th 1971 Results

Wright, Dave May 8th 1983  August 25th 1984  November 1st 1986  May 9th 1987  May 23rd 1987

Wright, John Easter 1964  May 17th 1964  May 28th 1966  June 11th 1966  July 31st 1966 Results   April 15th 1968  June 2nd 1968 Results

Wright, John March 30th 1975  May 29th 1976  August 15th 1976  June 8th 1985

Wright, Paul March 29th 1991 Results  August 20th 2004 Results

Wright, Richard Easter 1964  May 17th 1964  June 6th 1965  June 6th 1965 Results

Wynne-Jones, Tony April 16th 1978 Results  May 2nd 1981  September 24th 1994


Yardley, John June 24th 1984  June 21st 1986  September 12th 1987  June 18th 1988

Yates, Ed May 4th 2002 Results

Yates, Pete June 15th 2002 Results

Yeates, Alan August 12th 1979

Yorke, Adrian June 17th 1973   April 28th 1974  June 15th 1974  June 23rd 1974  June 30th 1974  July 6th 1974  September 14th 1974

Yorke, Peter December 1st 1968  July 5th 1969 Results  July 25th 1971 Results

Young, Barry/Baz July 3rd 1976  July 24th 1976  August 15th 1976  August 28th 1976  June 5th 1977  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977

Young, Colin June 24th 1984

Young, Dave March 30th 1975  September 20th 1975 Results

Young, Dave May 8th 1993 Results

Young, Jeff July 12th 1975 Results  May 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979 Results

Young, S. 1985 BDRA Points

Young, Steve August 13th 1978 Results  June 2nd 1984  August 24th 1985 Re-run Results  May 2nd 1987  July 3rd 1992  May 3rd 1993

Young, Trevor March 2nd 1975  March 28th 1975  April 13th 1975  May 3rd 1975  May 11th 1975  June 14th 1975  July12th 1975  July 12th 1975 Results  July 13th 1975  August 30th 1975  September 6th 1975  October 5th 1975  July 9th 1977  July 9th 1977 Results  August 27th 1977  September 17th 1977  October 15th 1977  March 24th 1978  April 16th 1978  April 29th 1978  May 21st 1978  May 27th 1978  June 3rd 1978  July 8th 1978  August 13th 1978  August 13th 1978 Results  September 9th 1978  September 9th 1978 Results  NDRC Points 1978  September 16th 1978  September 24th 1978  September 24th 1978 Results  NDRC Results 1978  October 14th 1978  November 4th 1978  May 5th 1979  May 18th 1979  June 17th 1979  August 26th 1979  August 26th 1979 Results  September 14th 1979  September 30th 1979  October 13th 1979  June 8th 1980  June 28th 1980  July 20th 1980  August 16th 1980 Results  April 17th 1981  May 2nd 1981  May 23rd 1981  June 27th 1981  August 29th 1981  October 31st 1981

Yun, Mike April 22nd 1973 Results  May 26th 1973


Zylstra, Herman July 23rd 1994 Results


















May 5th 1979 Results


Turk, Philip May 5th 1979 Results